Tenjian Freeze a city: Map reference the city is near to tokyo(the capital) probably Nagoya .
Map reference
And the temperature of Tenjian ice is Absolute Zero or below that.
So using Nagoya as reference, we also need to know how much energy is needed to freeze the city. First we need to know the size of the city, and in internet
are the radius, area, etc. So the formula of specific Heat is complicate to me, but
Omnicalculator have that options, so to makes things easy. Well, firstly we need to know the volume of air in the city and the formula is V=length*width*height.
Knowing that the radius of Nagoya city is 50km, the diameter is like 100km, so in lengh and width the value is 100000m and in height the most tall building in Nagoya the tallest building is the Midland Square of 247 meters and 42 stories, but in Azure Striker Gunvolt World, in the cities they have buildings of 63 or 62 stories who is like 278 meters.
So using the formula we have V=100000m*100000m*247m=2.47e12m^3
And to know the mass is only multiply this with air weight who is like
1.2kg/m^3 so 2.47e12*1.2=2.964e12kg
So the energy of the air part is:
878873424000000000 joules or 210 megatons of tnt
The second part is the concrete, is the same proceses, but in this case i need to use the weight of the concrete this one is 2362kg/m3.
Using the same formula we have V=100000m*100000m*247m=2.47e12m^3*2362kg/m3=5.83414e15kg
The energy is:
1565883176000000000000 joules or 374 gigatons of tnt
The final result is multiplying the concrete and air results:
1565883176000000000000+878873424000000000=1,566,762,049,424,000,000,000 joules or 374 gigatons of tnt
Any advise or correction is welcome