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Game Ranked Dune Mafia - town victory

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First post - rules and player list New

Lord Melkor

Arrakis - the deadly and mysterious desert planet which is the only known source of Spice in the universe. Without spice, interstellar travel is not possible and the Empire would collapse.
On the background of the possible fullifilment of ancient prophecy engineered by the Bene Gesserit, the struggle between two Great Houses erupts on Arrakis, while the Emperor and the local Fremen watch in anticipation and dread.
Will you able to identify your enemies correctly and emerge victorious from this vicious struggle?

Game Type: Ranked
Players: 18
Host: Lord Melkor
Lynch type: Majority
Standard rules


Players list:
1.Flower - lynched day, was Shaddam Corrino, serial arsonist
2. Poyser - killed night 4, was Duncan Idaho, town vigilante
3. DR Watson - lynched day 3, was Feud-Rautha Harkonnen, mafia gravedigger
4. Lethal - killed night 1, janitored
5. OLU
6. Arnie Slot
7. RDK
8. Sharter Holmes
9. Tpein - killed night 2, was Princess Irulan, a survivor with evolving wincon, turned into serial arsonist
10. Fujishiro replaced by @Luka - killed night 3, was Dr. Yueh, Vanilla townie
11. Ekkolojinx - killed night 1 was Paul Arteides, town developer
12. Alco
13. Ratchet - lynched day 4, was Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, mafia double voter and bussdriver
14. Ultra
15. Kurosaki Ichigo - lynched day 5, was Thufir Hawat, town refiller
16. Guilo
17. Aurelian
18. Sparkles - lynched day 1, was town vanilla


  • The primary town alignment is Kwizatz Haderach Aligned
  • If you have multiple abilities, you may only use one ability per phase, unless otherwise stated (standard faction kill does not count as ability for purpose of this limitation).
  • The game will follow majority lynch.
  • Day 1 and 2 will last 48 hours, and night 1 and 2 will last 24 hours. I reserve the right to adjust phase lengths after this according to my own needs or needs of the game.
  • Please bold your votes, preferred format is Vote Lynch Player X - votes which are not properly formatted may be missed
  • No flaming, cheesy play, wagers, rep out requests in thread etc.
  • Bolded actions will be considered final and admissible if all other roles are in. If you wish to enter placeholder actions, you may italicise them, and I will use them if night ends before you finalise.
  • This game contains no bastard elements such as cults, jesters or death millers.
  • You must play to your win condition at all times.
  • Unless otherwise stated in the role description, abilities that fall (as example due to being blocked) will not be refunded.
  • Players as a rule will not be informed whether their ability succeeds unless it requires input , in such case they will receive message "action failed".
  • The game should not be solved through flavour. Mafia has been given fakes of indertimate quality. Flavour from books and movies may be mixed.
  • Claiming is permitted.

Sample Town Role Format:

Congrats you are X, Kwizatz Haderach Aligned, Vanilla Townie
[Short Flavour Description]
Vanilla Townie - you only have your wits and vote to achieve your wincon.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town.

Action Resolution (Action Resolution order only applies if there is direct conflict between two abilities, I follow natural action resolution):
Strongman Kill
Bus Drive
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Day 1 start New
The day seemed eerie calm so far under the merciless sun of the planet Arrakis, once known as Dune. The desert waited in silence, as for most of its inhabitans noise could mean death. It knew blood will be spilled soon, when the noisy people come....

Day 1 has started, you have 48 hours.
With 18 alive, it is 10 to lynch.

Countdown: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20250112T2054&p0=548&font=cursive

1. @Flower
2. @Poyser
3. @Dr. Watson
4. @Lethal
5. @One Last Username
6. @Arne Slot
7. @RDK
8. @Sharter Holmes
9. @T-Pein™
10. @Fujishiro
11. @EkkoLoJinx
12. @Alco
13. @Ratchet
14. @Ultra
15. @Kurosaki Ichigo
16. @.guillo
17. @Aurelian
18. @Sparkles
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