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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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The Orca

Thoughts achro, rdk and Luka?
Kind of ignoring Luka. Feel they will reveal themselves sooner than later. Some good thoughts from them too. RDK can go but not high on my list compared to others. Achro I'm feeling out. Seems fine right now


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
What useless things have I focused on?
flower and luka in early game. i understand there wasnt much content to go off in thread and u were potentially forcing content. just didnt feel like that was necessary

if u and achro are town then big chance we r dealing with a very inactive team, and we have a strong town body to sweep


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Don't think I ever played with scum Achro. I just know Ratchet praised his scum play at some point.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
hey not bad deck choice, wont give u town points tho


You had me as town after already reading those things so why are you now bringing them up as something scummy? Like your catch up would have covered those posts.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You had me as town after already reading those things so why are you now bringing them up as something scummy? Like your catch up would have covered those posts.
uh no, i had u as maybe town for your read on orca, the actually relevant thing that u did. dont mix them up


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
tune in im getting to where aurelian is posting, gonna one page him


uh no, i had u as maybe town for your read on orca, the actually relevant thing that u did. dont mix them up
My pushes were definitely relevant. You can't use reads you got after the pushes to call the initial pushes bad. Much like ultra you're trying to pan based on results(this is mostly about flower rather than luka).

And I'm not saying you called me town for the pushes. I said you said I was looking town(maybe town!) after having already read those posts. You're now bringing up those same pushes as a reason to sus me. You see why that doesn't fit. You didn't just see that on your catch up, you had already seen it on your catchup.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I'm not looking at a mash flower lol. But no I asked for a scum game
It's 800+ posts lmfao.

But reading the first page I noticed he immediately had Sky as scum (@Achromatic Sky is Mahirukoizumi on MU btw).

Probably a good look for Sky if he knows it's her (?).


@Ultra Wasn't your way of responding to Flower through those reads pretty leading of you? You basically gave her everything but the conclusion.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
thats what townies do! observe before they take a stance. i acknowledge those posts and didnt feel the need to say anything about them

then as ratchet achro and the rest enter the thread i havent read anything relevant from you at those pages. u kinda fell off. so what im left with is u engaging in useless discussion in the early game, hence when ultra tags me and asks about u, i tell him ur lackluster and focusing on useless stuff


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
as for ur pushes, we all know the flower push was silly, dont justify it magic


What do you consider relevant?

What has archon or ratchet done that i haven't.
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