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OLF Naughty or Nice Holiday Special!


Season’s Greetings from the One Last Forum Staff Room! :typingcat:

I’m excited to share a new feature I’ve just finished developing for the forum: Naughty or Nice.

It’s a fun way to interact with each other and add a bit of personality to profiles as we count down to Christmas in just a few days.

Here’s how it works:​

  • Give Coal: Perfect for when someone deserves a playful jab or a little nudge for their “naughty” behavior :catstab
  • Give a Present: Show some appreciation or give props to someone who’s been “nice” :jeff
You’ll find these buttons on profile pages, but do keep in mind of the following rules:

  • You can’t give yourself coal or presents (the system won't let you do this anyway, I made sure of it lol)
  • It’s just for fun, so don’t take it too seriously, OK? :okcat:

How to Use It:

  1. Go to someone’s profile.
  2. Click Give Coal or Give Present:

  3. That’s it! Quick and simple like preparing abuela's secret eggnog recipe spiked with rum :catalian

Let me know what y'all think, and start spreading some holiday fun! (or mischief :cattrin)

P.S. Santa mentioned that at the end of the event, the person with the most present boxes will receive a special gift from me! Providing valuable feedback will also net you a few extra present boxes at the end of the event, so let your voices be heard!
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Addon Feature Update:
I’ve just added notifications/alert support! Now, you’ll be able to see who sent you pieces of coal or presents.... :mastermind
Addon Feature Update:
I’ve just added notifications/alert support! Now, you’ll be able to see who sent you pieces of coal or presents.... :mastermind
Make it so everyone can see who gets presents and coal from everyone else as well lol
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Reactions: Ral
Being able to see that most of my coal came from Geebie apropos of nothing would make me look less shameful. I'm all for it
I'd need to reset the coal and present count for everyone to have the system log actions from scratch. Not sure if it's worth doing at this point in the event, but I can reset it and set it up so that clicking on the coal or present count on your profile shows who you received coal or presents from. Alternatively, I could save that feature for next year when we do a hard reset, and I could throw in some new fun features as well!

Make it so everyone can see who gets presents and coal from everyone else as well lol
DONE: https://onelastforum.com/naughty-or-nice/


P.S. only actions made from this point on will be logged; have fun everyone! (or receive TRIPLE the amount of coal from being overly-mischievous, if anyone dares :maybe)