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imperialdramon fighter mode (digimon 02) vs beast gohan (dragon ball superhero)

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
What the fuck is this?

Cell Games Gohan is already more than enough to stomp Imperialdramon, never mind Gohan Beast or Super characters in general.


If we take into account that taking the official profiles and doing a power scaling chain, most Ultimates would be between Universe level to Multiverse level.
Imperialdramon Fighter mode's profile says that he can destroy a planet

So I think that Imperialdramon Fighter Mode has problems even with Namek saga Freeza.

EDIT: I just realized that Imperialdramon never defeated anyone alone. Demon was sealed. Belial Vamdemon/ Malo Myotismon was destroyed beacuse the children talked about his dreams and that weakened him.
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V.I.P. Member
I'm not saying that Imperialdramon's profile itself was universe level, but that comparable Digis' profiles do say things like that and depending on how we take the power scaling they can end up with most Ultimates of universe level or higher.


EDIT: I just realized that Imperialdramon never defeated anyone alone. Demon was sealed. Belial Vamdemon/ Malo Myotismon was destroyed beacuse the children talked about his dreams and that weakened him.
Well at least Imperialdramon Fighter Mode easily defeated SkullSatamon, and the same SkullSatamon easily overpowered HolyAngemon, who was stronger than Piemon.

So at least he scales well above HolyAngemon and Piemon but yeah that’s not enough here though


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Royal Knight Versions of Imperialdramon easily get to Universal to Multiversal

but 02 would be a bigger stretch than Mr. Fantastic

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Well at least Imperialdramon Fighter Mode easily defeated SkullSatamon,
He cheap shotted him when he was holding a bus and couldn't move.
and the same SkullSatamon easily overpowered HolyAngemon, who was stronger than Piemon.
He gets that scaling anyway due to overpowering BlackWarGreymon, who overpowered HolyAngemon.

Imperialdramon Dragon Mode also performed better than Shakoumon (who for obvious reasons, should be stronger than HolyAngemon) against Demon, charging straight through a casual burst of flames while Shakoumon struggled to absorb a fraction of an attack.
So at least he scales well above HolyAngemon and Piemon but yeah that’s not enough here though
Hell one can make a solid argument for Paildramon scaling to Dark Masters (wouldn't beat any though) due to good performances (albeit losing ones) against BlackWarGreymon. Fucking 02 power creep.

You'e quite right that it doesn't help him here though.
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Yeah you're right, I just mentioned SkullSatamon only because he was still the only Digimon he beat in 1v1 fight, WarGreymon still helped him vs BlackWarGreymon even though he would have soloed him.

And I wasn't that surprised at how powerful Paildramon was considering that XV-mon and Stingmon were both top tier Adults. Sure it's still a bit weird, but it would have been more strange if their fusion was just some mid tier Perfect Digimon.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Yeah you're right, I just mentioned SkullSatamon only because he was still the only Digimon he beat in 1v1 fight, WarGreymon still helped him vs BlackWarGreymon even though he would have soloed him.
I was talking more about before the triple clash, where he grabs BlackWarGreymon and pulls him up to the sky with BWGnot being able to resist at all.
And I wasn't that surprised at how powerful Paildramon was considering that XV-mon and Stingmon were both top tier Adults. Sure it's still a bit weird, but it would have been more strange if their fusion was just some mid tier Perfect Digimon.
XV-Mon and Stingmon are pretty much low Perfect level themselves and of course this makes sense, given Armour Level performances against Perfect Level Digimon.

I'm not saying the power creep doesn't make sense as the 02 Digimon were pumping out great feats from the off. Just saying that the sheer level of the power creep is insane, especially with regards to 01 Digimon who benefit like the Greymon line etc.


Yeah that's true especially in WarGreymon's case, the guy was clearly weaker than HolyAngemon in 01 season but in 02 he was suddenly much stronger. It didn't make sense because he only had two fights between Piemon & BlackWarGreymon after all

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Yeah that's true especially in WarGreymon's case, the guy was clearly weaker than HolyAngemon in 01 season but in 02 he was suddenly much stronger. It didn't make sense because he only had two fights between Piemon & BlackWarGreymon after all
I mean he was also fighting in Greymon form to keep the Digimon Kaiser from recapturing areas of the Digital World so a certain level of increased power for higher forms is expected, but I think it goes a little too far where he can essentially fodderize someone he was much weaker than before.


True! I had forgotten about Skull Satamon.
If ImperialDramon>Piemon, then that means that Malo Myotismon with the darkness he absorbed in the Digital World is stronger than the 4 Dark Masters and maybe he is on par with Apocalymon?


True! I had forgotten about Skull Satamon.
If ImperialDramon>Piemon, then that means that Malo Myotismon with the darkness he absorbed in the Digital World is stronger than the 4 Dark Masters and maybe he is on par with Apocalymon?
Yeah featwise he very much is, that's why he could never be beaten fairly and his defeat was a pretty much BS. Before that amp, BelialVamdemon should be still well above Dark Masters but below Apocalymon.
Dragon Mode Imperialdramon evolved absorbing the light from one of Qinglongmon's Digicores and his Bo-1j card states that it has power that rivals the gods. His Fighter Mode Giga Death is said to have 10x the power of DM's Mega Death.
Also as durability DM rocketed trough Demon's Flame Inferno without being wounded. Thing is we don't know of this particular Demon is one of the Seven Great Demon Lords.
The gods in the context of Adventure are the Four Holy Beasts.
The Holy Beasts uphold the space-time of the entire Digital World, an infinite multi-layered world with worlds(universes arguably multiverses) in the layers,that exists beyond the Network(multi-layered,6 layers/dimensions) and Human World, (your conventional infinite multiverse.)They're literally the pillars that keep the Digital World from collapsing. Like a bridge; destroy the pillars, and the bridge collapses. The bridge would be the Digital World, and it'll be collapsing onto a myriad of other worlds, resulting in a mishmash of worlds or a world of nothing but darkness/nothingness.
The Holy Beasts are basically the linchpin that holds space-time together.
02 Imperialdramon was also said to
have abillities rivaling that of Wargreymon who scales directly to the Four Sacred Beasts via defeating 2 Dark Masters who have sealed the Sacred Beasts and are stated in the Light Novel to rival them in power.
Metalseadramon via
skewering him from the inside out while his forwards momentum overpowered his Ultimate Stream laser beam
and Mugendramon via speedblitz and cutting him so fast in multiple places that initially he didn't even feel it.

Many worlds were mentioned for the Adventure Digital World.There is one world for each combination of cards.
This is the card combo that the children used wich
led them back to the place they were when they were sucked in the Digital World.
Oikawa used the same card combo but with the Agumon card instead of the Gomamon card making them end up in a different world, a world that materializes wishes.
In fact the Digital World is based on that same power. It's a world that integrates people's emotions and digital data.
If you permutate the number of cards with the number of equivalent slates there are 362,880 possible combinations. And that's for the Adventure server alone.
Digimon Adventure also works with Neoplatonic Emanationism. A basic explanation is this:

The adopted concept of Platonism is that there is a higher reality, a true abstract existence that is responsible for all that is individual to exist. The concept of emantionism is that there are in fact innumerable layers of reality, one more abstract than the other, but in the end with all arising from a single higher and absolute layer.According to Emanationism, Creation occurs by a process of
emanation - "out-flowing". The entire cosmos, and even all the gods and godheads beyond the cosmos, have come about through emanation. Just as the ocean forms its surface into waves, so the absolute forms create successive manifestations, successive entities. And these in turn create - or rather, emanate - further entities, and so on, with all these entities combining and interacting in the extraordinary network of existence.

Emanationism is an idea in the cosmology or cosmogony of certain religious or philosophical systems. Emanation, from the Latin emanare meaning "to flow from" or "to pour forth or out of", is the model by which all things are derived from the first reality, or principle.
All things are derived from the first reality or perfect God by steps of degradation to lesser degrees of the first reality or God, and at every step the emanating beings are less pure, less perfect, less divine.
One could think of the relationship between each of these levels as being like "body and soul", "spirit and matter", or "creator and creature", in that each higher level is the soul, spirit, and creator of the level immediately below it; and the body, matter, and creature (created being) of the level immediately above it.
The inhabitants of the higher worlds act like the souls of those in the lower worlds.
Basically the structure of existence is divided into several layers with a physical and metaphysical difference between the layers.
To each level of existence, there is a higher level with this physical/metaphysical difference. Digimon follows the same cosmology.
Every possible world has emerged in a multi-layered way...and the worlds quite similar yet different to one another lie side-by-side.

The Digital World of Digimon predates the Human World,it is multi-layered not a single place, it's beyond the Network (multi-layered) and the Human World (conventional infinite multiverse) in a superior hierarchical position, is managed and operated on multiple servers (inner worlds),is infinite,stands at a higher structural level and encompass the Human World and even if you use all processing resources in the Human World you cannot process the Digital World's data,is a higher dimension that transcends reality and even errodes reality,all analog human worlds are scattered around in the middle of the Digital World.
Each layer has its own laws of physics,inhabited Digimon and different time progression making it a completely different world and thanks to the Neoplatonic emanationism nature of the cosmology there's a physical-metaphysical difference between the layers.
So the layers are not only higher dimensions but also collections of worlds(universes arguably multiverses).
In Lost Evolution, servers are called "worlds" .Linkz also calls the servers "worlds" .
These worlds can have worlds of their own and can be whole Digital Worlds themselves.
The Savers cast shows up in Dawn and Dusk and they are said to be from another server,another different Digital World.
Yggdrasill's Digital World has infinite/overwhelming possibilities of worlds through a bottomless abyss of information
- The Human World being an infinite multiverse
- The Network being multi-layered.
It is a hierarchical structure, with layers separating the digital world from the real world. You must go trough the 6 layers of the Network to reach the physical Digital World.
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