News Section Guidelines

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Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt
News Section Guidelines

As a quick, dirty, lazy addendum, NO politics or religion allowed in here. Rules will be neatened and changed to reflect the new purpose asap.

The News Section covers serious issues which affect the day to day lives, security, and futures of millions of individuals and if you're gonna get serious then we expect your evidence to escalate in seriousness along with you.

Every topic here must meet this criteria:

· Standard of evidence. Discussions and sharing of opinions is fine but when things escalate and become a debate between two opposing parties we expect to see things backed by data. You need statistics or some kind of scientific data. If you disagree with this, then your opinions are just going to end up serving as bait. Your standard for evidence can't be yourself or your observations. Anecdotal experience is not valuable scientific data. Here's an example for sources, Online Journals and Database.​
· Link to the article/study/[thing]. You can't just post something and not provide the source. If you do not, a mod will ask you to provide one.​
· Provide your own commentary. You can post an article without one, but it's preferred to generate discourse. Generalizations of groups, i.e. all trans people are pedophiles, all white people are racist, all men are sexist etc. will be deleted and you will be warned. Generalizations are not friends of logic, one cannot paint a group with a wide brush and it often just serves to bait others. Be warned there is no partisan favoritism, all generalizations will be dealt with accordingly.​
· Criticism of organizations and groups is allowed. HOWEVER the claim made can't be something like, well I think the entire government is corrupt so we can't trust them. This provides nothing to debate and just causes drama with anyone who disagrees. Saying that a particular person, part of an organization, or aspect of something is bad is fine. Anti-vac is considered conspiracy BUT talking about the side effects is allowed and welcome. This is not a partisan echo chamber, just make sure your criticisms aren't just something based off of your own bias and observations.​
· Sources like Twitter should not be presented as evidence. Anyone can post on Twitter, anyone can photoshop something. Use your head and avoid sources like this as a debate starter or counterargument. You will be warned once, second offense will lead to another warning and deletion of the content/removal to another more appropriate section. Third offense will lead to escalating thread bans, 3 days, 5 days, a week, 2 weeks, a month, etc. While we want to absolutely avoid section bans even temporarily, if you force our hand we will use it but it will be an absolute last resort after numerous attempts to talk you down and help constructively. Please understand our position on this.​
Try to attack the argument, not the person. This is pretty self-explanatory.

Keep it civil. We will not be stringent in moderating discussions. We understand people will get heated. We just ask that you keep the tension to a minimum. If a thread gets way too heated and a mod steps in to tell everyone to chill, respect that. If you do not and you continue your behavior, you will likely be given a reply ban.

Do not escalate things. Same thing as the above. Please be civil, don't flame the user. This includes taking arguments outside of threads or even sections.

Please use the appropriate prefix. (These are optional to use in the main forum.)
  • Civilization: Societal issues: Gender, religion, sexuality, and so on.
  • Economics: Business and finance
  • Science: Science, health, and environment
  • Interdisciplinary: Topics that expand into more than just a single topic.
  • Critique: Use this for social, political, and miscellaneous
  • Misc: If you don't want to leave your thread without a prefix, and you're not sure which prefix to use because it doesn't fit, use this.
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