More calcs and numbers from The Dark Forest!

1. SFJC ships maximum acceleration
Ships of the Solar Fleet Joint Conference have a maximum acceleration of 15% C.

2. SFJC railguns
On top of another reference to their spaceships being able to reach 15% the speed of light, there's also another impressive feat here...
The Solar Fleet Joint Conference (SFJC) has ships that fire football-sized iron balls at a rate of 10s of km a second with a hundred spheres fired a second, which can flatten a mountain in a few minutes. According to this link here, the average football has a volume of about 4800cm^3 (or 0.0048m^3). The spheres are made of iron, which weights 7873kg/m^3.

M = 0.0048 X 7873kg
= 37.7904kg

The speed at which it's launched is tens of kilometers a second, which given plural, is at least 20km a second.

T = 20km/1s
= 20000/340.29
= Mach 58.7733992

KE = (0.5)mv^2
= (0.5) X 37.7904 X 20000^2
= 7558080000 joules
= 1.806424474187 tons of TNT

And this is just one round out of a hundred a second!

E = 1.806424474187 tons of TNT X 100
= 180.642447 tons of TNT

Finally, this is not merely limited to short burst rounds, but can sustain firing for 'a few minutes' at least. A few implies more than a couple, so for now let's go with three minutes, or 180 seconds.

E = 180.642447 tons of TNT X 180
= 32515.6405 tons of TNT (32.5156405 kilotons)

The ship also possesses lasers that melted half a targetship, but unfortunately I have no reference for it's dimensions or mass (although it's the size of a carrier).

Final Results
SFJC Fleet ships maximum acceleration = 15% C
SFJC's Railgun firerate = Mach 58.773
SFJC's Railgun firepower (individual rounds) = 1.806 tons of TNT
SFJC's Railgun firepower (per second) = 180.642 tons of TNT
SFJC's Railgun firepower (several minute barrage) = 32.516 kilotons


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