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  • Ral
    I've been good though! How about yourself? Why did you leave us for so long? :tearspepe
    I don't know, man. While I can say things are overall better in my life rn, (on my own, affordable apartment, decent financially), some things just don't feel real still. I might still be trying to get used to things. (Wasn't all that long ago since my dad passed, really.)

    I'm feeling a lot things still, man. Although I'm glad some of ya'll are still alive. I don't hate any of you, I couldn't, man. <3
    • Catfeels
    Reactions: Ral
    My condolences :catfeels

    I'm glad things are finally looking up for you, for the most part, but hey! At least it's something lol.

    You are one of the GOAT's tbh, OG OLF member :pepecoolglasses:

    As for me, I finally figured out why I was so different all this time lol I had ADHD and didn't even know it. I kinda already speculated given family history, my social awkwardness (even online), and things taking a bit too longer than usual to stick to my brain, like programming :blobcry
    Well, I woke up in a car
    I traced a way to fall
    So I could see the Mississippi on her knees
    I've never been so lost
    I've never felt so much at home
    Please write my folks and throw away my keys
    Well, I woke up in a car
    I traced a way to fall
    So I could see the Mississippi on her knees
    I've never been so lost
    I've never felt so much at home
    Please write my folks and throw away my keys
    I woke up in a car
    I woke up in a car
    I woke up in a car
    • Like
    Reactions: Ral
    Didn't realise there was a limit to how many smileys one can upload... Damn! :parazombie:
    Significant increase if you donate, just saying. :Rushia:
    Hmmm donate to a forum full of loving friends... or eat and pay the electric bills to keep me from freezing, cooking and watching porn :hm

    I'll think about it mate :parapussy:
    I'm sorry, I was having too much stupid time with the generator. :skully

    Go ahead and bonk me.
    Background. Fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) are commonly recognized by adult
    traits, such as a soft exoskeleton, lanterns and associated glow and flash patterns, but
    their larval stage is far less appreciated. However, fireflies spend most of their lives
    as larvae, and adults of most species rely solely on resources previously obtained.
    Therefore, studying the immature stages is imperative towards a comprehensive
    understanding of fireflies. This paper reviews and indicates key gaps in the biology
    of firefly larvae based on available literature.
    Methodology. We reviewed the literature on firefly larvae to identify key issues and
    important taxonomic, geographic, and subject biases and gaps.
    Results. We found 376 papers that included information on firefly larvae. Only 139
    species in 47 genera across eight of eleven lampyrid subfamilies have been studied during
    larval stages. These numbers reveal a staggering gap, since 94% of species and over half
    of the genera of fireflies were never studied in a crucial stage of their life cycle. Most
    studies on firefly larvae focus on two subfamilies (Luciolinae and Lampyrinae) in four
    zoogeographic regions (Sino-Japanese, Oriental, Nearctic, and Palearctic), whereas the
    other subfamilies and regions remain largely unstudied. These studies mainly dealt
    with morphology and behavior, other subjects remaining greatly understudied by
    comparison, including habitats, life cycle, physiology and interactions.
    Conclusions. Together, these literature biases and gaps highlight how little is known
    about firefly larvae, and warmly invite basic and applied research, in the field and in the
    lab, to overcome these limitations and improve our understanding of firefly biology to
    better preserve them.
    This is just the abstract portion of the last study I found and saved, anger me again and you get the whole thing.
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