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  1. Vespa Crabro

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails/Kiseki feats & discussion thread

    the problem with FC getting a full remake is that FC ends on a literal gigantic cliffhanger and then you're stuck waiting for SC and Third's remakes literally better to just bite the bullet and play through the OG's. They're all on PC and I'm pretty sure they're emulatable too
  2. Vespa Crabro

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails/Kiseki feats & discussion thread

    Mcburn would be above it since he took a beating from a valimar with 6 of the other divine knights powers and was totally fine afterwards, and that valimar has the power of 2 septerrions due to essentially being a whole new vessel for Ishmelga/The Great One. If you wanna look at it in more RPG...
  3. Vespa Crabro

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails/Kiseki feats & discussion thread

    Ka fai is also giga busted Bro can just use spirit unification with no ogre powers Same for Shizuna and her odachi is apparently cursed too
  4. Vespa Crabro

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails/Kiseki feats & discussion thread

    McBurn needed amnesia to keep him in check and Ouroboros' ranking of "Strength doesn't= high number UNLESS it's McBurn" pretty much makes them both out to be equal. I'd personally give the edge to McBurn because bro took a full ass beating from Perfect Valimar and he was literally fine...
  5. Vespa Crabro

    Cloud of Darkness vs Zeromus (XIV)

    Zeromus was made with an entire moon's worth of stagnant aether+ a first brood dragon (Azdaja/Golbez' Shadow Dragon) And it was strong enough to start breaking through the barrier between shards on its own. COD has hype of being top 3 voidsent along with Golbez and Scathach/Diabolos. By...
  6. Vespa Crabro

    OBD Convo #56 Santa is Real, Repent deniers

    reminder this dude nearly turned me into a chronic alcoholic from how ASS his game was
  7. Vespa Crabro

    OBD Convo #56 Santa is Real, Repent deniers

    Every time Suzaku does THE POSE and you know whoever's fighting him is about to get fucked up :mjlol
  8. Vespa Crabro

    Kakine (Toaru) vs Lelouch (Code Geass)

    they can't match the hawaiian shirt drip...
  9. Vespa Crabro

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Magsarion/Vartham sweep for the new year hell yeah
  10. Vespa Crabro

    OBD Convo #55 Merry OBDmas (Royal Straight Flush edition)

    whoever designed the main MS needs to be fired immediately that design is hot fucking garbage, holy fucking shit
  11. Vespa Crabro

    Toaru vs Saint Seiya

    Common Tumor L