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OBD Convo #8: Still New Year, Lets go full force for the year.

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Man of Atom
Alright so using Wades cellular data as a base to allow him to use all the powers he wants at once, The Human Adaptoid has the powers of 100 different people some of the known powers are:
The Absorbing Man - Omni-Morph Duplication
The Incandescent Man - Can drain electrical energy from any source and project it from his body.
Black Fog - Fog-Medium Teleportation
Plantman - Plant Manipulation
Morpheus - Dream Telepathy
Unus the Untouchable - Repulsion Field
Swarm - Human Hive
Cyclops - Optic Blast
Bushwacker - Weapon Transformation
Zzzax - Electro-Physiology
Sunspot - Solar Radiation Absorption
Basilisk - Photokinesis
Vibro - Vibration Emission
Melter - Molecular Acceleration
Sunstroke - Solar Energy Absorption
Arclight - Shockwave Generation
Fizgig - Fizgig stands six to eight inches tall, can fly, and her body is surrounded by an electrical discharge.
Nitro - Self-Explosion
X-Ray - Radiated Form
Lightmaster - a being of pure light
Electro - Electrostatic Energy Generation
Equinox - Thermokinesis

He only got to use these peoples powers before he got jebaited into turning them off and Deadpools super cancer killing him

Crimson Dragoon

SDK getting the top ufotable treatment would be cool

El Hermano

His art isn’t that bad and with more time can be even better. It wasn’t smart of whatshisface to spend $100K on a relatively unknown artist tho
sorry I meant

Jokes aside, he can do good, problem is he's working under a lot of pressure from Mastar because the latter wasn't smart nor patient enough to hold off on releasing it until they had at least 7-10 chapters ready for release. So he's pretty much drawing every chapter to release which is incredibly dumb and is bound to throw a wrench in Mastar's grand plan.
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