Calc One Piece Feats - Zou/Whole Cake Island Collection

Whole Cake Island Gear 4th Monkey D Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Cannonball
Here is the whole entire feat


Big Mom = 60 pixels
Door = 66 pixels

Door/Big Mom = 1.1

Big Mom = 8.8 meters (official height)
Door = 9.68 meters


Door = 4 pixels
Castle Top Diameter = 322 pixels

Castle Top Diameter/Door = 80.5

Castle Top Diameter = 779.24 meters


Castle Top Diameter = 153 pixels
Wall and Band Height = 175 pixels
Band Height = 44 pixels

Wall and Band Height/Castle Top Diameter = 1.144
Band Height/Castle Top Diameter = 0.288

Wall and Band Height = 891.451 meters
Band Height = 224.421 meters
Height Below Band = 667.03 meters


Band Height = 91 pixels
Cracker Height Beneath Band = 19 pixels

Cracker Height Beneath Band/Band Height = 0.209

Cracker Height Beneath Band = 46.904 meters
Cracker Impact Height = 620.126 meters



Top Panel

Cracker = 124 pixels
Tree = 38 pixels

Tree/Cracker = 0.306

Cracker = 3.07 meters (official height)
Tree = 0.939 meters

Bottom Panel


Tree = 70 pixels
Tree Ejection Height = 46 pixels

Tree Ejection Height/Tree = 0.657

Tree Ejection Height = 0.617 meters

Time Frame = sqrt(2d/g)

d = Tree Ejection Height
g = 9.8 m/s^2

Tree Time Frame = 0.355 seconds

Halve the time frame on account of the distance Cracker needed to travel prior to even reaching to mountain and then further beyond it in the time this tree was rising.

Total Mountain Ejection Time Frame = 0.178 seconds


Cracker Impact Height = 80 pixels
Mountain Top Diameter = 121 pixels
Mountain Top Height = 78 pixels
Mountain Top Ejection Height = 84 pixels

Mountain Top Diameter = 1.513
Mountain Top Height = 0.975
Mountain Top Ejection Height = 1.05

Cracker Impact Height = 620.126 meters
Mountain Top Diameter = 938.251 meters
Mountain Top Height = 604.623 meters

Volume = (2/3)PIr1^2r2

r1 = Mountain Top Diameter/2
r2 = Mountain Top Height

Mountain Top Volume = 278,548,698.4 m^3
Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3
Mountain Top Mass = 752,081,485,680 kilograms

Mountain Top Ejection Height = 651.132 meters

Speed = Mountain Top Ejection Height/Total Mountain Ejection Time Frame

Montain Top Ejection Speed = 3,658.045 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Mountain Top Mass
v = Mountain Top Ejection Speed

Whole Cake Island Gear 4th Monkey D Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Cannonball Yield = 5,031,911,443,701,380,000 joules or 1.203 gigatons

Big Mom's Ikoku Sovereignty

The Feat


Castle Top Diameter = 16 pixels
Structure Height = 27 pixels
Structure Length = 29 pixels

Structure Height/Castle Top Diameter = 1.688
Structure Length/Castle Top Diameter = 1.813

Castle Top Diameter = 779.24 meters
Structure Height = 1,315.357 meters
Structure Length = 1,412.762 meters


Structure Height = 39 pixels
Hole Diameter = 18 pixels
Big Wave Height = 63 pixels
Big Wave Diameter = 104 pixels
Small Wave Height = 28 pixels
Small Wave Length = 75 pixels
Debris Height = 6 pixels
Shockwave Travel = 237 pixels

Hole Diameter/Structure Height = 0.462
Big Wave Height/Structure Height = 1.615
Big Wave Diameter/Structure Height = 2.667
Small Wave Height/Structure Height = 0.718
Small Wave Length/Structure Height = 1.923
Debris Height/Structure Height = 0.154
Shockwave Travel/Hole Diameter = 6.077

Structure Height = 1,315.357 meters
Hole Diameter = 607.695 meters

Volume = PIr^2*H

r = Hole Diameter
H = Structure Length

Hole Volume = 409,522,883.302 m^3
Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3
Hole Mass = 1,105,792,784,915.4 kilograms

Big Wave Height = 2,124.302 meters
Big Wave Diameter = 3,508.057 meters

Volume = (2/3)PIr1^2r2

r1 = Big Wave Diameter/2
r2 = Big Wave Height

Big Wave Volume = 13,681,318,025.234 m^3
Water Density = 1,000 kg/m^3
Big Wave Mass = 13,681,318,025,234 kilograms

Small Wave Height = 944.426 meters
Small Wave Length = 2,529.432 meters

Volume = LWH

L = Small Wave Length
W = Small Wave Height
H = Small Wave Height

You might as, why not divide that by 2, treat it like some kind of triangular prism? Because I'm working off the model that she's kicking up a wave on both sides of the shockwave.

Small Wave Volume = 2,256,102,765.588 m^3
Water Density = 1,000 kg/m^3
Small Wave Mass = 2,256,102,765,588 kilograms

Total Displaced Mass = 17,043,213,575,737.4 kilograms

Debris Height = 202.565 meters

Time Frame = 6.43 seconds

Shockwave Travel = 7,993.424 meters

Shockwave Speed = 1,243.145 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Total Displaced Mass
v = Shockwave Speed

Big Mom's Ikoku Sovereignty Yield = 13,169,372,008,755,350,000 joules or 3.148 gigatons

Whole Cake Island "Cat Burglar" Nami's Zeus Breeze Tempo

The full feat and the fallout



Structure Height = 328 pixels
Forest Diameter = 399 pixels

Forest Diameter/Structure Height = 1.216

Forest Diameter = 1,599.474 meters


Forest Diameter = 292 pixels
Crater Diameter = 148 pixels
Lightning Distance = 263 pixels
Mass Distance = 20 pixels

Crater Diameter/Forest Diameter = 0.507
Mass Distance/Lightning Distance = 0.076

Crater Diameter = 810.933 meters

Volume = (2/3)PIr1^2r2

r1 = Crater Diameter/2
r2 = Crater Diameter/4

Crater Volume = 69,770,739.816 m^3
Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3
Displaced Mass = 188,380,997,503.2 kilograms

Me said:
Now, what about the speed? In lieu of continuously just appealing to the research of Negima's author and his 150 km/sec (if you've been wonder why we use that, that's pretty much been why for the past decade)? I figured let's update them all with something more scholarly?

Wikipedia cites some study that found an average speed for a stepped leader to be about 440 km/sec. While I can only get the abstract for it without paying for the damn thing, I miss being a student as a tangent, but this other article (web and pdf views) appears to corroborate it as well as listing a minor meta analysis worth of other corroborative past research findings in both its introduction and its own later findings presented in the results/discussion.

As an aside, I find it amusing they give a range of values for the distances they're discussing as of course capturing video to measure the speed of lightning won't have some kind of convenient measuring stick the strikes always land near and in the same field of visual depth for.

All that to say? I'm all for 440 km/sec if only because I can actually cite and find it beyond the research findings of a harem mangaka's bullshit.

Lightning Speed = 440,000 m/s
Mass Speed = 33,440 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Displaced Mass
v = Mass Speed

Whole Cake Island Nami's Zeus Breeze Tempo Yield = 105,075,152,787,334,900,000 joules or 25.114 gigatons

Big Mom's Soru Soru no Mi and Charlotte Perospero's Ame Umiushi Yield

Here is the full entire bit feat


Thousand Sunny = 23 pixels
Half Big Mom = 107 pixels
Panel Height = 499 pixels

2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(FoV/2))) = object degree size

2*atan(23/(499/tan(70/2 deg)))
2*atan(107/(499/tan(70/2 deg)))

Thousand Sunny = 3.697 degrees
Half Big Mom = 17.078 degrees

Thousand Sunny = 39 meters (official size)
Half Big Mom = 4.4 meters (half her arm span would be equal to half her height which is 8.8 meters)

Distance Above Thousand Sunny = 604.21 meters
Distance Above Big Mom = 14.652 meters
Wave Height = 589.558 meters


Thousand Sunny = 440 pixels
Green Room Diameter = 997 pixels

Green Room Diameter/Thousand Sunny = 2.266

Thousand Sunny = 56 meters (official size)
Green Room Diameter = 126.896 meters

Thousand Sunny = 440 pixels
Green Room Diameter = 104 pixels
Panel Height = 1200 pixels

2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(FoV/2))) = object degree size

2*atan(440/(1200/tan(70/2 deg)))
2*atan(60/(1200/tan(70/2 deg)))

Thousand Sunny = 28.799 degrees
Green Room Diameter = 4.01 degrees

Distance to Thousand Sunny = 109.06 meters
Distance to Green Room Diameter = 1,812.4 meters
Half Wave Length = 1,703.34 meters
Wave Length = 3,406.68 meters

Volume = LWH/2

L = Wave Length
W = Wave Height
H = Wave Height

Wave Volume = 592,044,592.761 m^3
Water Density = 1,000 kg/m^3
Wave Mass = 592,044,592,761 kilograms

PE = mgh

m = Wave Mass
g = 9.8 m/s^2
h = Wave Height/2

Big Mom's Soru Soru no Mi and Charlotte Perospero's Ame Umiushi Yield = 1,710,318,667,493,049 joules or 408.776 kilotons

I can't be bothered to do Big Mom's Storm, Streusen's physical might (slicing the cake building in free fall), or anything done by Charlotte Oven. Might come back to Streusen's later at least.

For Zou, the entirety of Zunesha's feat is a pain in the ass and Kaido sending fodder flying out of Onigashima isn't worth stressing over.

Final Tally

Whole Cake Island Gear 4th Monkey D Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Cannonball Yield = 1.203 gigatons

Big Mom's Ikoku Sovereignty Yield = 3.148 gigatons

Whole Cake Island Nami's Zeus Breeze Tempo Yield = 25.114 gigatons

Big Mom's Soru Soru no Mi and Charlotte Perospero's Ame Umiushi Yield = 408.776 kilotons
About author
I do high school physics for stupid shit because I find it fun for some ridiculous reason.

I'm neither a physicist or engineer. I study psychology.

Before taking me at my word, think for yourself and don't just appeal to the shit I'm posting without evaluating it yourself. That should go without saying. I'm not an expert, do not treat me like one.


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