Calc Tales of a glutton summon 3: the Immortal One edition (ga-rei)

1.Fat elder zombie goes boom

One of yomi youkais self destructs itself

random exorcist is 347.48 px (1.7m)
elder demon height is 312px (1.52641879 m)
elder diameter is 400 px (1.95694716 m)
as you can see the elder is a fucking meat stick so i will calc this as an ellipsoid of flesh
V=(1.95694716 x 1.52641879 x 1.52641879 x pi)/6
elder volume=2.38739967 m^3
elder pretty much vaped himself
human vaping is 45362.551 j/cc
E=2387399.67 x 45362.551
E=1.08298539e11 joules
the thing also caused a huge explosion

window is 8px (1.5m)
explosion is 474px (88.87500 m)
so we have a radius of 44.4375
r_thermal = Y^0.41 * constant_th
r_blast = Y^0.33 * constant_bl
5000 tons = 476m R air blast, 100% fatalities
44.4375/476= 0.0933560924
E=0.00075721672 x 5000
E=3.7860836 tons of tnt
TE=25.883972 + 3.7860836
Yomi summon selfdestructs=29.6700556
so city block+ to multicityblockish

2.The storm of the Freedoom
the immortal one creates a huge typhoon as an aftereffect of its awakening
let's take a look at that i guess

on this close of google maps 10 km=72px
the bit im scalling on both maps has 77.93px (10823.6111 m)
on the second map however it has 21.1px
while the typhon diameter is 155px (79509.9394 m)
cloud thickness is 2000 km
and the speed is stated as 40 m/s on the panel
now let's do this i guess
V=(79509.9394/2)^2 x 2000 x pi
V=9.93030807e12 m^3
now for mass we have cloud density of 1.003 kg/m^3
Mass=9.96009899e12 kg
KE=9.96009899e12 x 40^2 x 0.5
KE=7.96807919e15 joules or
The immortal one summons a storm=1.90441663 megatons of tnt
so a casual small city level feat for the immortal one

3.The judment of the freedom

yomi states that destroying tokyo with an omnidirectional blast would be easy if she merged with the Immortal One
now let's see the energy needed to perform this much
this map has 10km= 73px
the diameter of an explosion that would cover the enterity of tokyo would have 669px (91.6438356 km)
nuke radius is then 45.8219178 kilometers
implugging this on widespread destruction and near total fatalities we have
[B]The immortal one theoretical tokyo destruction=270.583 megatons-5.124368 gigatons of tnt[/B]
so the immortal one can potentially be city+ to island level

[B] shall not underestimate the exorcists[/B]
the sealing ritual for immortal one disperses the storm he had created before the destroyed zombies parts fall to the ground
starts here
so basically the zombies the old man destroys when the seal is shorted are yet to completely fall when the sealing is already done
freefall of human height is 0.59 seconds
the storm radius is 39754.9697 meters
dispersion speed is 67381.3046 m/s
storm mass is 9.96009899e12 kg
KE=67381.3046^2 x 9.96009899e12 x 0.5
KE=2.2610621e22 joules
[B]Exorcist department sealing energy=5.40406812 teratons of tnt[/B]
this only applies for sealing and it takes a decent amount of prep but nice i guess
and well, guess this does the volume 3


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