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Calc Feel the lols: 8 (gintama) the EOS classic gintama edition

i will try it out because i need to see if i will have the mind to deliver the obd monthly
dont expect more calcs for now,tho

Sadistic cut
Sougo-kun cuts some bullets
(http://imgur.com/7CWliEq) sougo is 1.66m(58 px)
distance between him and the weirdo is 120.01px (3.43476897 m)

sougo is 234.82px
sougo arm + sword is 162.384 px (1.1479322m)
distance between sougo and the bullets is 258px (1.82386509 m)
sougo makes 4 cuts that are about 160 degrees each
D=2.79253 x 4 x 1.1479
D=12.8221 meters
it is worthy nothing that sougo got up in this mid time and that the bullets had went past the barrels that were after the random scrub by the time he started motion
so i will round it to 14 meters
distance travelled by the bullets is
3.43476897-1.82386509=1.61 m
a rifle muzzle velocity from an old calc of mine is 600 m/s
T=1.61 /600
T=0.0026833 seconds
Sougo speed=5217.45611 m/s
Sougo cuts bullets=15.332 mach
finally an hypersonic feat without blitzing shenanigans

The power of a Siscon
seimei channels his power all around edo and vaps one of doumon shikigami opening a hole in the building

ketsuno seimei is 183px(1.79m)
shikigami is 383 (3.74647978 m)
using square law i get
volume of a human is
V2= (H2/H1)^3 V1
V2= (3.74647/1.7)^3 x 65913.4
V2=705494.65564 cc
human vaporization is 45362.551 j/cc
E1=45362.551 x 705494.65564
E1= 32003037296.7 joules
now we will add to the crater
(http://imgur.com/696mkiq) random mook is 1.7 (27px)
pillar is 21px (1.322 m)

pillar is 13px
crater deepth is 10px (1.01692308 m)
crater diameter is 89px (9.05062 m) and 95px (9.660769m)
this gives me an elliptic tank of
pulverization of concrete is 42 j/cc
Energy= 69834177.84443188 x 42
E2=2933035469.47 joules
TE=32003037296.7 + 2933035469.47 joules
TE=34936072766.2 joules
ketsuno seimei shikigami power=8,35 tons of tnt

Did you say sunny day ?
basically ketsuno clan ]and shirino clan fight to control the weather
as you can see they can instantly turn a japanese sunny day into a rainy day
and latter on monster domon even forms a huge thunderstorm
anyway those folks can control the weather
i will base myself on this calc to start off
nimbostratus thickness is 2500 meters
edo surface area is 2.188e+9 m^2
volume of the cloud is 2.188e+9 x 2500=5.47e+12 m^3
cloud density is 1.003 kg
Mass=5.47e+12 x 1.003
mass= 5.48641e+12 kg
PE= mgh
G=9.82 m/s2
h=2400 meters
PE= 1.2930371e+17 joules
Method 2:(condensation of water)
there seems to be an actual way to effectively make storm clouds)
i'll try to play along with this method for a bit
Deepth of average rain=2.54 cm
area of edo=2.18800e13 cm^2
Volume of converted rain=5.55752e13 cm^3
density of water is 1 kg/cm^3
Mass=5.55752e13 kg
condensation value of rain is 2.5 X 10^6 joules/kg
E=5.55752e13 x 2.5e6
E=1.38938e20 joules
Ketsuno clan ritual power=30.9043284 megatons-33.206979 gigatons of tnt
btw, the high end is vastly more accurated this time
btw gintoki matched demon doumon's blast which had such effects while being just slightly amped by a shikigami
so even halving between him and the shikigami this corroborates to city level gintoki
now im going to sleep :defeat


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