Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

ChoRyuJin pushes back a colossal asteroid into its EM Gate, which as it turns out is the exact same asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.
A super dragon god that disappeared after pushing a huge meteorite back beyond the ES Window was excavated from a stratum 65 million years ago. Although the machine itself had deteriorated, although it continued to sleep, its AI and GS Ride were safe as they were protected by an unknown energy. At that time, GaoGaiGar and King J-Der, who were at odds over the Sonder Crystal, both fell into the original's trap and were unable to move. Furyu and Raiyu set out to intercept the Arm Genre that has appeared in Egypt, but this time the Gut Gengen appears in Mexico. Now that GaoGaiGar is unable to move, Fuuryu and Raiuryu split into two, knowing that it would be impossible, and challenge the originals alone. Mamoru appeals to the sleeping ChouRyuuJin about the dangers of Furyu and RaiRyu. Then a miracle happened!
ChouRyuJin has a height of 28m.
987 pixels = 28m
1 pixel = 28m/987 = 0.0283687943m
0.0283687943m X 461 = 13.0780142m
113 pixels = 13.0780142m
1 pixel = 13.0780142m/113 = 0.115734639m
0.115734639m X 1871 = 216.53951m
594 pixels = 216.53951m
1 pixel = 216.53951m/594 = 0.36454463m
Timeframe is 2 seconds and 12 frames (with a framerate of 24 frames per second).

T = 1s/24
= 41.6666667ms X 12
= 0.5s + 2s
= 2.5s

0.36454463m X 33 = 12.0299728m

T = 12.0299728m/2.5s
= 4.81198912m/s

The Chicxulub meteor is estimated to have a mass of around 2000000000000000 pounds (or 907184740000000kg).

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 907184740000000 X 4.81198912^2
= 1.05030399e16 joules
= 2.5102867829827917312 megatons

Final Results
ChoRyuJin with SP Pack pushes back asteroid = 2.510 megatons

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

EI-02 in its train form (or liner mode) creates huge dustclouds and rips up the streets. EI-02 has a weight of 3100 tons (or 3100000kg). The stat sheet also says it has a maximum speed of 244km/h (or 67.7777778m/s) .
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 3100000 X 67.7777778^2
= 7.1204321e9 joules
= 1.701824115679 tons of TNT

Final Results
EI-02 liner mode's speed = 67.778m/s
EI-02's kinetic energy = 1.702 tons of TNT

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Mamoru flies away at ridiculous speeds. Unfortunately, Mamoru has no explicit height, but Gai does, and we can scale off him. Gai is 200cm tall.
522 pixels = 200cm
1 pixel = 200cm/522 = 0.383141762cm
0.383141762cm X 232 = 88.8888888cm (0.888888888m)
0.383141762cm X 32 = 12.2605364cm
7 pixels = 0.888888888m
1 pixel = 0.888888888m/7 = 0.126984127m
Timeframe is 1 frame (with a framerate of 30 frames a second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms

0.126984127m X 209 = 26.5396825m

T = 26.5396825m/33.3333333ms
= 796.190476/340.29
= Mach 2.33974103

That's not the only time Mamoru even flies away; the very next episode he does it again!
9 pixels = 0.888888888m
1 pixel = 0.888888888m/9 = 0.098765432m
Timeframe is 2 frames.

T = 33.3333333ms X 2
= 66.6666666ms

0.098765432m X 129 = 12.7407407m

T = 12.7407407m/66.6666666ms
= 191.111111m/s

Final Results
Mamoru flies away the first time = Mach 2.34
Mamoru flies away the second time = 191.111m/s

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member





EI-06's destruction would wipe out everything in a 20km radius. Play around with the nuke calculator, and we get a yield of 21.74 megatons for airblast (widespread destruction). However, we also see a fireball expanding in the simulation (which shows it growing to over 20km). For a fireball radius (ground contact airburst) of 20km, we have a yield of 4390 megatons (or 4.390 gigatons).

Final Results
EI-06's explosion (low end) = 21.74 megatons
EI-06's explosion (high end) = 4.39 gigatons

The Dividing Driver field would have been able to contain this explosion, but in order to attack EI-06 and remove its zonder core, GaoGaiGar would have to lower it's defensive barriers and leave it exposed, which would mean that with it's impact barriers up it could most likely withstand an explosion like this (it was all part of the zonders plan to trap GaoGaiGar into a situation where it was forced to be hit by an explosion without its barriers at point blank). Thankfully, ChoRyuJinn uses Eraserhead to nullify the explosion before it can do so.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
For a long time, I've been uncertain as to how to calculate the power of the Dividing Driver, as it's abilities to part land and water is very explicitly done via warping dimensional space (there have even been times it's been used on enemy zonders), so I'm not sure if KE of the landmass parted is applicable.

However, there may just be a quantifiable way to calc it, which goes beyond the area that gets parted.

According to both Leo Shishioh and Pasdar, the space-warping energy of the Dividing Driver is comparable to a blackhole in space. But how to calc this? Where there's a will knife there's a way. As it turns out, blackholes rotate incredibly fast, at speeds of over 90% the speed of light.
  • Black holes are some of the most enigmatic, extreme objects in the entire Universe, with more mass compressed into a tiny volume than any other object.
  • But black holes aren't just extremely massive, they're also incredibly fast rotators. Many black holes, from their measured spins, are spinning at more than 90% the speed of light.
  • This might seem like a puzzle, but physics not only has an explanation for why, but shows us that it's very difficult to create black holes that spin slowly relative to the speed of light.
Typically, black holes spin really fast — near the speed of light. But astronomers have noticed that one monster black hole is spinning much more slowly than most smaller black holes.
If this hypothesis is true, younger supermassive black holes would often demonstrate slower spin rates, while older ones that have had time to build up their speed would have faster ones. Overall, there would be a wide range of spin rates found across supermassive black holes. So far, that has been the case. Sagittarius A*, for instance, is estimated to spin at just 10% the speed of light, compared with H1821+643's spin rate of 50% the speed of light.
Just imagine. The black hole spins up to the point that it's just about to reveal itself. But that's impossible. The laws of physics won't let it spin any faster. And here's the amazing part. Astronomers have actually detected supermassive black holes spinning at the limits predicted by these theories.

One black hole, at the heart of galaxy NGC 1365 is turning at 84% the speed of light. It has reached the cosmic speed limit, and can't spin any faster without revealing its singularity.

So that's around 90% the speed of light or more for normal blackholes (with NGC 1365 spinning at 84% C), but for supermassive blackholes it can be lower, such as in the range of 10% C or 50% C (the speed of light being 299792458m/s). These will serve as our low end, mid end and high end.

(Low end)

T = 299792458 X 10%
= 29979245.8m/s

(Mid end)

T = 299792458 X 50%
= 149896229m/s

(High end)

T = 299792458 X 84%
= 251825665m/s

So with all of this in mind, how much does a blackhole weigh? About 3 to 10 solar masses.
The mass of a black hole is usually expressed in something called a "solar mass." One solar mass is defined as the mass of our Sun. This is a very large number, about 2 x 10^30 kilograms. That's 2 with 30 zeroes after it, or written out: 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. This is about one million times more than the mass of the Earth.

A stellar black hole forms when a massive star undergoes an explosive death called a supernova. This explosion, which can outshine an entire galaxy of stars for about a week, leaves behind the small, heavy core of a star. If this core is massive enough, it will collapse on itself and form a black hole. (Our Sun is much too small, or insufficiently massive, to form a black hole when it finally runs out of fuel.) A typical stellar-class of black hole has a mass between about 3 and 10 solar masses.
M = 2.0e30kg X 3
= 6.0e30kg

Now we just need to enter these into the relativistic kinetic energy calculator and then divide by one FOE (10^44 joules). For our low end alone we have a staggering yield of 2716657532241729717749998597401993779555822626 joules, or 27.1665753 FOE. For our mid end we have a yield of 83422746013035675038965035764815758308781270104 joules, or 834.22746 FOE. Finally for our high end, we have a yield of 454603557836179714059203913707051635960825792673 joules, or 4.54603558 KILOFOE.

Final Results
Dividing Drivers energy (low end) = 27.167 FOE
Dividing Drivers energy (mid end) = 834.227 FOE
Dividing Drivers energy (high end) = 4.546 KILOFOE

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Hyper Mode Gai blitzes Pizza repeatedly at great speeds. Gai is 200cm tall.
226 pixels = 200cm (2m)
1 pixel = 2m/226 = 0.00884955752m


Timeframe is 6 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

0.00884955752m X 907 = 8.02654867m

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 6
= 0.2s

T = 8.02654867m/0.2s
= 40.1327433m/s

Final Results
Hyper Gai blitzes Pizza = 40.133m/s

As subsonic feats can often be misleading in how impressive they are, that is over 144km/h.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

ChoRyuJin hauls GaoGaiGar out of the deep sea, of a depth of 10,000m (or 10km).
Sonder appeared at the launching ceremony of the latest deep-sea research vessel. Moreover, Mamoru and Hana were trapped inside the Zonder Robo EI-11, which was fused with the exploration boat. The GGG task force begins a joint rescue operation with the GGG intelligence department. First, the submarine Marine 1 launches from the multi-dimensional intelligence submarine, but it collapses at a depth of 6,000 meters because it cannot withstand the water pressure. However, the GaoGaiGar lurking within it creates a curved space field with the Dividing Driver and continues its pursuit into the deep sea. The time limit is 30 minutes when the curved space field disappears in the deep sea. EI-11 is finally defeated at a depth of 10,000 meters, but the time limit is exceeded. However, Mamoru's unknown power worked and everyone was safely rescued.
Firstly, ChoRyuJins hooks reach 10,000m deep at astoundingly fast speeds, finding and rescuing his fellow Braves in just a few seconds.

Timeframe is 4 seconds and 2 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 2
= 66.6666666ms + 4s
= 4.06666667s

T = 10,000m/4.06666667s
= 2459.01639/340.29
= Mach 7.22623759

It takes longer hauling GaoGaiGar up as it's a heavy machine, but even that is done in short time.
Timeframe is 27 seconds and 11 frames.

T = 33.3333333ms X 11
= 0.366666666s + 27s

T = 10,000m/27.3666667s
= 365.408039/340.29
= Mach 1.07381363

Of course, being a huge heavy machine, GaoGaiGar would weigh quite a bit. And it does, having a mass of 264.2 tons (or 264200kg)!

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 264200 X 365.408039^2
= 1.76383929e10 joules
= 4.2156770793499 tons of TNT

If that's not enough, it's possible to go for an even higher yield, as GaoGaiGar is being pulled through water, which is far more viscous that air. The viscosity of water is 8.90e-4 Pa*S (or kg per m^2), while the viscosity of air is while the viscosity of air is 1.81e-5 kg/m^2.

8.90e-4/1.81e-5 = 49.1712707

Ergo, water is 49.1712707 times more viscous than air, and it would take 49.1712707 times more energy to move through water at such speeds (you can see this with bullets, which quickly loose momentum underwater).

E = 1.76383929e10 X 49.1712707
= 8.67302192e11 joules
= 207.290198852772 tons of TNT

This isn't the only impressive feat in this episode!

GaoGaiGar and EI-10 sink at incredibly fast speeds, and we even have the distances measured (about 1000m)!
Timeframe is 3 seconds and 6 frames.

T = 33.3333333ms X 6
= 0.2s + 3s
= 3.2s

T = 1000m/3.2s
= 312.5m/s

Final Results
ChoRyuJin's hooks find GaoGaiGar = Mach 7.226
ChoRyuJin hauls GaoGaiGar to the surface (speed) = Mach 1.074
ChoRyuJin hauls GaoGaiGar to the surface (energy - low end) = 4.216 tons of TNT
ChoRyuJin hauls GaoGaiGar to the surface (energy - high end) = 207.290 tons of TNT
GaoGaiGar sinks to the bottom of the Marina Trench = 312.5m/s

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Volfogg is repeatedly shown to be a fast boy, often moving in a blur. Keep in mind too, he's also a huge robot, so him doing this would yield a large amount of energy too. Firstly, we need Volfoggs dimensions, which we are supplied with! Volfogg is 10.7m tall and has a dry weight of 9.5 tons (or 9500kg) and a total weight of 13.5 tons (or 13500kg).
1044 pixels = 10.7m
1 pixel = 10.7m/1044 = 0.0102490421m
0.0102490421m X 456 = 4.6735632m
0.0102490421m X 90 = 0.922413789m
With that done, let's get underway!

1. Volfogg lands behind Leo

Volfogg appears behind Leo in a blur.


Timeframe is 4 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 4
= 0.133333333s

50 pixels = 0.922413789m
1 pixel = 0.922413789m/50 = 0.0184482758m
0.0184482758m X 446 = 8.22793101m

T = 8.22793101m/0.133333333s
= 61.7094827m/s

Otherwise 222.154138km/h. As said above, Volfogg is a big boy, so let's get KE for him too.

(Low end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 9500 X 61.7094827^2
= 18088286.2 joules
= 0.0043232041587 tons of TNT

(High end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 13500 X 61.7094827^2
= 25704406.7 joules
= 0.006143500645315 tons of TNT

2. Volfogg dodges a tank shell

Volfogg jumps out of the way of a tank shell after it's been fired. First, we'll need Volfogg's height in the shot for scaling, then we can get the speed!
333 pixels = 10.7m
1 pixel = 10.7m/333 = 0.0321321321m

Timeframe is 2 frames.

T = 33.3333333ms X 2
= 66.6666666ms

0.0321321321m X 446 = 14.3309309m

T = 14.3309309m/66.6666666ms
= 214.963964m/s

Once again, let's find the kinetic energy.

(Low end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 9500 X 214.963964^2
= 219495153 joules
= 0.0524606006214 tons of TNT

(High end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 13500 X 214.963964^2
= 311914164 joules
= 0.0745492743786 tons of TNT

3. Volfogg dodges tank & helicopter fire

Volfogg dodges attacks from a tank and a helicopter, tricking them into attacking each other.
40 pixels = 4.6735632m
1 pixel = 4.6735632m/40 = 0.11683908m


Timeframe is 1 frame.

0.11683908m X 267 = 31.1960344m

T = 31.1960344m/33.3333333ms
= 935.881033/340.29
= Mach 2.75024548

One more time, let's find the KE!

(Low end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 9500 X 935.881033^2
= 4.16039821e9 joules
= 0.9943590368069 tons of TNT

(High end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 13500 X 935.881033^2
= 5.91214483e9 joules
= 1.413036527247 tons of TNT

Final Results
Volfoggs height = 10.7m
Volfogg lands behind Leo (speed) = 61.709m/s
Volfogg lands behind Leo (energy - low end) = 0.004 tons of TNT
Volfogg lands behind Leo (energy - high end) = 0.006 tons of TNT
Volfogg jumps out of the way of a tank round (speed) = 214.964m/s
Volfogg jumps out of the way of a tank round (energy - low end) = 0.052 tons of TNT
Volfogg jumps out of the way of a tank round (energy - high end) = 0.075 tons of TNT
Volfogg jumps out of the way of tank & helicopter rounds (speed) = Mach 2.750
Volfogg jumps out of the way of a tank round (energy - low end) = 0.994 tons of TNT
Volfogg jumps out of the way of a tank round (energy - high end) = 1.413 tons of TNT

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Something I noticed in my rewatch...Eraserhead very explicity turns an explosion (or at least the physical part of the explosion, such as the fast moving matter) into photons (similar to how Goldion Hammer turns its target into light).
There are several examples of this power being used, but one of the more noticable examples was against EI-06, who contained 100,000s of tons of oil. When this oil exploded, ChoRyuJin used the Eraserhead to turn the explosion into photons and sent it harmlessly into space.

As several implies more than a couple, for a low end we'll use 300,000 tons (300,000,000kg) and for a high end we'll use 900,000 tons (900,000,000kg).

(Low end)

E = mc^2
= 300,000,000 X 299792458^2
= 2.69626554e25 joules
= 6.4442293021032508449 petatons

(High end)

E = mc^2
= 900,000,000 X 299792458^2
= 8.08879661e25 joules
= 19.33268788240917857 petatons

Final Results
Eraserhead nullifies EI-06 exploding (low end) = 6.444 petatons
Eraserhead nullifies EI-06 exploding (high end) = 19.333 petatons

As a final footnote, even for "just" 100,000 tons, that still gets us a yield of 2.148076431644359463 petatons.
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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Gai smashes Pizza into the exterior of Pasdars lair with enough force to destroy the outer shell. We'll scale the beams width to Gai's width (this is the best we have, and from the looks of it, the beam is actually thicker than Gai). Gai is 200cm tall.
1068 pixels = 200cm (2m)
1 pixel = 2m/1068 = 0.00187265918m
0.00187265918m X 388 = 0.726591762m
17 pixels = 0.726591762m
1 pixel = 0.726591762m/17 = 0.0427406919m
0.0427406919m X 176 = 7.52236177m
0.0427406919m X 296 = 12.6512448m

That's our thickness, but the area is filled with holes, making the scaling just a bit tricky...
214 pixels = 12.6512448m
1 pixel = 12.6512448m/214 = 0.0591179664m
0.0591179664m X 2188 = 129.35011m
0.0591179664m X 1637 = 96.776111m
0.0591179664m X 358 = 21.164232m
21.164232m/2 = 10.582116m
0.0591179664m X 1008 = 59.5909101m
59.5909101m/2 = 29.7954551m
0.0591179664m X 1038 = 61.3644491m
61.3644491m/2 = 30.6822246m
0.0591179664m X 710 = 41.9737561m
0.0591179664m X 282 = 16.6712665m
0.0591179664m X 106 = 6.26650444m
0.0591179664m X 697 = 41.2052226m
41.2052226m/2 = 20.6026113m
0.0591179664m X 195 = 11.5280034m

As there are several hole, we'll have to subtract the area for those. Volume of the main area as a rectangular prism.

V = lhw
= 129.35011 X 96.776111 X 7.52236177
= 94164.9292m^3

Volumes of the brown, yellow and red holes as cylinders).

V = πr^2h
= π X 10.582116^2 X 7.52236177
= 2646.36122m^3

V = πr^2h
= π X 29.7954551^2 X 7.52236177
= 20979.9348m^3

V = πr^2h
= π X 30.6822246^2 X 7.52236177
= 20979.9348m^3

Volume of the purple one as a semi-cylinder.

V = πr^2h
= π X 41.9737561^2 X 7.52236177
= 41635.114/2
= 20817.557m^3

Volume of the blue one as a quarter of an ellipsoid.

V = 4/3πabc
= 4/3 X π X 16.6712665 X 6.26650444 X 7.52236177
= 3291.82524/4
= 822.95631m^3

Volume of the pink one as a spherical cap (first though, we'll need the radius of the circle as a whole)....


R = (h/2) + c^2/(8h)
= (195/2) + 697^2/(8 X 195)
= 408.916026 pixels

V = (1/3)πh^2(3R - h)
= (1/3) X π X 11.5280034^2 X (3 X 20.6026113 - 11.5280034)
= 6997.30194m^3

Now we have all the hollow areas, we'll had them up for our total hollow factor.

V = 2646.36122 + 20979.9348 + 22247.3239 + 20817.557 + 822.95631 + 6997.30194
= 74511.4352m^3

At last, let's get the amount of the ground that was destroyed.

V = 94164.9292 - 74511.4352
= 19653.494m^3

The section of the lair is destroyed pretty violently (they're sent flying), so I think violent fragmentation is justified.
E = 19653.494 X 69000000
= 1356091086000 joules
= 324.1135482791587 tons of TNT

Alternatively, we can use violent fragmentation for concrete, that being 17 joules/cm^3, or 17000000 joules/m^3.

E = 19653.494 X 17000000
= 334109398000 joules
= 79.8540626195029 tons of TNT

Final Results
Gai smashes Pizza into Pasdars lair (low end) = 79.854 tons of TNT
Gai smashes Pizza into Pasdars lair (high end) = 324.114 tons of TNT

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Goldymarg flies up to GaoGaiGar in space to destroy ZX-05 all the way to the ground. Previously I calculated the height of ZX-05 to be 5666.9km tall.


Timeframe is 20 seconds.

T = 5666.9km/20s
= 283345/340.29
= Mach 832.657439

Goldymarg is a heavy boy, weighing 625 tons (or 625000kg).
So on top of the speed, we can also find the kinetic energy.

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 625000 X 283345^2
= 2.50888716e16 joules
= 5.9963842256214148208 megatons

Final Results
Goldymarg flies into space (speed) = Mach 832.657
Goldymarg flies into space (energy) = 5.996 megatons

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A simple enough calc. Z-Masters form is utterly colossal, being a good portion of the size of Jupiter.
We have a direct scale to Jupiter, so let's go right for it! Jupiter has a diameter of 139,822km.
1070 pixels = 139,822km
1 pixel = 139,822km/1070 = 130.674766km
177 X 130.674766km = 23129.4336km
737 X 130.674766km = 96307.3025km

Final Results
Z-Masters height = 23129.434km
Z-Masters wingspan = 96307.303km

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Pillnus strikes Renais with enough force to send her flying into the river and create a huge explosion of water. I've been wanting to calc this feat for ages, but wasn't sure of a proper way to scale it. Thankfully, on my rewatch I found a very good way to scale (from GaoFighGar to the bridge to the explosion). GaoFighGar is 32.0m tall.
309 pixels = 32m
1 pixel = 32m/209 = 0.153110048m
0.153110048m X 66 = 10.1052632m
219 pixels = 10.1052632m
1 pixel = 10.1052632m/219 = 0.0461427543m

Timeframe is 1 second and 3 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 3
= 99.9999999ms + 1s
= 1.1s

0.0461427543m X 179 = 8.25955302m
8.25955302m/2 = 4.12977651m
0.0461427543m X 377 = 17.3958184m
17.3958184m/2 = 8.6979092m
0.0461427543m X 508 = 23.4405192m

Volume as a conical frustrum.

V = (1/3)π(r^2+rR+R^2)h
= (1/3) X π X (4.12977651^2 + 4.12977651 X 8.6979092 + 8.6979092^2) X 23.4405192

Weight of water is 1000kg/m^3.

M = 3157.43977 X 1000kg
= 3157439.77kg

Now let's get the speed of the expansion of the water...

T = 23.4405192m/1.1s
= 21.3095629m/s

And at last, we can find our energy!

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 3157439.77 X 21.3095629^2
= 716892707 joules
= 0.171341469168 tons of TNT

Final Results
Pillnus whacks Renais into the river = >0.171 tons of TNT

A lot of the water is out of view too, so the final result should really be a bit higher.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Replica Goldymarg sacrifices himself, taking out all the replica Repair Tools and replica Orbit Base. Orbit Base has a mass of 720,500 tons (720500000kg), and an operative weight of 982,200 tons (982200000kg), which will serve as our low end and our high end.
(Low end)
E = mc^2
= 720500000 X 299792458^2
= 6.47553106e25 joules
= 15.47689067877629121 petatons

E = mc^2
= 982200000 X 299792458^2
= 8.82757337e25 joules
= 21.098406716061187893 petatons

Final Results
Replica Goldymarg's sacrifice (low end) = >15.479 petatons
Replica Goldymarg's sacrifice (high end) = >21.098 petatons

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

The 11 Planetary Masters of Sol fly back to their crafts around the replica Moon in less than a second. We'll need to find the size in relation to the Moon (which has a radius of 1737.4km).

Timeframe is 6 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 6
= 0.2s


R = (h/2) + c^2/(8h)
= (19/2) + 806^2/(8 X 19)
= 4283.42105 pixels

4283.42105 pixels = 1737.4km
1 pixel = 1737.4km/4283.42105 = 0.405610371km
0.405610371km X 474 = 192.259316km

T = 192.259316km/0.2s
= 961296.58/340.29
= Mach 2824.93338

If this isn't enough, we can also get kinetic energy! The average weight of a man globally is 136.7 pounds (or 62.006077kg), which would fit with Palparepa and Pei La Cain at least.

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 62.006077 X 961296.58^2
= 2.86496324e13 joules
= 6.8474264818355639

Final Results
11 Planetary Masters of Sol leave the replica Moon = Mach 2824.933
Kinetic energy of the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol leaving the replica Moon = 6.847 kilotons
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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
















Pisa Sol is able to drain all of the dark matter of the current universe to refill the previous universe (using the Pas-Q Machine to regenerate it). I've been hoping to find a way to calculate this for ages, and I think I've finally found all of the things required to calculate it! There's lots of figuring out here, so hold on, and have courage!
First of all, the amount of dark energy for every m^3 is around 6.0e-10J/m^3. That might not seem like a lot, but keep in mind the Universe is incredibly big. Next we need the volume of the observable universe, which is 46,508,000,000 lightyears in radius (or 4.39999652819e+26m).

V = 4/3πr^3
= 4/3 X π X 4.39999652819e+26^3
= 3.5681706e80m^3

Before we can get our energy though, there is something else to note; GaoGaiGar Final notes the Universe is only 90 million light years across (or 8.514657425e+24m). This is stated not only in the aforemost collection of quotes, but also on the official website.
J-Ark was blown away by the repulsion of The Power, to a remote area of the universe 90 million light years away. You can see the entire universe. Kaido and Soldato J witness the universe shrinking here and begin investigating.
Even though this might be a mistranslation (or it was thought that the universe was this small, but further discoveries updated it to even bigger), it's still worth looking over as a low end.

V = 4/2πr^3
= 4/3 X π X 8.514657425e+24^3
= 2.58577152e75m^3

We have our volume, but there are two more things we still need! Next, we need to find our timeframe, which thanks to the official GaoGaiGar website and GaoGaiGar vs Betterman, we can find.
2005 A.D. — The Zonderians and 31 Machine Primevals attack.
2006 A.D. — The Algernon phenomenon, which addles the minds of humans, aggravates.
2007 A.D. — The entire universe is threatened by the 11 Sol Planetary Masters.
2010 A.D. — The Invisible Burst’s electromagnetic waves cause global catastrophe.
2006年 アルジャーノンの脅威、深刻になる。
2006 Algernon's threat becomes more serious.
MarchGGG returns to Earth.
A new type of battle against machines.
Gai Shishioh becomes Evoluder.
Amami Mamoru and Galleon travel to outer space.
MayBottom the World Incident. Cactus, dead.
Lamia begins to protect Hinoki.
Blue Ax Keita becomes Head Diver.
JuneRaiga Shishioh, Brother White, Mike XIII, transferred to GGG America.
Wind Dragon and Thunder Dragon return to China.
Ryosuke Takanohashi joins GGG.
Papillon Noir, transferred from France GGG to Orbit Base.
Sho Yanagi, Benikae return to Japan.
Kazuho Hirachi develops Algernon.
Abnormal weather begins on a global scale.
Dr. Umezaki died at BPL in Kushiro.
GaoFighGar project, start.
Alouette is rescued from Bayonet.
Alouette joins the GaoFighGar project.
AugustAoi Keita and his classmates travel. Ai Hinagata dies.
Gaoffer, start up. Crush the conspiracies of Bayonet one after another.
SeptemberKeita Aoto and Hinoki go on a date in Kamakura.
Intervention in the red pine industry by the Chojin Alliance continues.
DecemberMikoto Utsugi and New Gao Machine are robbed by Bionet.
Rene cooperates with Gai Shishioh's search for Utsugi Mikoto and Gao Machine.
All members of Akamatsu Kogyo have a final battle at Mody Warp Headquarters.
Sho Yanagi, Kurenai, Mamon, Asami Miyako, Officer, died.
Sakura falls into a long coma.
2007JanuaryA showdown between Gai Shishioh and Shu Wanibuchi in Hong Kong. GaoFighGar, start up.
FebruaryPapillon visits Akamatsu Industries.
MarchPapillon meets Aoaki Keita and Ayahinoki.
springAlouette becomes a normal girl.
JulyBionet steals Q parts from Cern Central Research Institute.
That's a lot to go over, but going by this fan timeline (with sources from the above, and footnotes from the novels, which alas, only appear in the print versions)...
2006Algernon becomes a serious threat.
MarchGGG returns to Earth.
Battle against the New Machine Species. Gai Shishioh becomes an Evoluder.
Gigantesque Deux appears in Dortmund.
Mamoru Amami sets off into space along with Galeon.
Mamoru fights against the 11 Sol Planetary Masters in the Trinary Solar System.
JanuaryGai Shishioh and Shuu Wanibuchi’s showdown in Hong Kong. GaoFighGar boots up.
FebruaryPapillon visits Akamatsu Industries.
Orbit Base is attacked by an imitation Zonder.
MarchPapillon meets Keita Aono and Hinoki Sai.
Gigantesque Deux appears in G-Island City.
SpringAlouette becomes an ordinary girl.
JuneKaidou Ikumi purifies a Machine New Species in Australia.
JulyBionet steals a Q-Part from the CERN Central Research Laboratory.
GGG is exiled into space as mutineers.
Amami Mamoru and Kaidou Ikumi return to Earth.
SummerThe monument praying for GGG’s safe return is erected at the shore of G-Island City.
...Everything takes from March 2006 to July 2007, which is consistent with what Final says about it all taking over a year. But wait! There's even more to this mystery...

The regeneration program started when the mechanization ceased, accompanied by a visual of the Z-Master being destroyed. Now we can fit together the final pieces of the puzzle...
December17th: J-Ark vs. J-Butler. Soldato J-019 died.
Against EI-74.
Mamoru Amami reveals his secret to Hana Hatsuno.
Rene and Polcote reunite.
25th: GGG departs for Jupiter.
Against ZX-07, 16-30 games.
Shishio Reio dies.
Gai Shishioh meets Cain's personality copy.
Battle against Z Master.
Mike Saunders 1-12 are destroyed.
Missing along with Soldato J, Alma, and J-Ark.
On Christmas Day 2005(or shortly after, but we'll go with Christmas Day), GGG left to fight the Primevals and the Z-Master at Jupiter. So, from there to 2006 we have a week (or 7 days), then 2006 gives us a year (365 days), and into 2007 we have the first 7 months (January, March, May and July having 31 days, April & June having 30 days and February having 28 days). We will assume until the end of July, just to be sure. With all of that, we can now find out how much time it took.

T = 7 + 365 + 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31
= 584 X 24 X 60 X 60
= 50457600s

Almost there...but there's one last thing we need; as the Universe wasn't completely sucked up, we'll have to find the percentage of the dark matter that Pisa Sol absorbed...and even here I think we have an answer. After the gravity goes out on Orbit Base due to the electromagnetic waves caused by the contraction of space, it's said that it is "99% finished."
This could very well be the amount of dark matter absorbed (they mention how gravity's gone off on the space station, but given context, I think the amount of dark matter absorbed makes more sense). So we just times to volume by the percentage...

(Low end)

V = 2.58577152e75 X 99%
= 2.5599138e75m^3

(High end)

V = 3.5681706e80 X 99%
= 3.53248889e80m^3

At last, we can find our energy!

(Low end)

E = 2.5599138e75 X 6.0e-10
= 1.53594828e66/10^44
= 15.3594828 ZETAFOE (15359482800000000000000 FOE)

(High end)

E = 3.53248889e80 X 6.0e-10
= 2.11949333e71/10^44
= 2.11949333 NINAFOE (2119493330000000000000000000 FOE)

It wasn't all sucked up at once though; it took time. Even with that said and done, it would have taken a colossal amount of dark matter every second.

(Low end)

E = 15359482800000000000000/50457600
= 304.403753 TERAFOE (304403753000000 FOE)

(High end)

E = 2119493330000000000000000000/50457600
= 42.0054329 EXAFOE (42005432900000000000 FOE)
Final Results
Total dark matter absorbed by Pisa Sol (low end) = 15.359 ZETAFOE
Total dark matter absorbed by Pisa Sol (high end) = 2.119 NINAFOE
Dark matter absorbed by Pisa Sol per second (low end) = 304.404 TERAFOE
Dark matter absorbed by Pisa Sol per second (high end) = 42.005 EXAFOE

After Pisa Sol is destroyed, all of the dark matter stolen returns to the current universe.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

King J-Der destroys a Primeval (ZX-26) merged with one of Jupiters Moons. In the GaoGaiGar Denki Data Collection, this is confirmed to be Ananke.
(Relevant text)
ZX-26 Kidney Prototype
A progenitor tsed with Ananke, Jupiter's 12 satellite, and faced the final battle on Jupiter. It engaged the combined fleet of J-Ark and GGG in Jupiter's satelite orbit, and was destroyed by King J-Der.
Ananke has a mean radius of 14km (or a diameter of 28km) and an estimated mass of 29,973,368,661,943,900kg. The Moon is a bit odd shaped, so we'll have a low end and a high end with different radii.
(Low end)

669 pixels = 28km
1pixel = 28km/669 = 0.0418535127km
0.0418535127km X 480 = 20.0896861km

(High end)
293 pixels = 14km
1 pixel = 14km/293 = 0.04778157km
0.04778157km X 480 = 22.9351536km
The timeframe is 5 seconds and 22 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).
T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 22
= 0.733333333s + 5s
= 5.73333333s
Now let's get our timeframe...
(Low end)
T = 20.0896861km/5.73333333s
= 3504.01502m/s
(High end)
T = 22.9351536km/5.73333333s
= 4000.31749m/s

We can finally get our kinetic energy!
(Low end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 29,973,368,661,943,900 X 3504.01502^2
= 1.84008328e23 joules
= 43.979045889101335831 teratons
(High end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 29,973,368,661,943,900 X 4000.31749^2
= 2.39825016e23 joules
= 57.319554493307840914 teratons

Final Results
King J-Der destroys ZX-26 (low end) = 43.979 teratons
King J-Der destroys ZX-26 (high end) = 57.32 teratons

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

King J-Der destroys the Moon Primeval which trapped GGG in a Klein Space, thus freeing everyone. Though we obviously cannot get the energy to destroy the Klein Space, we can infact find the energy to destroy the moon which sustained it. Thanks the the GaoGaiGar Degenki Data Collection, we can confirm that this moon was Ganymede.
(Relevent text)
ZX-17 Lung Progenitor
A progenitor that fused with Ganymede, the third moon of Jupiter, and faced the final battle on Jupiter. A curved hyperspace Klein Space was formed, trapping J-Der and the GGG fleet inside it.
The moon has been distorted, but it's 'head' should still be similar in size to how it was originally (it's the only thing we have to scale off). Ganymede has a radius of 2631km (and thus a diameter of 5262km) and a mass of 1.4819e23kg. It cuts away before we can see it fully dispersed, but we can get around this by measuring the time until the Klein Space it was sustaining vanished (and Swan mentions as such).
592 pixels = 5262km
1 pixel = 5262km/592 = 8.88851351km
8.88851351km X 437 = 3884.2804km
Timeframe is 4 seconds and 1 frame (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms + 4s
= 4.03333333s

T = 3884.2804km/4.03333333s
= 963044.728m/s

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 1.4819e23 X 963044.728^2
= 6.87197892e34 joules
= 16.42442380497131893 yottatons

As it cuts away, let's also get another timeframe of the individual segments scattering.
The timeframe is 1 second and 2 frames.

T = 33.3333333ms X 2
= 66.6666666ms + 1s
= 1.06666667s

592 pixels = 5262km
1 pixel = 5262km/592 = 8.88851351km
8.88851351km X 34 = 302.209459km

T = 302.209459km/1.06666667s
= 283321.367m/s

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 1.4819e23 X 283321.367^2
= 5.94767952e33 joules
= 1.4215295219885277778 yottatons

Final Results
King J-Der destroys Ganymede (low end) = 1.422 yottatons
King J-Der destroys Ganymede (high end) = 16.424 yottatons

This was done without ZA POWAH, so it stands as an important point of scaling, as GaoFighGar with Replica Goldion Hammer (which would be equal to the real deal) was gradually overwhelming J-Quarth, as well as the Replica Brave Robos being able to temporarily block Goldion Hammer (but not as well as J-Quarth did), as well as Replica GaoGaiGar destroying the Goldion Hammer, but loosing the GaoFighGars Hell and Heaven, and Palparepa Plus later matching GaoFighGar's Hell and Heaven...
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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Hey Primevals! HIKARI NI NARE!

1. GaoGaiGar vs 4 Moon Primevals

GaoGaiGar with ZA POWAH transforms 4 Moons Primeval into light.
(Relevant text)
ZX-20 Ashibara
In the final battle on Jupiter, the original species was fused with Himalia, Jupiter's sixth satellite. Attacked by plasma, King J-Der's movements were blocked along with the Neck Progenitor, Butt Progenitor and Nervous Progenitor.
(Relevant text)
ZX-21 Kubihara Seed
A progenitor that was fused with Elara, Jupiter's seventh satellite, during the final battle on Jupiter. Like the Ashihara species, it used plasma attacks to intercept the combined fleet of J-Arc and GGG.
(Relevant text)
ZX-24 Butt Progenitor
A progenitor that was fused with Lysithea, Jupiter's 10th satellite, during the final battle on Jupiter. Together with Ashibara species, Kubihara species, and Nervous species, they exchanged fire with the combined fleet of J-Ark and GGG.
(Relevant text)
ZX-29 Neurogen
In the final battle on Jupiter, King J-Der was attacked and tormented by the Kubihara, Shirihara and Ashihara species who were fused with Jupiter's 15th satellite, Adrastea.
So that's all the moons; Himalia, Lysithea, Adrastea and Elara. Himalia has a mass of 6,744,007,948,937,370,000kg, Adrastea has a mass of 1.91e+16kg, Lysithea has a mass of 7.77e+16kg and Elara has a mass of 7.77e+17kg. We only see one spherical moon there (out of two), so we'll go with half of Adrastea's mass in that case.

M = 1.91e+16kg/2
= 9.55e15kg

M = 9.55e15kg + 1.91e+16kg + 7.77e+16kg + 7.77e+17kg
= 8.8335e17kg

E = mc^2
= 8.8335e17 X 299792458^2
= 7.93915387e34 joules
= 18.975033150095601542 yottatons

2. GaoGaiGar vs Io Primeval

4 minor moons aren't enough, we also have to take on a major Galilean Moon! In this case, the moon in question the Primeval has merged with is confirmed to be Io.
(Relevant text)
ZX-16 Winged Progenitor
A progenitor that was fused with Io, Jupiter's first satellite, during the final battle on Jupiter. Endless attacks with feather-shaped missiles pushed the isolated combined fleet of J-Ark and GGG into a corner.
Io has a mass of 8.94e+22kg.

E = mc^2
= 8.94e+22 X 299792458^2
= 8.0348713e39 joules
= 1.9203803298279158771 tenatons

We can also get the energy output per second just to be sure.


The timeframe is 11 seconds and 21 frames (with a framerate of 30 frames per second).

T = 1s/30
= 33.3333333ms X 21
= 0.699999999s + 11s
= 11.7s

E = 8.0348713e39/11.7
= 6.86741137e38 joules
= 164.13507098470363417 ninatons

Final Results
GaoGaiGar transforms multiple Moon Primevals into light = 18.975 yottatons
GaoGaiGar turns Io into light (per second) = 164.135 ninatons
GaoGaiGar turns Io into light (total energy) = 1.920 tenatons

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
On the bridge, Soldato J swung his right arm, cueing the super dreadnought to ramp up its impulse drive to the max and speed towards the moon. Ordinary humans wouldn’t be able to withstand the sudden acceleration, but the cyborg warrior and Brave Robos weren’t inconvenienced by it. In no time at all, the giant warship was far enough away from Orbit Base that it looked like just another bit of stardust.
Zooming through interstellar space at maximum combat speed, the super dreadnought was on an entirely different class of velocity compared to the Division ships. The J-Ark cleared the distance between Earth orbit and the lunar surface in a matter of minutes and was the first to reach the U.N. Alpes Base zone.

“…What is that!?” came a cry of astonishment from ShouChouRyuuJin, tightly secured to the deck. Normal humans wouldn’t be able to withstand this extreme acceleration, but the hardy Brave Robo Corps weren’t affected in the slightest. What gave the Brave Robos such a shock was the vastly changed appearance of the U.N. Alpes Base.
J-Ark moves from Earth's orbit to the Moon in a matter of minutes, and J-Soldat and the Brave Robo Corps are completely unaffected by the acceleration. The J-Ark was moored at Orbit Base, so we'll subtract the distance from the Moon to Orbit Base for our distance travelled. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,400km. But how high into orbit is Orbit Base?

R = (h/2) + c^2/(8h)
= (104/2) + 1672^2/(8 X 104)
= 3412.07692 pixels X 2
= 6824.15384 pixels

The radius of the Earth is 12756.2km.
object degree size = 2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(70/2)))
= 2*atan(6824.15384/(1641/tan(70/2)))
= 2.20230527 rad
= 126.18279717073224 degrees

Enter that through angscaler and we have a distance of 3237km to the Earth.

L = 384,400km - 3237km
= 381163km

It says minutes plural, so for our low end we'll use two minutes (120 seconds) and for our high end we'll use nine minutes (540 seconds).

(Low end)
T = 381163km/540s
= 705857.407/340.29
= Mach 2074.28196

(High end)
T = 381163km/120s
= 3176358.33/340.29
= Mach 9334.2688

Impressive, but the real reason why we're here is for the kinetic energy withstood by J-Soldat and the Brave Robos (completely unphased too). J-Soldat has a weight of 0.2 tons, or 200kg.
(Low end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 200 X 705857.407^2
= 4.98234679e13 joules
= 11.908094622370937 kilotons

(High end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 200 X 3176358.33^2
= 1.00892522e15 joules
= 241.1389149139579331 kilotons

As for the Brave Robos, Volfogg was among their number, and we have an official mass for Volfogg; 13.5 tons (13500kg).

(Low end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 13500 X 705857.407^2
= 3.36308408e15 joules
= 803.7963862332695726 kilotons

(High end)
KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 13500 X 3176358.33^2
= 6.81024526e16 joules
= 16.276876816443593299 megatons

Final Results
J-Ark flies to the Moon (low end) = Mach 2074.282
J-Ark flies to the Moon (high end) = Mach 9334.269
J-Soldat withstands the J-Arks acceleration (low end) = 11.908 kilotons
J-Soldat withstands the J-Arks acceleration (high end) = 241.139 kilotons
Volfogg withstands the J-Arks acceleration (low end) = 803.796 kilotons
Volfogg withstands the J-Arks acceleration (high end) = 16.277 megatons
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