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Least favorite fanbase in the versus community????

worst vs battles fanbase

  • God of war fanbase

  • Boruto fanbase

  • Avatar Fanbase

  • Star wars fanbase

  • bleach fanbase

  • marvel fanbase

  • dc fanbase

  • one piece fanbase

  • pokemon fanbase

  • transformers fanbase

  • dragon ball fanbase

  • yu yu hakusho fanbase

  • demon slayer fanbase

  • record of ragnarok fanbase

  • jujutsu kaisen fanbase

  • my hero academia

  • one punch man

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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
The DMC fanboys, primarily on VSBW, who have spread the cancer of 9D multiversal, immeasurable speed DMC to other places of the internet. In recent times, for me, they have been the worst.


V.I.P. Member
If you divorced Batman franchise from DC I would say Batman in a heartbeat

Like, you can say Marvel and DC easy for worst fanbase but thats because theyre literally made up of hundreds if not thousands of series spanning decades. The other series on this list just don't have the history or the mass that they do barring maybe DB (in terms of influence). But if you count Marvel or DC's series as theyre own works then it's easily batman stans.


V.I.P. Member
Considering that Demon Slayer characters can bust giant boulders I’d imagine they should hit with the force of a tank shell


The Formality
It’s no secret I think the nasuverse fan base is toxic asf even if the series itself does have some redeeming qualities.
If you don't mind me asking why Nasuverse ? Have they been wanked outside of comic-vine?

The big problem is that alot of people tend to go overboard with certain feats and put them on scales they aren't actually at.
I've seen people push for Universal Artoria and LB6 Morgan despite there being no real ground for it, I've seen people in VSB constantly stick with Multiversal Moon Cell despite Fate/Extella completely destroying that(It doesn't help the translation by Mirror Moon took everything stated as far reaching as they could vs. other translations which doesn't) only to then act as if there's a massive difference between Moon Cell and Earth Servants(There isn't).

Now you have people going apopletic over the extremely mid feats from the Tsukihime Remake(Outside of the ACTUAL impressive ones) now stating the series is on top of Shiki Tohno can somehow kill Servants with ease now due to completely misinterpreting everything about Vlov and the abilities of a Dead Apostle Ancestor and you rarely have people actually bring up what the Remake made more impressive(The DAA Principle being equal to a Divine Spirit's Authority(People tend to mix this up with Power when it's more definitive hax) and Ciel being able to take 3 of them without going insane, Calvarro Star in it's entirety, Arcueid in her Luminous Form).

And then, you have the typical Nasu fan who downplays it all because "the series is convoluted"(It's not anymore convoluted than other long running series) or "Too many authors make it difficult to see where the feats are"(They don't, hell, Nasu tends to encourage authors to go nuts with the setting, the abilities of Servants and their scale which tend to go against them being weak as hell) and other such easily discredited nonsense. I wasn't joking when I said Nasuverse fans should be on the list, when you have a franchise that has everyone hate entire aspects of it(Plenty are Tsukihime Fans that hate that Fate is more popular, you have Fate fans that don't understand why Tsukihime was ever popular, both groups hate FGO for keeping Nasu from making other projects and FGO fans hate them for acting as if FGO isn't a true "Nasu Project" because it's gacha and then you have the sub series themselves like there is now backlash against Fate/Zero due to how badly Urobuchi mangled Saber and how Kiritsugu fanboys tend to get his character completely wrong, etc, etc.)


Not gonna argue Nasu community at large isn't terrible but pointing out that people have actual takes and stances on different things as opposed to being a a blob that loves everything or hates everything at the same time is kinda crappy, especially when there a valid reason for said stances like idk...hating FGO or hating FZ or any other stance that people have.

That doesn't even concern the VS aspect of it which is bad because people act like they know what they're talking about when they actually don't. Even here you have plenty of examples of that , and lord knows we've expanded efforts to keep that shit as clean as possible. That's the main issue here.

Okay, you have a point there. I should have tacked on that some of the reasoning gets a little ridiculous and it's no more one series isn't as popular as another and stuff like that.
And yeah, other franchises fall into a similar issue as well with Final Fantasy being another one for it's own set of reasons for each release.