Question Downloading threads and conversations


Although we have no plans to turn this forum into an exact Reddit clone and don't plan on removing negs anytime soon, we are, however, committed to making sure your data is as portable as possible. With that being said, there are add-on's that allow for you, as members of this community, to be able to download threads you create as well as your conversations (PM's for those that believe these messages are still considered "private" while XF doesn't use that terminology either). Is this a feature you would like to have here?

I know their are scripts available that let you download entire contents of threads that people have provided over in NF, but I would love to make this a feature that is easy as possible to use. The add-on I am looking at allows you to save threads created by yourself as well as other members threads (if we enable it), with the addition of being able to download "PM's", and providing the download format in PDF and or HTML format.



Yeah we definitely don't want to turn into reddit. Though there are good and bad sides to this, penultimate if simplest issue I would have is a lot of bad stuff we want to hard delete could still be saved and downloaded before that happens.
  • Agree
Reactions: Ral


Yeah we definitely don't want to turn into reddit. Though there are good and bad sides to this, penultimate if simplest issue I would have is a lot of bad stuff we want to hard delete could still be saved and downloaded before that happens.
Unless someone takes a screenshot beforehand, but I do get what you're coming from on the hard delete point.