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  1. GregSteve

    Hell Lords (Marvel 616) vs Demon Lords X (Digimon)

    Magik and Maddy Pryor also are I believe
  2. GregSteve

    X-Men Apocalypse Family vs Summers Family

    Nice I didn't remember the near omnipotent line and kick Nate was a beast
  3. GregSteve

    One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion thread: Toon Level feats only please.

    Great chapter Nami screaming to protect Robin and the SHs attacking gave me some goosebumps and also did Brook cut that niggas leg off?
  4. GregSteve

    X-Men Apocalypse Family vs Summers Family

    That and iirc Nate has made Apocalypse his prisoner and Apocalypse could do nothing about it
  5. GregSteve

    VS Battle Lambda Usagi vs Son Goku

    Isn't there a massive speed difference for Super and Sailor Moon? Like Billions times ftl compared to millions
  6. GregSteve

    Who is the strongest character that Nakhash (Star Wars) can beat in To Aru?

    To Aru still in contention eh? I blame @Paxton he secretly wants them to be wall lvl hes been left handing the other To Aru guys the whole time
  7. GregSteve

    Stat Equal benefits

    You think a verse like Shumatsu no Valkyrie losing all that speed drop alot
  8. GregSteve

    Stat Equal benefits

    Not a verse match because those are lame af but more curious if all stats were equal what verses do you think would greatly benefit and which do you think would get nerfed hard from it
  9. GregSteve

    Yoh Asakura & Tao Ren (Shaman King) enter some verses

    I can't remember the final battle but he's probably anywhere from MHS to sub rel from from some of his own lighting feats but I'm sure he scales to some shit I don't remember
  10. GregSteve

    Uranos vs Apocalypse

    I think a Celestial also treat Legion and Uranos like a big deal during AXE
  11. GregSteve

    VS Battle Knull vs Darkseid

    Darkseid War he fought the Anti Monitor correct
  12. GregSteve

    Fire Force and Adolla Shit

    Don't really care about the outcome of the thread but you can affect the universe or things within the Universe and it not be Universal in DC
  13. GregSteve

    Iron Fist vs Booster Gold

    That Doomsday asswhooping was some super impressive durability and stamina iirc it was over a decent time frame too wasn't it?
  14. GregSteve

    Chat AI Creations and Vs Debates

    Dude this is killer the obd multiverse is the multiverse Kevin Feige dreams of
  15. GregSteve

    One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion thread: Toon Level feats only please.

    Yet again making Magellan more of a goat :catbuff
  16. GregSteve

    Kazuya (Tekken) vs ruby(rwby)

    Top tiers are City lvl and sub rel I believe unless I'm super behind on something
  17. GregSteve

    One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion thread: Toon Level feats only please.

    Merry Christmas guys hope you're all doing great and had a great 2023
  18. GregSteve

    Chat AI Creations and Vs Debates

    Wait for the crossover movie the MCU wishes it had
  19. GregSteve

    Chat AI Creations and Vs Debates

    Hell yea man nice
  20. GregSteve

    Bakugou stans finally got their zenkais????

    Bakugou stans finally got their zenkais????