I have an idea: The next time tanakar starts stirring up shit on NF again, use whatever variant of telling him that he's trying to "get the last word in" or "i'll let you have the last word lol".
Decided to move this comment from the OBD Convo in regards to your reaction about what occurred on the Cafe section of NF:
Assuming if Allan Lichtman is wrong on the off-chance and his final prediction on this election cycle for Kamala winning the presidency doesn't hold up and come to pass at the last minute of course. Which I'm afraid it just might sadly. I'm calling it now just to prepare for the biggest inevitable shitstorm that's about to hit the fan.
so out of curiosity, what is wrong with the Destiny games? Not that I care about those games either (nor your garden variety modern FPS in general), but I'm curious to see this board's view on the series after I saw what their profiles used to be on VSBW.
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