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AtlurKabuterimon & Zudomon (Digimon Adventure 01) vs Triceramon (Digimon Adventure 02)


They're fighting at the top of the Spiral Mountain, and all sides are bloodlusted. How would this go?

And bonus: Triceramon gets Paildramon to help while the Adventure duo gets Garudamon and Andromon.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
In both cases I'd favor the 02 side.

A serious Paildramon is not only being to one-shot beings that can in turn one-shot Angemon (such as Okuwamon or Arukenimon/Mummymon), being at least on par with Silphymon who one-shotted LadyDevimon the second she got serious or being able to take multiple hits from BlackWarGreymon and even knock him back with his own attacks at times.

This puts him and the Triceramon who largely pushed him into evolving well above anyone here except maybe Andromon and he's not beating them 2v1.



Yes that seems right. At first I thought they might have a slight chance since they still hurt Pinnochimon and MetalEtemon but then again, the former was pretty much suckerpunched by AtlurKabuterimon while the latter didn't even try to defend himself against Zudomon so yeah.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Being off-guard doesn't really affect the feats.

It's not like getting sucker-punched reduces your durability when Pinnochimon's less durable hammer (which was crushed in Garudamon's talon) matched a Dramon Killer strike from WarGreymon. And MetalEtemon is literally covered in armor so his "guard" is up regardless.

The real reason neither of those feats matter here is that Paildramon has comparable, if not outright better feats against a stronger Ultimate in BlackWarGreymon. He'd clear the entire Perfect level roster of Adventure 01, with the sole exception being HolyAngemon.


Yeah that's true tho, mostly I just meant that Zudomon never had to deal with his Dark Spirits DX. But yeah they are still OP, 02 duo just more OP.