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Dragon Ball Discussion Thread: MBXX Ultra Ego

Super has 3 different canons lol

although that should have been obvious by now
Except in Lazeyama-land, the recent movies build off of the anime/manga, and each is canon to each other, despite the clear contradictions at this point. :mjlol Lazeyama really is in his own world man, I swear.:russ
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You have the original Battle Of Gods/Return of F movies

The Dragon Ball Super Anime

and The Dragon Ball Super Manga

with Dragon Ball Super: Broly being a convergence between the Anime and Manga

Any others I am missing here?
I connect Broly with BoG/RoF but yeah

I think that’s about it
Also, funnily enough, this would mean Hit would still be relevant in the sense he would be at a similar enough level of power to Goku and Vegeta, minus the UI thing, at least in the anime version. Of course, Lazeyama's no doubt already forgot about him, so off he goes to the bin of irrelevance, unfortunately. Senile old bastard, when he does eventually get cajoled into doing a planet Sadala arc where they visit universe 6, will probably have to be reminded by Trashtaro of all people that he even exists.:kobeha
Hit isn’t in their tier. Toriyama views Hit as nothing special without time skip/killing techniques. Same with Merged Zamasu, since Toriyama originally said 2 Super Saiyan Blues would have beaten him

Super Saiyan Blue is actually treated as top tier (in Toriyama’s mind)

it’s the anime/manga’s fault for turning it into a jobber form
wait, what?
I literally came here cause I wanted to talk to @Blade, and he is banned?

the fuck happen here?

i ain't banned, lad

just how like goku has ultra colgate instinct, i got ultra banned instinct, it's a signature cosmetic affect = for kino posters like me
Hit isn’t in their tier. Toriyama views Hit as nothing special without time skip/killing techniques. Same with Merged Zamasu, since Toriyama originally said 2 Super Saiyan Blues would have beaten him

Super Saiyan Blue is actually treated as top tier (in Toriyama’s mind)

it’s the anime/manga’s fault for turning it into a jobber form
I mean, Lazeyama was overseeing the manga when Toyo made Hit strong enough to contend with SSB(while also removing timeskip from him and giving him a bloody skirt) and seemingly had no problem with it, so I'm not sure I follow your powerscale there. Let's not act like the man, who was looking over this the whole time by Trashtaro's own account, never tried to change these details. Nor did he do the same with the anime, when he easily could've. About the only thing you've said that I agree on, is the merged Zamasu stuff, and even then, the shitty manga(which again, overseen by him) had Blue Goku contending with merged Zamasu to a degree before the other shit happened.
wait, what?
I literally came here cause I wanted to talk to @Blade, and he is banned?

the fuck happen here?
lol he's not banned

Super has 3 different canons lol

although that should have been obvious by now
Does it?

The original Battle of the Gods movie was titled "Dragon Ball Z". Same with Resurrection F/Revival F film. Besides that, the main continuities are Toei's vision of the anime following BotG film into a series format and then Toyotaro's version with the manga.

2 canons.