• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.


  1. Calc Horizon Forbidden West - Rockbreaker breaks into the Arena

    A rockbreaker breaks into the Tanuk arena, throwing up boulders and logs on the way in so the rebels can attack (at high speeds too). The average height of a person is 1.7m. 111 pixels = 1.7m 1 pixel = 1.7m/111 = 0.0153153153m 0.0153153153m X 546 = 8.36216215m 8.36216215m/2 = 4.18108107m...
  2. Calc Horizon Forbidden West calcs, part 2

    Even more Horizon Forbidden West calcs. As last time, be aware of spoilers, though I'll try deal with a non-spoilery calc first. 907 pixels = 1.6764m 1 pixel = 1.6764m/907 = 0.00184829107m 0.00184829107m X 919 = 1.69857949m 260 pixels = 1.69857949m 1 pixel = 1.69857949m/260 = 0.00653299804m...
  3. Calc Horizon Forbidden West calcs, part 1

    Several Horizon Forbidden West calcs. Be warned, these contain some big spoilers, so proceed with caution if you're still playing the game. With that said, let's forge ahead, with some big boosts to gather... Far Zenith actually survived, faking the destruction of the Odyssey. GAIA gives us...