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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
He played a game on WG? What are you talking about
im saying his response to the wagon here is similar to ratchet's response in the wg game when flower giga wagoned him. the game where ratchet was hattori, the serial


im saying his response to the wagon here is similar to ratchet's response in the wg game when flower giga wagoned him. the game where ratchet was hattori, the serial
I am not Ratchet, friend.

Also I dont know how I would have screwed up extra kills this badly tbh.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ultra if u notice all we needed to do was milk him a bit and hes given actual thoughts on the game. think hes been reserved and intentionally does not want to give thoughts that will make mafia night kill him, because hes probably serial

also @Ultra serial wud probably know that he wins with godfather. might explain him not wanting to yeet gad day 1 despite seeing ppl call gad godfather

im just trying to make sense of it all, but i think this world is very possible tbh


Like take a moment to see our general POE and the post counts.

If emil is town then scum just... arent doing anything lol



This is bullshit. I have been posting thoughts all day. This is completely a false narrative.



That would be a question worth asking if Melkor doesn't exactly flip SK right about now


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
What does Ratchet's response have anything to do with Achro?
i think its a response a serial wud make

i made similar one in wrestling mafia, and in death note mafia here. i think its pretty reasonable. he doesnt seem mafia because hes lashing onto everyone in a non strategic way, but he also really wants to survive.


1) I turned on RDK when he appears to be softening on me, not SK behavior
2) I have gone out of my way to note my sheer confusion on TLU town reads, not SK behavior
3) why as SK day 1 do I suddenly go "yeah fuck that polar bear guy" when... I shouldnt give a fuck who is being lynched?

Boom not SK.
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