
  1. Calc His Dark Materials - Iorek Byrnison's strength

    Iorek Byrnison weighs almost 2 tons (2000kg) when in his armour. Iorek fights in this armour with little to no affect on his stamina. Iorek ran for a day in this armour. Polar bears can run at speeds of 40km/h, or 11.1111111m/s. Entering those values through the kinetic energy calculator and...
  2. Calc His Dark Materials - Lord Asriels reactions

    Using an intention craft, Lord Asriel shoots a shell out of the sky before the sound can reach them, at max in under two seconds. Take note the the intention craft reacts as fast as the pilot can think. When I asked Iwandesu for help on how to solve this, he went an extra step and calced it...
  3. Calc His Dark Materials - The Clouded Mountain

    The Authority created the Clouded Mountain long ago, and gathered clouds around it until it was hidden. It has since passed to Metatron, who not only rules it, but sustains it. The intensity of the clouds around the Clouded Mountain; The storms around the Clouded Mountain span the horizon in...
  4. Calc His Dark Materials - John Parry summons a storm

    John Parry (or Stanislaus Grumman) summons a huge lightning storm. Earlier in the chapter, we see the bay covered by the storm was 30 to 40 miles across (48.28032km to 64.37376km), and from the descriptions above, the storm covers the whole bay. The rain hits Lees ballon as a squall and the...