Calc Darling in the Franxx - Across the Universe

The detonation of the Klaxosaur Bomb causes an explosion seen all the way back on Earth. Strelizia True Apus is noted to be so far from Earth that there are no recognisable stars, and the sky and perspective is completely different (there are also noticably more stars in the sky than in space in the Solar System).

But a better indicator of the distance comes several episode earlier during episode 21, when the Klaxosaur Princess is talking about the initial VIRM attack.
We can see at least 6 Spiral galaxies, excluding the Milky Way (the first galaxy is a bit hard to see as it's only visible in the fade in, but you can definately see it there).
This could be a bit tricky to calc the distance for, but we can get a minimum distance scaling from the Milky Way, which has a diameter of 100,000 lightyears, or 9.4605284e20m.
object degree size = 2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(70/2)))
= 2*atan(314/(1614/tan(70/2)))
= 0.18383961 rad
= 10.533233760357172 degrees

Enter that through the angscaler, and we can determine that the Milky Way is at least 5131600000000000000000m away. The full shot is even further away, but for now let's leave it at that. The light is clearly visible in the middle of the day and from across the Universe, which would mean if'd have to be at least comparable to the luminousity of the Sun. The apparent magnitude of the Sun is -26.74.

-26.74 = -26.73 - 2.5log((L/3.846*10^26)(146000000000/(5131600000000000000000))^2)
(146000000000/(5131600000000000000000))^2) = 8.09468809e-22
-26.74 - -26.73 = 8.09468809e-22/((L/3.846*10^26)
-0.01 = -2.5Log(8.09468809e-22/((L/3.846*10^26))
-0.01/-2.5 = (8.09468809e-22/((L/3.846*10^26))
10^(0.004) = (8.09468809e-22/((L/3.846*10^26))
1.00925289 = (8.09468809e-22/((L/3.846*10^26))
1.00925289 X (3.864*10e26) = 9.46317256e-10
3.89975317e27/8.09468809e-22 = 4.81766947e48 joules

The light lasts 3 days.
T = 60 X 60 X 24 X 3
= 259200s

E = 4.81766947e48 X 259200
= 1.24873993e54/10^44
= 12.487399300 GIGAFOE

Final Results
Klaxosaur Bomb = >12.487 GIGAFOE


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