The Anime which literally has Yhwach state that the only reason Ichigo was able to destroy the Soul King's Prison was due to him having all of the mixtures of each race, heavily implying in order to truly kill the Soul King, you have to be just like him...
The Irazu Sandō (不入参道, Unenterable Shrine-Path) is a hidden dimension within Ichibē Hyōsube's temple in the Soul King Palace, designed to test the aptitude and endurance of potential Soul King candidates.[1] A sacred area that not even the Royal Guard can enter without permission from the Soul...
Considering if Yhwach could have truly killed the Soul King on his own, he would have considering that was his genuine wish, not rely on Ichigo doing so.
So again, considering you tend to do this consistently over and over again without showing any actual proof on your end whatsoever, please tell me why none of this somehow doesn't make Ichigo himself a Divine Being considering that's the entire point of this ritual in earnest that the anime explicitly uses, Yhwach himself knowing of that ritual and it's being all but clear Kubo talking about it in other materials all but imply that Ichigo BECAME a Soul King Candidate with all that entails which would mean he would be able to effect Lille no problem considering how we know that the Ise Family Zanpaktou works and that Ichigo killed the Soul King?