Around the 16:08 mark of The Gamers, Rogar punches and accidentally kills Ambrose to help cure the latter's paralyzing fear of water (it makes sense in context). This is followed by a long sequence in which the party slowly walks and waits for Ambrose's body to fall to the ground after it was...
This is a redo of a previous calc of mine in which the scaling images were lost due to the host site crashing (for the original calc, see here). Yugo & Adamai race into space together. For a fraction of a second, you can see the planet from space. Assuming the World of Twelve is Earth-sized...
Most of the scans for this calc where actually still intact, so let's salvage this one! Yugo creates a big dust cloud upon destroying the water serpent. To scale, we get the diameter of the pit from Yugo (average of 1.47m for a 12 year old boy once again). 27 pixels = 1.47m 1 pixel = 1.47m/27...
After the Dragon Pig wakes up, the face of a pig can be seen on the Moon. The Moon has a diameter of 3474.8 km 1160 pixels = 3474.8 km 1 pixel = 3474.8 km/1160 = 2.99551724km 2.99551724km X 323 = 967.552069km 967.552069km/2 = 483.776034m 2.99551724km X 444 = 1330.00965km 1330.00965km/2 =...
First of all, this involves some spoilers for Delicious in Dungeon, so proceed with caution... The quetzalcoatl is the biggest of any of the monsters which appears in the series, reaching a staggering 3km in length. By sheer size alone, we can find the energy that a monster like this would...
In this case, the money is actually a bunch of stars. As of this writing the Internet Archive is kill, but thankfully I already have all my D&D stuff. Which is good for this calc, because one edition of Dragon Magazine (one of two official magazines for Dungeons & Dragons which added extra...
The sequel to Infinity Gate is here at last, and like the first book in the duology, there are some pretty decent feats here. Of course, as this book is relatively a new release as of posting this, be aware of spoilers... A pseudo-fulminate bomb Stepped in from a neighbouring parallel universe...
2:16 Valkyn Skoria shatters one of the large stone platforms he's standing on during the battle. Valkyn Skoria is 2.38m tall. 170 pixels = 2.38m 1 pixel = 2.38/170 = 0.014m 0.014m X 17 = 0.238m 0.014m X 1138 = 15.93200m 15.93200m/2 = 7.96600m Volume as a cylinder. V = πr^2h = π X...
Last post was me posting a crazy-ass speed feat from an obscure vidya that already mogs most games that came after it, and here I'm backing it up with a power feat. In Black & White 2, our player god is capable of casually changing the time of day. So we're going to assume this is the Earth...
Oh boy, time to start doing calcs for old stuff no one has heard of again! Black & White is a very nostalgic game series of mine, and both games legally being abandonware means the series is safe from the hands of modern video game developers. It also means I can download and play them for free...
17:27 Risky Boot's lair exploding causes a volcanic eruption and a colossal explosion which whites out the entire screen. This explosion is seen all the way back in Scuttle Town. This is important because in the Risky playthrough, we see that Risky survives this explosion at ground zero. 4:25...
During the chapter 2 part 11 of Digimon Seekers Omegamon creates a really big black hole, in Eiji words it was big as a soccer stadium. To knowing how potent that was i need the schwarzschild radius of the black hole. So as reference i'll use...
Red Dragons have a maximum running speed of 60km/h (or 16.6666667m/s). Red Dragons (and also the Chimera Falin) have over 3 tons (3000kg) of edible meat. KE = (0.5)mv^2 = (0.5) X 3000 X 16.6666667^2 = 416666.668 joules Final Results Red Dragon's maximum running speed = 16.667m/s...
The Tinkerslug (Part Omni-Organic, Partially Titanic, Ocean-Optional Tinkerslug) zooms through the waters at high speeds before landing in front of Shantae. I can't find any official height for Shantae, but she's pretty Arabic. The average height of a woman from Saudi Arabia is 158.8cm. 142...
The official English leaves out the "fires its main laser straight through the planet along with the enemy" bit for some fucking stupid reason shrugs Any rate? Panel Height = 768 pixels Moon = 659 pixels 2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(FoV/2))) = object degree size...
Next? Soul Cage dies, the power it wielded to keep the Mist Continent full of Mist is dispelled and the Mist leaves the continent at a rapid pace in it's absence. Ergo, it's magical power causes the Mist to leave. So? So, welcome to the hollowed out dimensional core of Gaia, that houses...
Why? Because some are dead blogs, some are out of date with my current standards, and also just completing collections. Let's start with FFIX, because that is what I felt like doing first or at all~ Zidane = 522 pixels Half Window = 594 pixels Half Window/Zidane = 1.138 Zidane = 1.73...
Odahviing flies from Whiterun to Skuldafn in an incredibly short time period (only 19 minutes by my own measuring). Previously, I calculated the distance between Riften and Solitude at being 594.024878km at a low end, 834.319526km at a mid end and 1251.47929km at a high end (using the unofficial...
Dovahkiin can travel anywhere in Skyrim (although some time will pass). This is extra impressive when you consider just how big Skyrim is. For a low end of the distance, the distance from the volcano of Vvardenfall to the city of Almalexia is said to be 250 miles (or 402.336km)...
The Devil Giundam's tendril reaches from out in space to Earth in less than a minute, with the intention of sucking up the Earth and devouring it. The Earth has a diameter of 12756.2km. = 2*atan(215/(1616/tan(70/2))) = 0.12591033 rad = 7.2141305061173293 degrees Put that into the angscaler...
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