Calc Gotta catch them all (pokemon) the legendary byrds edition

well i may as well begin a respect blog for pokemon i guess

The legendary birds are quite the powerscalling matter (pokemon movie 2000)
( according to oak the 3 birds are responsible for generating the water currents all around the world via a chain reaction that starts at orange islands
given the worldwide effect is clearly a chain reaction and that there are more legendary byrds on other regions is safe to say that what remains true about said statement is that the byrds can affect the currents on the orange islands arquipelagh
so i will try to get such valueémon_world_in_relation_to_the_real_world
cinnabar island refers to the island of izu oshima
surface area of izu oshima is
R=square root (91.06/(pi))
R=5.38379961 km

diameter is 10.7675 km (52px)
kumqualut island is 131 px (27.1258173 km)

kumqualut island here is 29px
the whole arquipelagh is 250px (233.843252586 km)
the orange islands ocean is akin to the pacific ocean that averages around 4280 m in deepth according to this apparently
i mean at least wombat said it is here eurofags can confirm i guess
so lets do this
Volume=233843.252586 x 233843.252586 x 4280 m^3
Volume=2.34041814e14 m^3
density of water is 1000 kg/m^3
2.34041814e+17 kg
the average velocity of an ocean current is 1.5 m/s
KE= m x v^2 x 0.5
KE= 2.34041814e+17 x 1.5^2 x 0.5
KE=2.63297041e17 joules
The legendary byrds controls the island arquipelagh waves=62.9295031 megatons of tnt
Individual legendary Byrd energy=20.9765010333 megatons of tnt
some of Ash teams arguably gets its own share of this given facing the legendary byrds is almost a troope for him in xy series
then again you may want to argue those 3 legendary byrds are special because they are the original ones who knows

The power of the HD fights (pokemon anime)
at episode 85 of pokemon xy moltres creates a volcano eruption on his cameo
i'll calc the speed and dc of said feat

james is 13px on this panel the eruption exccedes the pointy rocky he and the team are in and the vulcano curvature cant be seen on the panel so i will use panel height and weight for the size of the eruption for a lowball
james is around 1.82m
so the diameter of the eruption is 644px (90.16 m) and its height is 362px (50.68 m)
the timeframe is 0.25 seconds
( ( Volume of the lava is a cylinder
V=pi x r^2 x h
V=pi x 45.08^2 x 50.68
V=323559.603 m^3
lava density is 2600 kg/m^3
Mass=323559.603 x 2600
Mass=841254968 kg
ejection speed is height/time
S= 202.72 m/s
Ke=m x v^2 x 0.5
KE=841254968 x 202.72^2 x 0.5
KE= 1.7285854e13 joules
Moltres eruption speed 202.72 m/s
Moltres causes an eruption=4.13141 kilotons of tnt
or small town+ casual moltres cameo


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