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Star Convoy vs Daruman the Mad King

Crimson Dragoon

Might actually be a good match

Daruman has the replica of Ozriel’s scythe

Daruman feats:

The power required to break through his defenses would’ve destroyed the iteration/universe as a side effect

The effect of Daruman simply existing when he doesn’t care about collateral

A speed feat from people on Daruman’s tier where a battle on cosmic scale passed in “one blink of a mortal eye”

Battle takes place somewhere on the world of Genshin Impact

@Atem @OtherGalaxy


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
this series sounds cool as fuck

relevant feats for Star Convoy

directly stated to be powered by the same power that created the universe, and he attacks with a literal big bang

He accomplished this actually with a weakened version of the Silver Matrix, Primus uses it here to attack Ultra Megatron with an enhanced big bang

Just linking this chapter bc it isn’t very long

Star Power within the Silver Matrix is the power to recreate the Universe, Zodiac (what powers Star Convoy) is the same thing as star power

Five Star Powers is more than enough to bisect Megatron Omega but

he is able to absorb some power and regenerate. Also One of the Seacon combiners resists an attack that destroys all matter somehow.

more confirmation in addition to other abilities (eg black matrix can manipulate time) a star power gives you power to create a universe, all of the Primus Vanguard has this power, they can also merge universes together which is what they did to create the g1 setting

As we know from Balancing Act, universes in Transformers are infinite in size. This is somehow the one thing that has never been contradicted in the series as far as I know

anyways the real reason this stuff is significant is because his final form, Gold Primus Convoy can fight Golden Megatron albeit he is ultimately weaker

As for speed, Star Convoy scales to this
context behind the feat and why it scales^

So I think Convoy outspeeds and outmuscles him here, the issue is Convoy is a straightforward raw power fighter, we never see the extent of what Golden Power can do, so while he can kill him I don’t know that he can kill him permanently while Daruman is packing tons of hax and the ability to revive himself continually. The existence erasure is what I am most concerned about, because I don’t know that Convoy can do anything about that outright as anything even remotely similar would have just been achieved by time manipulated in his stories.

this is the most effort ive out into responding to a thread in months lol


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
on one hand I now understand the extremely confusing Legends manga like 30% better

a looooot of characters getting that universe++++ scaling in it lol

Cradle sounds neat, you can tell the author loves his big battles but he does it in a way that's actually cool and fun to read and not like, Suggs or something.

Thirteen prime

this was your old message, but I’ll add a little, as we remember, the energy of the gods can make it possible to resist instant death and erasure of existence, perhaps even to the manipulation of reality and time, and we must not forget that the durability of the convoy is enough to withstand the shot of each of the Megatrons with the power matrix, and his big bang cannon destroyed Vok, who in this manga are the main enemies who intended to destroy all existence and could only be stopped with the help of all the matrix.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
yeah at the time I wrote this I hadn’t read all the 3H stuff so I didn’t realize Matrix, especially these unique ones, should allow for existence erasure resistance.

The only thing I really disagree on is overpowering the Vok since the Specters of the Precursor World still survived the 7 star powers, and in the 3H comics the Vok exist across all universe and consciousness itself, which the star powers haven’t demonstrated as much power over
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