Calc Scribblenauts - Space Cabby gets Maxwell home

Even in speedy space traffic, the Space Cabby can get Maxwell and the Justice League back to Earth in under an hour from the planet Rann.
Rann is located in the Alpha Centauri system.

Alpha Centauri is located around 4 lightyears, or 25000000000000 miles (4.02336e16m) from Earth.

T = 60 X 60
= 3600s

T = 4.02336e16m/3600s
= 1.1176e13/299792458
= 37279.1233 C

Final Results
Space Cabby flies from Rann to Earth = 37279.123 C

Lobo is also able to catch the Space Cab with his chains (abet while riding on his space bike).


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