Calc Adventure Time - Rock Wizard summons meteors


Wizard Battle said:
Rock Wizard: Arrgghh! Come to me, meteor shower! Rock Wizard compels you!
Rock Wizard summons a meteor show from space. Finn dodges them, Abracadaniel survives getting hit by one and Jake oneshots Rock Wizard. This scales to lots of people, so let's get to scaling.
Standard cloud heigh for low flying cumulus is 600 m.
object degree size = 2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(70/2)))
= 2*atan(382/(423/tan(70/2)))
= 0.808630923 rad
= 46.331139071783177 degrees

Enter that through the angscaler and we get us a cloud that's 513.47m across.

382 pixels = 513.47m
1 pixel = 513.47m/382 = 1.3441623m
1.3441623m X 207 = 278.241596m
278.241596m/2 = 139.120798m
1.3441623m X 381 = 512.125836m
1.3441623m X 164 = 220.442617m
220.442617m/2 = 110.221309m
1.3441623m X 213 = 286.30657m
286.30657m/2 = 143.153285m
1.3441623m X 427 = 573.957302m
1.3441623m X 188 = 252.702512m
252.702512m/2 = 126.351256m
1.3441623m X 387 = 520.19081m

The full clouds aren't shown, so we'll go with half an ellipsoid for each.

V = 4/3πabc
= 4/3 X π X 513.47 X 139.120798 X 139.120798
= 41628216.5/2
= 20814108.2m^3

V = 4/3πabc
= 4/3 X π X 512.125836 X 110.221309 X 110.221309
= 26061320.9/2
= 13030660.4m^2

V = 4/3πabc
= 4/3 X π X 573.957302 X 143.153285 X 143.153285
= 49268669.2/2
= 24634334.6m^3

V = 4/3πabc
= 4/3 X π X 520.19081 X 126.351256 X 126.351256
= 34786474.1/2
= 17393237.1m^3

V = 20814108.2 + 13030660.4 + 24634334.6 + 17393237.1
= 75872340.3m^3

Density of a cloud is 1.003kg per m^3.

M = 75872340.3 X 1.003
= 76099957.3kg

Now for the timeframe with which the clouds moved.
0.7 seconds.

T = 573.957302m/0.7s
= 819.939003m/s

Finally, for our kinetic energy.

KE = (0.5) X 76099957.3 X 819.939003^2
= 2.55809995e13 joules
= 6.1140056166347995 kilotons

Next, the speed that the asteroids arrived on Earth. Going from when the Rock Wizard starts talking to when they're here.
4 seconds. For a low end, we'll go to the very edge of the Thermosphere, which is at it's furthest 375 miles (603.50400km) away.

T = 603.50400km/4s
= 150876/340.29
= Mach 443.374769

Let's get a high end for our energy with the KE of the meteorites. Finn is 13 as of this episode taking place. The average height of a 13 year old boy is 156.2cm (1.562m).
280 pixels = 1.562m
1 pixel = 1.562m/280 = 0.00557857143m
0.00557857143m X 59 = 0.329135714m
37 pixels = 0.329135714m
1 pixel = 0.329135714m/37 = 0.00889555984m
0.00889555984m X 121 = 1.07636274m
1.07636274m/2 = 0.53818137m

Volume of the meteor as a a sphere.

V = 4/3πr^3
= 4/3 X π X 0.53818137^3
= 0.652941976m^3

Looking at this link here, an asteroid 0.4m across would weigh 100kg on average. How much would it weigh at 1.07636274m then?

M2 = (H2/H1)^3*M1
= (1.07636274/0.4)^3 X 100
= 1948.48018kg

There's 11 of them, all of which seem to be the same size, so times that by 11.

M = 1948.48018kg X 11
= 21433.282kg

KE = (0.5) X 21433.282 X 150876^2
= 2.43948979e14 joules

Adding that to the cloud moving, then we can get our final results.

E = 2.55809995e13 + 2.43948979e14
= 2.69529978e14 joules
= 64.4192108030592717 kilotons

Last but not least, a super high end for the speed. The Asteroid Belt is 179,500,000km from the Earth.

T = 179,500,000km/4s
= 44875000000/299792458
= 149.686888 C

Final Results
Rock Wizard summons meteor storm (energy - low end) = 6.114 kilotons
Rock Wizard summons meteor storm (energy - high end) = 64.419 kilotons
Rock Wizard summons meteor storm (speed - low end) = Mach 443.375
Rock Wizard summons meteor storm (speed - high end) = 149.687 C


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