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Respect Medabots


Medabots is a franchise that started as a videogame in 1997 and later manga and anime were made. The story of the videogames, manga and anime are different.

In the videogames and manga, Medabots are of alien origin. The first one appeared on Earth the year 1947 in New Mexico. But before that, medals were found in ruins.
There are Medabots in space. In Medabots Navi, Mistral is a Medabot that comes from Jupiter. Mistral can teleport others to its planet.

In the anime, the Medabots were a civilization that appeared on Earth before the humans. But they destroyed each other in a big war.

Normal Medabots aren't very strong. They can do a small crack in walls.

But better Medabots, like Metabee, Kantaroth or the Robo Emperor can make a big hole in a wall.

In the manga, the Medabot Blackram is able to punch a naval vessel and destroy it.

An army of Medabots can destroy a small town. They did that in Kenya during the Ten Days of Darkness in the anime continuity. The reason Medabots turning crazy during these ten days varies depending of the continuity. In the games, the culprits were the Ruberrobo Gang under Taiyo's liderage. In the anime, it was Doctor Meda-Evil the one that turned the Medabot crazy.

In the game, after this event, Dr. Aki installed in the Medabots a safety program called Limiter. Limiter is a set of three laws that limit the behavior from Medabots. This was designed to suppress the mighty power of Medabots so that they would not cause harm to humans. The functions of the Limiter are attached to Medals and cannot be easily removed. These rules are:
  • First Law - Do not intentionally injure humans.
  • Second Law - Do not overlook humans that are in danger.
  • Third Law - Protect yourself to prevent breaking, as long as it does not conflict with the First or Second Law and does not cause other Medabots to be fatally injured.
Despite this, Doctor Meda-Evil found a way to rewrite Medabots. This also varies depending of the continuity.

-In the anime, Dr. Meta-Evil uses Rare Medals to surpass the Limiter.
-In the games, he uses an special oil that makes Medabots act like violent drunk men.

Medabots live longer than humans. This starts the plot of the fifth game, where Arakune Ito wanted to put human souls in medals so humans will live forever.

In the anime and manga, Robo-Emperor is a Medabot with a high destructive power. In the manga, Robo-Emperor destroyed Metal Beetle, Hikaru's medabot, and the wall that was behind the medabot.

In the anime, Robo-Emperor destroyed part of a mansion with the same attack he used to destroy Metabee in the manga. The anime version of Rokusho survived the blast but was defeated.

Robo-Emperor destroyed part of a sewer with the same laser attack. Rokusho and the Phantom Renegade survived the attack.

Metabee and Rokusho's weapons didn't work on the Robo-Emperor. Rokusho is one of those Medabots that can destroy a wall.

Metabee unleashes his Medaforce and destroys the Medabot. Medaforce is defined as an attack that turns emotions into energy. Metabee destroyed part of a rock wall with the Medaforce.

In the games, all Medabots can use it. But in the anime, only those who has Rare Medals can use it.

Another Medabot named Octoclam can generate a tornado that is strong enough to make Metabee fly away.

Later in the anime, a Medabot called Mega-Emperor appears. It is an upgraded form of Robo-Emperor and is much stronger. Mega-Emperor can destroy an helicopter and part of a cliff with a laser.

Dr. Meta-Evil created a giant version of Mega-Emperor called Giganko (in the games he only created a giant Medawatch). Giganko can destroy a forest with his laser.

Neutra Nurse, a normal Medabot, can stop three of these lasers with its barrier. But that was much for the female Medabot.

Giganko is very strong. Even Arcbeetle's Prominence, an attack made of Solar energy, only burnt a part of its giant body. Forgot to mention before that Metabee and Medabots on his level can dodge laser beams.

Giganko took Three Medaforces like nothing.

Metabee is strong enough to carry Ikki and dodge lasers and missiles at the same time.

Humans in the anime are also extraordinary. Ikki dodges a laser from Robo-Emperor.

And Hikaru survived an slash from Whitesword. He also survies an electric shock and the following explosion of Mega-Emperor.

The game version of Hikaru was defeated easily when Mega-Emperor attacked him.

In the last episode, Doctor Meta-Evil used another giant Medabot called Baby Blue. He is very strong. With his laser, he can push a giant Metabee, who destroyed the Tokyo Tower when he landed on it. Baby Blue can push the Giant Metabee like nothing.

The laser of Baby Blue can turn into ashes smaller Medabots.

The battle between Baby Blue and the giant Metabee left the city in ruins.

In the sequel of the anime, Medabot Damashii, the Kilobot/Death Medarot debuted. In the games, the Kilobot don't exist, they are updated Medabots created by Black Devil. Medaforce doesn't work on Kilobots because they don't have emotions. The Medaforce only works on the Kilobot Blakbeetle, who has its own will. In the sequel, Metabee had to change its body in order to fight the Kilobots.

In his Saikachis form, Metabee can still dodge lasers.

Metabee, despite fighting inside a small tornado, he can fight properly on a plane.

In his Medachange form, Metabee can shoot an energy ball that made a big hole in the ground. Redrum and Rocks, updated forms of Belzelga and Rokusho, survived the blast.

Redrum is a strong Kilobot/Medabot. He can cut a truck with a laser in half and lift cars.

Redrum resisted being frozen. It breaks free and destroys a truck from inside. He is stronger than Unitrix and Exor, updated versions of Warbandit and Sumilidon. Those two are on par with Metabee. Warbandit defeated Metabee in the last episode of the first season because he was tired after the battle with Baby Blue.

Redrum can destroy wood like nothing.

In the last episode, Kam used a Kilobot called Grain/Gryphon. He defeate dtwo Redrums like nothing. He can also create a small black hole to absorb three Medaforces. In the game continuity, Gryphon was created by Doctor Meta-Evil and a man called Orochi in Medabots 4. Gryphon was the strongest Medabot until the release of Medabots 5.

One Kilobot flew near some buildings. It flying near them only caused the windows to shake a bit.

The Referee also has a Medabot, who only uses when the rules of the Robattle are broken. The Medabot, despite being in space, always hit its target. BTW, the referee in the anime is based on the Referee from G Gundam (The Torunament may be also based on the Gundam anime).

Black Devil, originally called Mother Moon, had the mission to promote human technological development. By accident, it was placed on Earth and changes places with Subaru, who is also known as Mother Earth and has a similar mission. On Earth, Black Devil saw that mankind wasn't able to develop its civilization. After watching this, Black Devil thought they would not be able to complete their mission and return to their home planet if things continued as they were.
So he created the Spirits, who are living things. He is also the creator of Blakbeetle and the trump-shaped Medabots.

The Trump-shaped Medabots. The first one is First Ace, the strongest Medabot in 3. The others are Gun-King, Mayqueen and Jackal.

Despite having these powers, Black Devil doesn't have fighting abilities and depends on his lackeys and Medabots.

These are the Spirits (Mabler, Ceruleano, Electra, Topazia, and Viridiana):

In the fourth game, Orochi created the 9 vs 9 Robattle. When one of the three Medabots the medafighter used is defeated, he will replace it with another one. The Robattle ends when the 9 Medabots are defeated. This is Orochi. In the games, he uses Gryphon in the last battle.

Todefeat Gryphon, Ikki has to use another Medabot called Particle, an angel-type Medabot that is Grypon's equal. In Medabots, like Digimon, exists Angel and Devil type.

In the fifth game, Arakune Ito uses a Medabot called Hardness 10. He is the strongest medabot and his body is strong as the diamond.

Arakune Ito also uses another two Medabots. Hit Seller, a banana-themed Medabot and Horned Froggy.

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Forgot to mention this.
Sumilidon cut this stone pillar with its claws.

And Warbandit's bullets can do a small cut.