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Tolkien Legendarium feats & lore discussion thread (Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillian)

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Smaug moves so fast that he's described as being akin to a spark of fire rushing towards Lake Town.
The Hobbit said:
Before long, so great was his speed, they could see him as a spark of fire rushing towards them and growing ever huger and more bright, and not the most foolish doubted that the prophecies had gone rather wrong.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From the Peter Jackson movies; Arwen invokes the river to come rushing and wash the Nazgul and their horses away (in the form of great horses made of water).

This sequence in the script, which compares the deluge of water to a dam breaking.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
In a draft letter to one Mr Rang, Tolkien confirms that Earendel is infact what we know as the planet Venus (or the Morningstar). The character of Earendel was from a poem he'd written in 1914, and then adopted into his mythology (originally, Earendel set sail from the Sun).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Voyage of Éarendel the Evening Star was the first ever Middle-Earth prose to exist officially, predating even The Hobbit (and perhaps even Middle-Earth itself), and tells of the voyages of Éarendel.


Active member
May I ask that are you planning to include material & information in "The Lord of the Rings Online" in this thread?
I had heard that it is lore heavy MMO, but haven't got a chance to play through it or find out video walkthrough which focus on story and lore.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
As there is apparently quite a lot of compatibility between Rolemaster and MERP (namely the use of Rolemaster Spells in MERP being official and encouraged), I decided to check out the Rolemaster books to see what they said on this subject. And sure enough, what they said did not disappoint. Rolemaster is a system which can be used for the most part to set up your own world, or if to play as a pre-existing world, the examples being Bladelands or Middle-Earth (Rolemaster, Bladeslands and MERP are all made by the same company, ICE).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Notion Club Papers is one of Tolkien's unfinished time travel stories, and was eventually published post-humously among the Unfinished Tales as part of the book Sauron Defeated by his son Christopher Tolkien. I hope to dive much deeper into The Notion Club Papers at some point in the future, but it is quite interesting featuring travel via dreams across time and space, from different solar systems to the deep past of Numenor. Among these distant interstellar worlds is Ellor Eshúrizel, which is shaped with loveliness of many minds in thought, but organic life does not exist there (although the En-keladim, an extraterestrial race, do dwell there).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I'll look over it eventually most likely (as I'm hoping to look over as much as I can).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
As all the spells in Spell Law can be used in MERP (and some of these spells directly appear in the MERP books), it's fair enough to use them. And oh boy this has some impressive spells! Let's start with the most impressive of all; time travel. As part of Time's Bridge, the caster can travel back in time physically for a time, and potentially change the past. The other spells in Time's Bridge allow visions of the past and the future. Starlights meanwhile, allows for the manipulation of light for seeing and attacking (including focusing pre-existing moonlight and starlight into an attack).
Soul Destruction allows the caster to damage the very soul of their victim, including but not limited to body swapping, demonic possession, ripping out a chunk of the victims soul and ripping the victims soul out (abet temporarily). Fluid Destruction has spells which allow for the evaporation of up to 1,000,000 cubic feet of water and banishing rain.
Telekenisis allows for the use of telekenisis. Movement allows for being able to jump far, levitate, fly, merge with inanimate objects and pass through solid objects.
Controlling Songs allow the singer to control the target, from being friends to falling asleep to panicking to being afraid to being able to control them completely and even being able to kill them.
Detections allows for the individual to detect various things, such as hate, the invisible, magic, telepathy, evil, power and so on. Illusions allow the caster to cast illusions (of both sight and sound).
Invisibility allows the caster to become invisible and to make others invisible. Living Change allows the caster to change their own form or the form of others as well as to grow or shrink in size, as well as to analyse the form of another so as to change them or another.
Mind's Door allows the caster to teleport. Speed allows for spells that increase the casters speed and stamina.
Mind Visions allows the caster to read minds for force the target to answer a question or even steal the thoughts of others. Sense Through Others allows the caster to see and feel senses through an animal or another being.
Mystical Change allows the caster to become another person or creature, even as far as to create an entire persona and their true self falls into a slumber while the other persona takes over. Liquid Alteration allows for the manipulation of water, and even the transmutation of water into another liquid (so long as said liquid isn't magical).
Lofty Bridge allows for the teleportation of the caster and others, as well as flight, levitation, jumping & landing safely and opening portals in walls and barricading structures. Spell Enhancements allow for a spell to become stronger.
Mind Control allows the caster to mind control their victim, or outright breaking their mind. Sense Control allows the caster to control their targets senses, to the point of creating an illusionary world inside their mind which the caster has full control over.
Mind Mastery allows for the storing of memories and spells, protection against psychic attacks and mask their mental presence. Sense Mastery allows for the enhancement of the senses, such as being able to see to the horizon underwater, detecting illusions, merging their senses with someone else and more.
Mind Subversion allows for the subversion of the victims mind, such as turning them into a liar, a cheater, a thief, to become violent or even commit suicide. Mind Domination allows the caster to invade the minds of others, or have demons possess the intended victim, or even turn them into a zombie and torment their soul.
Mind Erosion allows the caster to erode their victims minds, causing them to become dulled or confused. Mind Death allows the caster to cause their victims mind to blank out and for them to forget their life experiences and memories (although this has a chance of backfiring on the caster too).
Gas Manipulation allows for the manipulation of gases, such as condensing water out of fog, controlling clouds and creating localised vacuums. Shifting allows the caster to alter their form so as to turn into someone else, water, mist or stone, as well as to breathe underwater and slip through small places like an octopus.
Self Healing allows the caster to heal themselves, and can fully regenerate their body (except for their brain) within 10 to 100 days. Spell Resistance allows for the caster to protect themselves from spells that seek to do physical and mental damage to them.
The introduction to this book even makes mention of MERP, and how the spells in Spell Law are compatable with it and the other roleplaying worlds of ICE.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
While it's not got as much as MERP, Lord of the Rings: The Role Playing Game (not to be confused with Lord of the Rings Roleplaying, which I'll get to eventually) is another roleplaying game set in the world of Middle-Earth. This TTRPG ties in with the Peter Jackson movies, but also draws off the books some. As always, I think it's best to treat this as it's own continuity (as with every version or adaption of the universe, unless directly confirmed otherwise).

Magic suffuses all of Middle-Earth, and all the races of Middle-Earth can use magic and cast spells (even orcs).
Mastery of Shapes allows the caster (a wizard or magician or sorcerer) to transform into an animal or bird (but not a fell beast or dragon). Lightning sends forth a bolt of lightning.
Power of the Land allows the magic user to call upon the land & weather and make it rise against their enemies in the radius of one mile, although this spell must be sustained by the caster.
Springtime allows the magic user to control the weather around them (at least 50 feet, or 15.24m) to that of spring, melting ice, making the Sun come out and increasing the temperature; however, the area affected does not move with the caster. Sundering allows the magic user to destroy large structures, such as towers, walls and bridges; the spell is more effective at close range (though it can be used from afar), but being closer risks the caster being hurt via the structures collapse. Transformation will change the targets shape, but not their mind (if a hobbit is turned into a frog, they'd still be as smart as a hobbit, which is a clever reference to what Gandalf and Frodo threatened to do to Sam after he eavesdropped in the books; although as a good wizard, Gandalf is likely not to do this to Sam).

The different kinds of structures you can damage or destroy during sieges or with powerful spells.
The Witch-King's Mace can shatter stone as easily as bone.
Sea-Krakens are creatures of titanic sizes that rely on their overwhelming size to take down prey, and can see through the inkiest of water and the darkest of nights with ease. They dwell within the Bay of Belfalas, but are more likely to attack ships aligned with the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth than those aligned with Shadow.
The scream of a Nazgul torments both the ears and the souls of the poor victims who hear them. Mumakil (or Oliphants) are gigantic elephant-like creatures ridden into war by the Harad. They can pick up trees, boulders and people and throw them a considerable distance, and their size is said to be comparable to a hill.

A size-chart of large creatures. Gigantic is 25 to 50 yards (22.86m to 45.72m) and Titanic is 50 yards to 100 yards (45.72m to 91.44m).
There are many demons in Middle-Earth besides the Balrogs, and not all of these ancient malevolent forces serve Sauron and Morgoth. There are two varieties of demons; animate demons which incorporate an aspect of the Great Darkness (Morgoth?) until they become a personification of said aspect; place-demons (or bandurhoth) are demons which inhabit a place and become trapped there, gaining full control over their environs and loosing their physical form (although they can still be defeated by locating its centre of presence and defeating it in a contest of wills). Helegrogs are an example of a kind of demon of cold-fire (weaker than Balrogs) who survived the War of Wrath and Ancalagons crushing fall and made small cruel kingdoms in the cold of the North (ensnaring snow trolls and orcs to their dark whims).

Another kind of demon is the Dindair, who cloak themselves in shadows so as to protect themselves from the Sun, and don't seem to posses any true physical form of their own, as they're constantly changing form. They can muddle their victims minds, and are responsible for a distrust between Men and Elves in the East.
Caradhras the Cruel is a spirit who fled the Valar and merged with the mountain of Caradhras, and he uses his powers to kill travellers out of spite; his servants are the white Wargs and carrion birds, who he can communicate with freely to do his bidding; his centre of presence is the mountains summit (for those with a keen memory, this is the same mountain the Fellowship tried to cross before Saruman awakened the mountain itself).
It's possible to call upon higher entities and beings of great power such as Elbereth (Varda) and the other Valar, or even Tom Bombadil.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Looking into Lord of the Rings Online (and I'll look further in the future no doubt). As always, Lord of the Rings Online is it's own continuity (I feel it's important to say this after introducing any new version of the mythos). To start off, different servers are referred to as different worlds.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Lord of the Rings by Blind Guardian is another song by Blind Guardian about Lord of the Rings, from their album Somewhere Far Beyond.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Blind Guardian was far from the only musicians to sing of Tolkien's world; another example of a band who's written songs about Middle-Earth is Windrose (who mainly sing of the dwarves). To Erebor (from the album Stonehymn). tells of the journey to Erebor and how Thorin will return to be King Under the Mountain.
The Breed of Durin (from the album Wardens of the West) is about the dwarves and their fear and hatred of Smaug, and how they will reclaim their homes and riches no matter what.
Diggy Diggy Hole (from the album Wintersaga) is about dwarves. It can be seen as simply being about dwarves in general and not just Middle-Earth, but the line "we can never dig too deep" might be an alusion to the Balrog (and how they can, in fact, dig too deep).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Leonard Nimoy (known for playing Spock in Star Trek) once wrote a song about Bilbo Baggins, called The Ballard of Bilbo Baggins.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From Shadow of Mordor, we see the Watcher which resides in the Nurnen Bay attacking a ship and splitting it in two. The Watcher has destroyed the Fishery before, and is described as a demon of the sea and a furious spirit (which might make it a Maiar, at least in this continuity).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
In Lego Lord of the Rings (which is obviously it's own continuity, which draws from both the Peter Jackson movies and the books), Sauron sends people flying by the dozens with swings of his hammer.

Lego Sauron (who is around 5 times taller than a lego minifigure person) rips up the ground by slashing at it with his mace and dredges up lava.

Lego Sauron smashing the ground creates a miniature volcano.