Adamant soul
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  • I thought the Creation Trio were actually multiversal (or at least low-multiversal) with Arceus sitting at solidly multiversal range and scale?
    Adamant soul
    Adamant soul
    When last I looked the Creation Trio was universal and only Arceus himself was multiversal but I suppose I could be wrong.
    Regular-Nothing Eric
    I recalled well over a decade ago, I saw both Dialga and Palkia being listed as "low-multiversal" in their destructive capacity on the OBD wiki.
    Regular-Nothing Eric
    At least in their true "unsealed" forms, they should both be at least low-multiversal at peak.
    Adamant soul
    Adamant soul
    Yes Guilmon was the lead Digimon in Tamers, who was created by lead Tamer (they were only called digidestined/chosen children in one of the movies) Takato Matsuki.

    That would be Xros Wars/Fusion by the sounds of it. I haven't actually watched that one all the way through, saw a few episodes and a lot of clips of it. I do appreciate Shoutmon at least has his OWN reasons for wanting to save the Digital World, he's not just a moving meat shield for Taiki (Mikey in the dub). But that's just me, I didn't mind the gimmick (since all Digimon series have a different gimmick anyway) or the artstyle.
    Cryso Agori
    Cryso Agori
    Adamant soul
    Adamant soul
    You're welcome.
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