The Fall of the Fated Queen


V.I.P. Member
This is the first of five novellas set in a space opera universe I've been working on since 2008. The Fall of the Fated Queen, like the other four in the series, takes place in the generation before the great interplanetary war that rests at the heart of the novel that I began work on back then. These will come out in serial form first and then an anthology book at the end of the year.

Though humanity may have ventured to other worlds, and the people still on Earth are consumed in a posthuman project, there is no escape from the tragedy of great power politics, the search for greatness, and the strong force of fate.

Here we meet our protagonist who finds himself at the crossroads of the three.

The story can be defined by this question:

What if an eccentric financier approaching middle age thought he could find the greatness he feels has eluded him by attempting to fight in a far-off war and confront a beautiful enemy leader?
Meanwhile, If I had to put it in one paragraph, I would put it like this:

The first two chapters are done and free. Chapter 1 is below:

The Woman Warrior, a World Away

War is imminent in the eastern hemisphere of Mars. Watching from far away in the great city of Sumgin in the southwest, a successful, but unsatisfied 38-year-old financier sees a beautiful commander leading the great bullies of the east. Might this contradiction give him a clue about the one thing that's always eluded him? Will she be able to show him what true greatness is?

Chapter 2 is likewise here:

The Chieftain and the King

We come face-to-face with the person our protagonist considered the great bully who spurred him to take action a world away. Was his perception accurate? Meanwhile, through her, we see that the crisis in Mars' eastern hemisphere has deepened, and the region is rapidly escalating toward war. However, her further part in the impasse is not guaranteed.

Chapter 3 is done and coming this weekend. I'm working on chapter 4 now. There will be 15 chapters in the serial.

TrueG 37

Sounds cool ngl. I'll check it out but uh what if that guy who spun your protagonist into action who was considered a bully was someone he looked up to no matter what he did to him . Sounds like Mha good writing to me amirite guyz .


V.I.P. Member
Chapter 3 is now out.

This is the first paid chapter, which is accessible via the "Hero tier" at the link. The first two are free.


V.I.P. Member
A little late, but chapter 4 is here!



V.I.P. Member
New chapter is out.

You can find it here:

We're now 1/3 done. I aim to have it finished by Memorial Day. The war actually breaks out in the next chapter.
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V.I.P. Member
Chapter 6 is up. Longer than I wanted to take it, but it's the most complicated and best in the book so far.



V.I.P. Member
Wow, this was delayed far beyond what I wanted it to be, but chapter 7 is out, and we're now essentially at the halfway mark in this story. Here it is:

The Door
Behind the door in front of him lies the world he wants to create. But can this wannabe hero make that world happen, or will he only walk through it into a den of pain? Find out at the half point in "The Fall of the Fated Queen!"


V.I.P. Member
The latest chapter is out. We're in the home stretch for this one now.

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Reactions: Ral


V.I.P. Member
Chapter 10 is out. We're really nearing the climax now.



V.I.P. Member
And here it is at last. The final chapter in The Fall of the Fated Queen.

After the climactic battle, Adrian Wycart has come far closer to realizing his ideal of greatness, but the lesson he has learned about what it is was one that he never expected. This chapter marks the end of The Fall of the Fated Queen.
Now these alpha documents are coming together in a complete beta manuscript. I will be looking for readers of that shortly.


V.I.P. Member
The full beta manuscript is now out. I'm looking for about 5 beta readers. If you think you'd make a good one, let me know.
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