Android vs iOS

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt
Apple is like a bmw SUV. Pointless, ugly, pompous, and a status symbol for stupid soccer moms.

Because if you can't be smart, charming, talented, or even nice, just flex your CEO husbands bank account that he siphoned off from the actual hard working employees at his company.


Current android user, but mainly because Apple products are expensive for their price-performance ratio.

It can play games just fine, and does what a phone is supposed to just fine, but then the ROG series do the mobile gaming aspect much better.

What those iphones provide though, are years of software support, aside from their performance being somewhat relatively better than most top tier flagship phones based on Android.


V.I.P. Member
I was dire hard Android man as its so open i could do anything, my Sony phones were my best phones handdown IMO however now ive gotten older IOS has taken over me, the things I hated it for being so simple and forced are why I love it now, just makes it simple and easy which is good for a phone throught out a hard day at work and life.
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V.I.P. Member
used android for years but i have hilariously bad luck with breaking phones in cartoony ways and am on apple now bc it's easier to connect for family shit or whatever
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The only advantage Iphones have over Android phones is their cables for charging tend to be sturdier. But the flip side is they still over charge the fuck out of them where as Androids third party ones just tend to be cheap as shit and flimsy as fuck durability wise.
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OEM Apple chargers last a long time, but I agree that OEM Android chargers are ass lol USB-C iPhone is coming so there's going to be even more of a flood of vendors selling USB-C chargers.