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How would Alduin do against Galactus?


Quick question how would Aludin the world eater from Elder Scrolls do against Galactus?

Lore version of Aludin

Starving Galactus
Hungry Galactus
Normal Galactus
Fed Galactus
Full Galactus
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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Quick question how would Aludin the world eater from Elder Scrolls do against Galactus?

Lore version of Aludin

Starving Galactus
Hungry Galactus
Normal Galactus
Fed Galactus
Full Galactus
Starving and Hungry Galactus get trashed by the lore version of Alduin, I can definitely tell you that much. Alduin should be, at absolute minimum(ignoring just how batshit insane the cosmology of TES really is), if we're allowing all lore about him, uni+. Is normal Galactus above that or around that ballpark? Because I'm not sure. If not, then normal Galactus loses too.

Fed or Full Galactus... Not sure on that, though I suppose I'd lean for the big jobb- I mean the big G, in that scenario.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Normal Galactus is definitely above that. Squared up with Odin (Odin KOd himself headbutting Galactus to do some damage but Galactus was fine just after, stalemated Mephisto (before proceeding to start eating the Hell Realm, causing Mephisto to give up), can beat Dark Phoenix to the point she was gonna get absorbed before her past version helped her.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Good to know. Normal Galactus beats lowest-end lore Alduin, then. Think high-end Alduin has him beat, though.

As for fed/full Galactus, I know of some feats for him there, that should put him above Alduin, unless I'm missing something(which I very well could. Memory's dogshit these days. ) so that stays the same.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
something something he scales to multiversal Eternity or whatever it was


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Mehrunes Dagon. He literally ate him, and proceeded to take a dump. Which turned the daedra that would be Mehrunes Dagon into Mehrunes Dagon.
So, he pulled what Boethiah did on Trinimac on Dagon? Damn, must've been taking tips.


Well Fed Galactus destroyed everything in the Universe except Eternity and Tribunal. Ultimate Nullifier has been part of Galactus, Galactus with destroyed every version of Abraxas and recreated Multi-Eternity.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Well Fed Galactus destroyed everything in the Universe except Eternity and Tribunal. Ultimate Nullifier has been part of Galactus, Galactus with destroyed every version of Abraxas and recreated Multi-Eternity.
Wasn't the UN retconned into being tech from the watchers or something, rather than a part of Galactus?

Even so, good to see you here, lad. Looks like we got a new refugee from the crumbling site that is Fanzverse. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and Merry Christmas as well to ya.


Thanks, man. Multiversal Yhwach is too much to handle .

On topic Reckoning war retconned UN being watchers tech and Galactus now seeks knowledge instead of eating planets. I don't see these retcons lasting for a long time.

Thirteen prime

Вроде полный галактус утверждается равным вечности, хотя это было очень давно, голодный галактус - это уровень мультисолнечной системы, базовый галактус мог дойти от галактики до мультигалактуса в бою тиран, вскормленный вселенским галактусом + минимум должен быть.


V.I.P. Member
A hungry Galactus who was being drained of energy by the Annihilation Wave proceeded to wipe out 3 galaxies as a side effect once he was freed. A normal Galactus should be much stronger and there are times where Galactus has wiped out a whole Universe on page.


Galactus is kind've tricky to deal with even while he's starving because even if you outstat him he still absorbs energy from you like a leech which empowers him by satiating his hunger. He's like a cosmic version of Superman's Parasite rogue (minus the power copy ability). To my knowledge Galactus can absorb just about any type of energy (cosmic, solar, radiation, elemental, ionic, magic etc) except for kinetic or physical energy I guess I don't think i've seen someone's attacks be nullified by him "eating" the friction or some form of conceptual energy. What type of energy does Alduin use? Is it like temporal/conceptual stuff or is it just like run of the mill magic energy?
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conceptual stuff. Dragon use the thumn which is basically the music of creation


He did absorb the magical attacks of Dormamu