
  1. Stocking Anarchy

    Trigger-verse calc archive

    Here be important scientific documentation of all calcs I did from series in the Trigger-verse, series either made by Trigger, or made by the same people as Trigger before they formed Trigger, all of which are a part of the same shared cosmology. So far, this includes Dead Leaves, Gurren Lagann...
  2. Stocking Anarchy

    Calc Star Wars: Visions, The Twins - Hypothetical firepower of the Gemini Star Destroyer

    B-20N shows Am a simulation of the Gemini-class Star Destroyer blowing up a planet (possibly even a star system), which draws its energy from the kyber-crystal at its core, which is also the power of the Twin's dark side suits. Not only is it confirmed that the Gemini Star Destroyer can destroy...
  3. Stocking Anarchy

    Calc Star Wars Visions: The Twins - Karre's X-wing crashes into Tatooine

    Karre's X-wing crashes into Tatooine at incredible speeds. Although it's damaged, it manages to maintain its general shape, and isn't instantly vaporized. This is important to remember as earlier Am tears the kyber-crystal right out of Karre's X-wing. The diameter of Tatooine is 10,465km...
  4. Stocking Anarchy

    Calc Karre vs Star Destroyer (Star Wars: Visions - The Twins)

    With the help of his X-Wing, Karre cuts a Star Destroying in half, and Am is able to halt him before he goes into hyperspace. First up, let's get the width of the area melted. Using the average height of a man (which globally is 171cm, or 1.71m) for Karre until we find something else. 374...
  5. Stocking Anarchy

    Trigger-verse feats, lore & respect discussion

    Another respect thread for the Trigger-verse, because there can never be enough of them. See also my threads on the old OBD (as well as the calc list), Spacebattles (for both Trigger and Gurren Lagann) and Comic Vine. We'll start The Trigger-verse is the shared universe/multiverse of everything...