
September 27


What's a man without a dream?

A human being without a dream is at most a mere citizen
And there's a big difference between a human being and a mere citizen

The citizen is the one completely dependant on that abstraction we call State
The State is the teat from which cititzens drink, but cancer to human beings

The human being is the one completely dependant on God, which means life itself

The citizen is the one who always waits for everyone to do for them what they would never do for anyone else

The human being is the one who knows that they need to improve in order to lead a better life

The citizen is the one who puts the blame and the truth on others rather than themselves

The human being is the one who knows the blame is found in themselves

Also, in a competitive society such as the one we live in, if there's a scale of values (and of course there is), the human is an invaluable being, their worth cannot be measured. However, there's a specific value to measure a citizen's worth. A citizen's worth is equal to just one vote

Some citizens, desperate to scape the boredom of their families, end up becoming the nation's politicians

- Facundo Cabral
Are you a human being or a "citizen"?