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OBD Convo #29: outskirts nakama dome - no snatching edition

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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
That's something we can agree on at least
The only shooters I actually like are... Apex and Doom 2016/Eternal I think?

That might actually be it

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
The FPS genre peaked with boomer shooters and others around the 90's era, after realistic military shooters became the big thing the genre lost all sense of creativity, with only a few exceptions (mainly FEAR and Valve stuff).

There will never be another shooter as good as Blood

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
For me sport games are the worst.

Just go outside and kick a ball for fucks sake. So much shit in games you can't do IRL but you choose the one thing you can and should do.
Only sports games I like are the few with a clear arcade-y/gamey influence that can't be replicated with actual sports, or the fewer with completely made up fantasy sports. Which in total I can count on only one hand which isn't good for the genre as a whole.

At least I get the appeal of racing games since you can't (or at least you shouldn't) do high-speed street races IRL.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Well you can do high speed street racing, but then you'd get five stars and end up like a real busta.

NBA Street Volume 2, NFL Blitz, NBA Jam, those was the days...

Blood? Man, we will be lucky if we get a Duke Nukem-tier game that isn't absolute ass
Yeah, there's alot of indie games trying to harken back to the 90's but I don't think they will be as huge due to the major issues that come with that.

Flowering Knight

V.I.P. Member
Only indie shooter I know which manages to capture that feel while also being well-known recently is Ultrakill. Which I still haven't played (need to get around to fixing that lol) but it looks raw as fuck.
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