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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

Hell we know Lille's intang has limits when Shunsui defeats him by literally cutting his head off.

If his intang was so powerful, how the hell did shunsui's Bankai bypass it?
Wtf is even going on here?

Even in TYBW reiatsu is still considered the most important thing in a battle, not hax, reiatsu.

Without the Almighty Ichigo oneshotted the dude who gave Lille his powers...twice.

Why can't Ichigo literally reiatsu crush Lille with the literal world shaking amounts of reiatsu he has?

Hell we know Lille's intang has limits when Shunsui defeats him by literally cutting his head off.

If his intang was so powerful, how the hell did shunsui's Bankai bypass it?
Because Shunsui has a specific hax ability that Ichigo doesn't have lol?
Wtf is even going on here?

Even in TYBW reiatsu is still considered the most important thing in a battle, not hax, reiatsu.

Without the Almighty Ichigo oneshotted the dude who gave Lille his powers...twice.

Why can't Ichigo literally reiatsu crush Lille with the literal world shaking amounts of reiatsu he has?

Honestly, Ichigo doesn't even need to do that thanks to the Anime Additions of pointing out that Yhwach needed Ichigo to kill the Soul King because of his make up and being the Soul King Candidate and the entire point of the Irazu Sando doing as such.

He should 100% be able to physically hurt Lille as we know he can kill Gods because... he killed The Soul King and then later on kills Soul King Yhwach! By Bleach's own standards, Ichigo is literally capable of doing what the Ise Family Zanpaktou can do.

I know you are basically becoming one with Spacebattles Pax because you are literally using the last remaining sentence over and over again just like they do.
I provided proof to my claim so actually back up why my claim is false because otherwise I can genuinely dismiss your claim.
Stating it wouldn't work because we didn't see it doesn't count. So put up the facts or shut up but we know how this ends because you never back up your claims.
Dismiss what positive claim lol?

Your argument is "Ichigo is a Soul King candidate, he has "god killing power" because of being a Soul King candidate, so he MUST be able to do the exact same thing as the Ise family Zanpaktou "scattering the power of a god"."

That's a reach and a half.
Because Shunsui has a specific hax ability that Ichigo doesn't have lol?
The most hax to come out of Shunsui's third act was the whole sickness infliction.

There's nothing explaining how if Lille was really intangible why he'd be effected by the drowning, or having his head cut off.
Dismiss what positive claim lol?

Your argument is "Ichigo is a Soul King candidate, he has "god killing power" because of being a Soul King candidate, so he MUST be able to do the exact same thing as the Ise family Zanpaktou "scattering the power of a god"."

That's a reach and a half.

How the fuck is that a reach when he literally kills a God on screen? He cuts the soul king in half and the soul king (God) fucking dies.
Dismiss what positive claim lol?

Your argument is "Ichigo is a Soul King candidate, he has "god killing power" because of being a Soul King candidate, so he MUST be able to do the exact same thing as the Ise family Zanpaktou "scattering the power of a god"."

That's a reach and a half.

You literally are showing no backup to your claims and instead trying to prove a negative and applying to fallacies to ignorance.

Thanks for proving my point that this is all you do. So please, shut up considering that you consistently show your Bleach comprehension is as horrid as your other takes into different series.
es, he cut a very tangible and weakened Soul King that literally wasn't fighting back. Quite impressive.

Pax... did you even watch the anime? Did you even try to pay attention? 2nd Episode of Cour 3 literally tells you dead ass why Yhwach needed Ichigo to kill the Soul King and it's extremely obvious ONLY Ichigo could kill the Soul King... why the fuck would that be?!

It couldn't be what he stated in Episode 2 where he knew Ichigo did the Soul King Candidacy and all of the imagery that Ichigo was basically now becoming connected to the Soul King in some fashion after that...
Yes, he cut a very tangible and weakened Soul King that literally wasn't fighting back. Quite impressive.
Are you ignoring the part where even weakened as he is Almighty Yhwach couldn't kill him because he was only a Quincy?
Now where's the part where it's implied he can he hit Lillie with his "godlike reiatsu"?

What is there implying that the thread is something more than reiatsu?

Again, closest thing to hax was the sickness infliction and attack reflection.
Are you ignoring the part where even weakened as he is Almighty Yhwach couldn't kill him because he was only a Quincy?

What is there implying that the thread is something more than reiatsu?

Again, closest thing to hax was the sickness infliction and attack reflection.

a normal thread of reiatsu hits the guy who was very explicitly stated to be untouchable

gee I wonder what could've possibly given me the impression that it was more than "just reiatsu" :smh
Then specify what specific positive claim you want backed up, holy shit.

It's 2025 and you've been doing this shit for years. Just ask.

The Anime which literally has Yhwach state that the only reason Ichigo was able to destroy the Soul King's Prison was due to him having all of the mixtures of each race, heavily implying in order to truly kill the Soul King, you have to be just like him...

Considering if Yhwach could have truly killed the Soul King on his own, he would have considering that was his genuine wish, not rely on Ichigo doing so.
So again, considering you tend to do this consistently over and over again without showing any actual proof on your end whatsoever, please tell me why none of this somehow doesn't make Ichigo himself a Divine Being considering that's the entire point of this ritual in earnest that the anime explicitly uses, Yhwach himself knowing of that ritual and it's being all but clear Kubo talking about it in other materials all but imply that Ichigo BECAME a Soul King Candidate with all that entails which would mean he would be able to effect Lille no problem considering how we know that the Ise Family Zanpaktou works and that Ichigo killed the Soul King?

Pax... these are positive claims... you absolute curmudgeon. Stop trying to act smart or intelligent because you aren't. I have been backing up my claims the entire time and...
You know? You keep doing this shit all the time when it comes to Bleach. You basically pull bullshit out of your ass with Respira and got clowned on for showing your massive lack of Bleach knowledge and here you are doing it again unironically.

Where is YOUR proof that I'm wrong? Burden of Proof works both ways.
Yeah? I'm aware.

And how exactly does this equate to him being able to interact with the X-Axis?

Just because Ichigo's stronger than Yhwach that doesn't mean he gained any new specific abilities.

Holy shit Pax... at this point, it's becoming an artform of how absolutely insane you sound. No wonder you never enter any actual VS. debates with this shit, it would be immortalized harder than your To Aru fanboying.
Are you ignoring the part where even weakened as he is Almighty Yhwach couldn't kill him because he was only a Quincy?

What is there implying that the thread is something more than reiatsu?

Again, closest thing to hax was the sickness infliction and attack reflection.

Because again, he forgot what Reiatsu is and think that Shunsui's Bankai is "Limited Reality Warping" despite that's not at all how any Bankai works...
Same guy who believes Respira can kill Goku despite the fact that Barragan, who legit wanted to murder Aizen in all the ways, never was capable of it.

time to clean the thread again, from another pointless stonewalling, especially for a verse like kubo land, you can't niggas just chill for once huh? smh
Just going to point out that the Soul King was a God in the first place BECAUSE he had the power of all three races. You know, as in the thing that Ichigo also has but Moustache doesn't, hence why Ichigo could kill the Soul King and Moustache couldn't.

Lillie is explicitly vulnerable to divine shit, he was fucked up by his own power reflected and who did that power come from again? Oh yeah, Moustache.

And WHO, pray tell, has more in common with Moustache's God father power wise than Moustache himself does, being that they're both hybrids? That would be Ichigo.

Not trying to restart anything but to sit here and pretend Lillie has a snowball's chance in hell against EoS Ichigo is fucking asinine. There are plenty of reasons his "intangibility" isn't gonna help him there at all. :jordangif
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i dont know who here reads re:zero but spoilers
girl named petra found out about his ability to return by death

So you know thats a thing now
People still pretending that H2 Ichigo at full power is transcendant as if (even by the standards of what transcendent meant at the time) we are clearly told he's not as (at just less than half his power) Rukia can clearly sense his reiatsu.

Being able to sense Aizen's power only meant that he had the POTENTIAL to reach that point, he literally had to spend weeks training in the Dangai to actually reach it.

Even putting H2 above Shikai Kenpachi is fucking pushing it, much less Bankai Kenpachi. :jordangif