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Peak Cosmic Fear Garou vs Sailor Galaxia


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member
Cosmic Garou's, what, planet level at best?

Cause as you should already know nobody buys Solar System level for him in the OBD just from that inconsistent "hole in space".

But even if it was accepted here Galaxia would STILL STOMP.

So yeah, this is just pure spite tbh. Not that I care since I already dropped the OPM Manga. But it's been a while since I saw a match this unbalanced.

Edward Nygma

I mostly post on the other forum, very few people over there doubt the solar system level star void. I sure don't.

Peak Cosmic Garou would be orders of magnitude stronger than the star void feat. Pretty sure he had some kind of universe level hype when he passes his technique to Saitama.


Objectionable Objection
V.I.P. Member

The Time Travel BS ain't quantifiable, dude. Pulling "Universe Level" from that is pure wank at its finest.

Galaxia breathes on Garou and he dies /thread.


Garou + Saitama squared punch is polemic because :
-We don´t know how far it goes.
-The Jupiter stuff scaring the shit out of Garou.
-Most of the stars we saw are 99.9% from our galaxy so the galactic level Garou is insta debunked.
-Perfectly the light from that area was repelled and not necessarily the stars from that area and seeing the scale of the following fight, this seems to be the most logical option

As for the vs , Galaxia vapes Garou .
As the others stated, nothing about Cosmic Horror SAITAMA(because people forgot Garou further amped himself on Saitama on top of the Cosmic buff) Garou and Saitama's Serious Punch Squared making a "hole in space" doesn't really work because:

1. It's genuinely an outlier case as it's never mentioned or shown after that point(and it's at odds with Garou losing his shit at Saitama sneezing away Jupiter's atmosphere which is more odd since Murata tends to not do shit like that outside of jokes).

2. Literally as we was discussing it, we find out that the right refracturing of light can literally leave a "hole in space" just like the Serious Punch Squared did.

3. We have no idea how huge it really is outside of being "the size of Earth" which would only make it Planetary+ at most... which wouldn't accelerate either party.

4. Ultimately, NEITHER scale to it on their own anyway so it's effectively meaningless.

And yeah, Sailor Galaxia shits on Garou regardless.