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The Legend of Heroes: Trails/Kiseki feats & discussion thread


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Holy Knights of Othinus

The Trails series, also known in Japan as the Kiseki series, is a series of science fantasy roleplaying games developed by Nihon Falcom (known for other series such as Ys, Brandish, Dragon Slayer, etc) that all take place on the fictional continent of Zemuria, with a focus on the grand interconnected story of the continent, its worldbuilding, and the stories of even the non-player characters (such as Anton, my goat).

The primary games in the series are as follows:

(The Liberl Arc)

Trails in the Sky:
Trails in the Sky SC:
Trails in the Sky the 3rd:

(The Crossbell Arc)

Trails from Zero
Trails to Azure

(The Erebonia Arc)

Trails of Cold Steel I
Trails of Cold Steel II
Trails of Cold Steel III
Trails of Cold Steel IV

Trails into Reverie (this is, as of writing, the latest game to have an official English translation, to my knowledge)

(The Calvard Arc)

Trails through Daybreak
Trails through Daybreak II
Kai no Kiseki

There are other media besides the mainline games (including The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails, which may or may not be canon, it remains to be seen) that this person here summarized pretty well, so I'll just link that here.

Both the wiki and the database are relatively kept up to date, so I'm linking them here too as useful references (obviously, the former has spoilers, so be careful).

Let me know if there's anything I could rephrase better or add to this introductory post (since this is actually my first discussion thread and all).
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Kondo S-Craft interview question (around the time CS3 came out, to be specific) New
I think this'll do as a start.

In an interview with Toshihiro Kondo, the current president of Nihon Falcom, he had this to say about S-Craft's (and logically, this should apply to crafts in general).

TK: Now that we have so many characters new and old that can use S-Crafts, the whole design team comes up with ideas, which they then storyboard and we choose the one we think best suits the character it's for. The funny thing is that back in “Trails in the Sky” we tried to make the S-Crafts more grounded in reality. But, it’s kind of turned into satellites shooting projectiles from space.

TK: I remember at first thinking: “Is this really okay to have in the games now?” but fans seem to really enjoy them a lot. So now it’s become a contest among the designers on who can create the flashiest and craziest S-Craft. Our philosophy is that when we create S-Crafts they don’t go beyond the bounds of the reality of the game world and be rooted within the elements of things that are plausible within the Trails world.

In other words, from the very start, S-Craft's were meant to resemble things the character in question can actually do and are feasible within the world of Trails, rather than simply being visual flair or symbolism "just to make the character look cool" (an often used argument, primarily in discussions around JRPGs).

Pretty self-explanatory.
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Notable S-Craft's/Scaling (1) New
finally, lets see

since the trails 2 era, mid tiers like millium had an about continental feat/mhs+ with her s craft tech

other important feats are:

- anima mundi has a solid planet level feat and lost arts/divine knights are hilariously above it. Ishmelga while linked up to Erebus also has a planet level+ destruction feat, pmuch at least planet level+ for the upper high tiers/top tiers

- mcburn needed a valimar with 6/7 divine knights powers to just get a scratch on his chest when he went all out and all it did, was to cure his amnesia

so, in no order

rean, mcburn, arianhord, ishmelga rean, ellroy, anima mundi, full power van, leon, llyod, grendel zolga, victor, grendel shaddai, osborne, etc are on that level, with various hax also depending on the char too
I'm pretty sure Anima Mundi/Kevin's Stigma could be much higher, given the latter was basically the one warping the entire place according to his negative emotions/self-loathing. Phantasma might just be a straight up universe (I'd have to go through 3rd's dialogue again to check) but at the very least some of the sub-planes have visible starry skies in them.

but this is all stuff for another day I suppose (I want to collect all the important information like orbal art descriptions, enemy descriptions, item/quartz descriptions, etc, in order)
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sky fc has like 5 random enemies that petrify you lmao
Are there any direct comparisons made between Azure Demiourgos and McBurn in his Overlord of the Beyond form/true form?

I'm pretty sure my assumption that he's the strongest known character for now is correct, but "vibes" isn't exactly a compelling argument
sky fc has like 5 random enemies that petrify you lmao
On that note, I'm probably going to collect any notable monster descriptions from FC next, of which there are like.. maybe 10 or so, which is understandable given it's the first game in the series (unless someone wants to do that first)
Are there any direct comparisons made between Azure Demiourgos and McBurn in his Overlord of the Beyond form/true form?

I'm pretty sure my assumption that he's the strongest known character for now is correct, but "vibes" isn't exactly a compelling argument
McBurn needed amnesia to keep him in check and Ouroboros' ranking of "Strength doesn't= high number UNLESS it's McBurn" pretty much makes them both out to be equal. I'd personally give the edge to McBurn because bro took a full ass beating from Perfect Valimar and he was literally fine afterwards, and that was including Valimar's Originator Zero blade.

Strongest current character would probably go to

Grendel Shaddai
due to how absolutely insane its abilities are compared to basically everything else we've seen so far and they implied he wasn't going full blast
Notable S-Craft's/Scaling (2) New

speaking of van, van is arguably the only mc in the whole series, who can counter the s craft of the final boss, with a stronger one, like he did to grendel zolga in daybreak 2, grendel zolga's strongest s craft, alters reality and traps the opponent into a planetoid, and crushes him, but grendel van tanked it, and attacked him back with his own getsuga like tech, which caused as a side effect a worldwide almost cloud parting feat

he also perfomed very good against grendel shaddai, in the kai no kiseki game, i will post the scene later
Ka fai is also giga busted

Bro can just use spirit unification with no ogre powers

Same for Shizuna and her odachi is apparently cursed too
McBurn needed amnesia to keep him in check and Ouroboros' ranking of "Strength doesn't= high number UNLESS it's McBurn" pretty much makes them both out to be equal. I'd personally give the edge to McBurn because bro took a full ass beating from Perfect Valimar and he was literally fine afterwards, and that was including Valimar's Originator Zero blade.

Strongest current character would probably go to

Grendel Shaddai
due to how absolutely insane its abilities are compared to basically everything else we've seen so far and they implied he wasn't going full blast
I'm not sure if you got who I was referring to mixed up but I'm referring to

KeA, as the Sept Terrion of Zero, who essentially had the power of 3 Sept Terrion's: space (the Aureole), time, and mirage (the original Demiourgos). By default this should make her stronger than Zoa Gilstein/Ishmelga Rean, who had the power of 2 Sept Terrion's: earth and fire (I believe this is correct).

She wasn't exactly taking the SSS seriously in the fight, and I don't recall any direct comparisons between her and McBurn, or even a "they're far more powerful than anything we've encountered" (although Class VII were the ones who fought him, not the SSS, but you get the idea). There might be some stuff in Reverie that may make scaling more concrete but I haven't actually played it yet, beyond getting spoiled on the basics of what happened with the other Rean.
Mcburn would be above it since he took a beating from a valimar with 6 of the other divine knights powers and was totally fine afterwards, and that valimar has the power of 2 septerrions due to essentially being a whole new vessel for Ishmelga/The Great One.

If you wanna look at it in more RPG terms

Mcburn has more raw firepower (IMO)

but Azure Demiurgos has more hax unless you wanna get into really murky territory with the Divergent Reason weapons like Kernviter, Angbard and Aria's lance
Azure Demiourgos statements New
While we're on the topic...

I could not tell you whether you have
any hope of affecting the great tree
that has spawned.

It would be appropriate to think of its
power as rivaling that of the Goddess Herself.
However, in accepting her role as the Sept-Terrion
of Zero, she conjured forth that tree: a force which
can even rival that of the Goddess.
That would mean its power rivals Aidios Herself.
The god of a false reality that manipulates space-time
and the causality of all existence. The being that breaks
the shackles imposed by Aidios...!

From Zeit (the Holy Beast of Mirage), Abbas, and Mariabell respectively.

So yeah, interesting stuff here.
on that note I have no idea if that means

KeA rewrote the entire timeline in Zero/Azure (along with all the other timeline shenanigans in the series, since even early in FC (aka literally the first minute of the series) the transition to Estelle at the dinner table of the Bright household looks kind of suspicious) as in, if that means it only applies to Zemuria, or whatever lies beyond it

I know the Sept-Terrion's can break the shackles placed on Zemuria by Aidios (given KeA's existence and Rean's actions at the end of CS4/in Reverie), but it just feels weird to me, given the supposed nature of the Beyond
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it's not KeA in charge of the resets, it's Laegjarn's box. Once humanity reaches a certain breakpoint laegjarn does a mass time/tech reset. That's why the orbal revolution is such a huge deal/the end of Kai no kiseki is a huge deal. it's the first time humanity has developed enough to break past laegjarn and reach space themselves

aka going past the false sky
yeah I'm just gonna refrain from commenting on this discussion further until I get caught up fully :tupac