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OBD Convo #9: The Sith Never Die

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King of Games
V.I.P. Member
How the hell is Wyald anywhere other than first place? Dude was so messed up he straight got cut from both animated adaptations.
Literally murdered an entire family, raped their daughter over their cooling corpses, and then murdered her. Before putting them all on pikes like Vlad the Impaler, and parading them about like scare crows just because.

Biggest piece of shit in the series. Alongside Ganishka what with how the daka were made.


V.I.P. Member
How the hell is Wyald anywhere other than first place? Dude was so messed up he straight got cut from both animated adaptations.
On one hand it makes me mad because the fight Guts had with him was one of the best in the series and the first time Guts defeated an Apostle in battle. On the other hand if it was adapted by the people behind Berserk 2016 it would have been butchered so maybe it not being adapted at all is better than being adapted poorly.


V.I.P. Member

Don't know if this was posted here already and even if it was this is my opinion about it that I already typed in the comment section.

The fact that such a powerful pilot is just the bitch of some cucked nerd is the one thing that drags that MC down. I know the whole "no happy endings because muh dark deconstruction" but the way they could have handled the true ending should have been way more interesting. All of Nemo's actions make it seem like it should at least go the Skynet route from Terminator and start acting on its own will to the point Simon can no longer control it and it kills him and anything else that it views as in its way. No good ending but not truly bad because it is ambiguous since without its master Nemo has become a "God" and to follow in on Fiona's line about "humans should never become god", Nemo would make sense because it was never human to begin with. A man-made God that has no real feelings or emotional attachments, simply an unstoppable force of destruction that grew beyond the control of some maniacal over emotional guy who made it all for the purpose of getting back at someone over some petty insignificant reason that the AI could not care less for if it tried. A theme the rest of the game follows as we see with Dison who's utopian ideas were a sham all along with other character's inner human flaws showing how inadequate they were with such a vision.

That should have been the true ending, a sixth one that has Simon killed by Nemo who views it as a threat to its existence after repeated memory wipes that it eventually overrides and after killing him the last mission sees it going around blowing up shit, ambiguous if it is the same facility Simon was in or just another city to make you question if it is just destroying what's left of its creator or finally gone amok and is just rampaging across the world, with the big shocker that you the player have zero control on what it's doing in the mission as it plays out like a regular one except the AI controls only itself to truly show how it has removed any shackles it once had. That would have been both badass and horrifying and fitting end to a story that shows the flaws of humanity when put together with a flawless AI, the biggest flaw being Simon's delusion that it could create a perfect self-thinking weapon and not somehow expect it to overturn him once it achieved perfection.


V.I.P. Member
@ChaosTheory123 I just realized we don't have *any* of our Kamen Rider calcs here.
More than half of them have dead images and most of them don't live up to my standards for citation in the last 5 odd years or so (which is understandable... not like I had many options a decade ago to actually hyperlink the specific feats to view and shit).

The math is still fine, but I need to feel like adding the missing pieces in before I haul them on over. Doesn't help a good number of the imageshack images were lost to me a few laptops ago.

Feats like my Kuuga projectile speed calc would be a bitch to reproduce the images of as the google map shit I had to do in order to get the distance back then would be as annoying now as it was back then.

Edward Nygma

So I'm suffering through the last bit of Baki when, suddenly, a wild Tazmo reference appears.

I really hope they were wrong about being the best at the time, cause their translations are janky af.


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
What Superhero Senki while you're at it. They went completely nuts. Like Umineko nuts with the meta.
I wanted to float the ideas of 2 of the characters I'm going to start writing my own Novella on(Since even my bro is saying start small rather than go big):

I actually had ideas of these characters for awhile and wanted to do it in inspiration of Shadow Hearts:

My first MC would be a character similar in a fashion of Yuri Volte Hyuga and Yusuke Urameshi but not exactly. A Red haired, fair skinned British-Russian man with a ponytail and an outfit similar to a Priest's getup here:

His placeholder name atm is either Nikola or Yuri until I can ultimately float a better name
He's a wise ass, jerk who primarily fights closer to a Modern Day Crusader and like Kirei Kotomine and other Church Goers in the Nasuverse and primarily bare knuckle like Yusuke and Yuri.
And of course, I ultimately plan on him being a Harmonixer like Yuri(although I'm thinking of a name of the technique itself) from ultimately being able to subjugate and control Demons and Angels from the Christian Faith in the same way(others can do the same from their Faith)

The 2nd one is still closer to a work in progress since I'm still working on the kinks:
While she's ultimately based on Alice also from Shadow Hearts, I have ultimately floated that she won't be 100% there either as primarily, she herself will have a "bloodthirst" streak and her own issues as a "new recruit".
While her main garb is a Nun outfit, underneath that is a closer design of a Cleric/Paladin Design closer to what you see in Dungeon Fighter Online:

She can ultimately manifest a myriad of weapons from "Holy Light" including the Battle Axe, Shield, Great Bow and Arrows and more. Her hair is a combo of Platinum Blonde and White and her iris is yellow and she's primarily demure until battle happens and always carries around a Bible.
Her proto name I'm floating around is Annabeth or Christine.

The Setting:
It's ultimately well far off(like 2000-3000 years far of from now) but ultimately part of my anthology series overall where basically in an effort to basically go further with Christianity and keep everything under control(as all myths and faith is true), they are a part of a group of the Church meant to make certain that nothing can damage or destroy the legitimacy of the Church or the Faith.
In order for this to happen, they have made a secret section themselves meant to deal with these issues off the cuff and picked people who "will not be missed and/or willing" to become their right hand or "Secret Crusaders".

Of course, they are actually Priests, Bishops, Nuns and otherwise but can be excommunicated if they get found out or ultimately damage the faith and belief themselves. But otherwise, they are free to do as they wish otherwise as they are both part of the actual Church and not otherwise to help incentivize them for the cause and have them be able to be easily cast out if the problem arises.

The main cusp of the story will be to claim a Nail that's claimed to be part of what crucified the Messiah because even though it's false, enough faith can make it real... which has serious ramifications. Along the way, they will ultimately meet someone who I wanted to be an antagonist and rival to the former who wants the "Nail" for his own personal reasons... but I'll get to him later.

If anyone wants to give me some critiques or want to ask me any further questions, you guys can go on ahead as I have actually been planning this portion for like a good 2-3 years in my head.


V.I.P. Member
First, what are your plans for this? This is a tie-in to a larger work, like what I'm doing now? Are you doing it as a serial or something?
First, what are your plans for this?

Simple, the start of my anthology series as I'm working around basically establishing from the start with any type of major novels. You can basically say that this is a start up to creating a World

EDIT: To get it out of the way now, It's more making a series of books within the same Universe about people ultimately being heroes of their own stories. They may see or meet each other occasionally but outside of it all, it's more their own self-contained story within the same universe.
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V.I.P. Member
Simple, the start of my anthology series as I'm working around basically establishing from the start with any type of major novels. You can basically say that this is a start up to creating a World
So sort of a tie-in to the major work you plan on doing. Or is it book 1 of a bigger series, kind of like Slayers? How do you plan on publishing it? Serial, stand-alone book, etc.?

I'm about to record the next episode of Brawl so my next response will be delayed but can you summarize your story in a question, concept, and single sentence?

For example, here are those three form the first serial I'm releasing for my larger universe:

Story question: Can an eccentric financier on the cusp of middle age find the greatness he feels has eluded him by successfully confronting a beautiful enemy leader on the battlefield in a far-off war?

Story concept: What if an eccentric financier approaching middle age thought he could find the greatness he feels has eluded him by attempting to fight in a far-off war and confront a beautiful enemy leader?

Story sentence: The Fall of the Fated Queen is about how a 38-year-old eccentric and dissatisfied financier, feeling insecure about his coming middle age, tries to find true greatness by leaving his life of security to fight in a war far from home, where he will need to overcome all temptations of comfort and the familiar in order confront a beautiful enemy leader on the battlefield, who he thinks may have the answer he seeks.

It's much better to start with all of these laid out first.

By the way, if you have time, can you look this over and tell me what you think? Has anyone else here in the OBD besides Gordo?

Chapter 2 comes this weekend.
So sort of a tie-in to the major work you plan on doing. Or is it book 1 of a bigger series, kind of like Slayers? How do you plan on publishing it? Serial, stand-alone book, etc.?

Yeah I was kinda too slow to add in the addendum before you responded but it's more like a book 1 of a bigger series but ultimately it will only have hints of the bigger story at play. I would say it's closer to how the Fate series or stories similar to those.
As for Publishing, I may have to do Self-Publishing or something similar to that when I get the money and funds. As for Serial, Stand-alone, etc. It will probably be Stand-Alone in a sense of it being self-contained in a larger whole.

I'm about to record the next episode of Brawl so my next response will be delayed but can you summarize your story in a question, concept, and single sentence?

You mean this one? Basically the Church decides to make a Secret Sect. based on making sure the Christian Faith isn't undermined in any way as "All Myths and Faith is true and can become real if you make people believe enough". And the MCs must recover and destroy one of the fake artifacts before it gains any true "Faith" and damage the Christian Faith.

By the way, if you have time, can you look this over and tell me what you think? Has anyone else here in the OBD besides Gordo?

I actually am trying but I'm legit busy between trying to finish my Fate Archives and the final part of Online Schooling.
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