According to you I've sat on the fence this game as well and I'm town so again, not indicative of anything. I remember I had a godawful d1 in the Elden Ring game a while back to the point where I even went goddamn these posts I'm making are shite I can hardly believe I'm town myself. Sometimes I...
Literally 100% wrong, I posted enough during the first few phases to get town reads from everyone and got more quiet the longer the game went, that's why people got mad at me after all, for not doing anything at the end and just sitting around waiting for people to fuck up Would you look at...
Btw asserting fake scum meta for me is something Ultra did as scum before, we once had an argument where he accused me of being among the top three bussers on this forum and when challenged on it tried to make me prove him wrong instead of actually proving his point.
Sangbagging the game is somethign I exclusively do as town. Ratchet knew this and pretended he didn't. You know this since you just got an example of me doing the same thing in that HP game over on WG. I challenge you to find a single scum game I had where I sandbagged anywhere close to how much...
Go ahead and prove it. Please go ahead and prove there's a connection between me making fencesitty posts and being scum. I've had literally one scum game this year, shouldn't be too hard. But don't forget all those town games I had where people haven't liked my posts because they seemed wishy...
With all due disrespect, go fuck yourself Can't even read one post I made but keeps blaming me, I'm reasonably certain you're town so have fun losing yet again
How does the Soulkiller tell apply to me? You did something similar after my first few posts, you said something was a "classic taking both sides of the argument scum Tweet post" or something like that when the truth is none of you guys have found a reliable way to correctly read me when I'm...
See this is what I'm talking about. You quote a post where I tell you I've tried to make a point why Ultra is scum, but you just ignore that part and prefer personal attacks. There's no talking to you people, the proof is right there
I suppose you guys would prefer I still continue doing literally nothing even when we're down to 7 people I get blamed if I suddenly care and probably also get blamed if I continue to sandbag Literally can't win with you people
Yeah you're right you got me This is a gotcha if I've ever seen one Reel him in folks he's done Try not to look too slimy when voting him we got a game to win here
??????? I've given a coherent reason as to why I think Ultra is scum and nobody so much as fucking reacted to it. If you can't even give me that bit of courtesy then you can fuck off with "you haven't done anything" Do I need to do a jeffatron and be responsible for 30% of posts every game...
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