Choice Games

Any of you familiar with choice of games titles? They are a brand that hosts CYOA stories by writers using their programming language they call choicescript. The stories hosted on there can be hit or miss, ranging from really good to really really bad.

Couple of my favorite:

Evertree Saga: Currently has three installments, the first title is Evertree Inn, which is a high fantasy murder mystery. Your character is a guest at an inn where people are being murdered and you gather clues to figure out exactly what is happening. Demo

Fallen Hero: Where the avatar I used as pongy was lifted from. In a world of superheroes your character was a hero called Sidestep who could read minds. During an accident you went missing, the story starts years after this, your power has grown where you could possess others. You basically have to gather resources to make your debut as a Supervillain, running into old acquaintances along the way who humorously ask you for help in identifying yourself. I think the demo has been taken down since it has been released, I could only find the demo for the sequel that is still a WIP.