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Calc The weakest of them all (Pok?mon)

You tired of all these niggas saying Magikarp is a monster when it's really not?

Well you're wrong.

That's Kanto. Modbat has Kanto at ~191km. the entire width of this picture is 798px. Was too lazy to correct for the sliver of water to the east, but I might do that somewhere down the line.


The above is Cinnabar Island's width, then.

This is an official map of the Orange Archipelago that was released with some DVD package thing. The island we're looking for is Rind Island, which was misnamed Millsweet Island on this map.

The above highlighted island is Rind. You can tell that Millsweet and Rind are one-in-the-same (both are directly west of Shamouti).


Rind is almost 10km.


The lake on Rind Island measures more than a kilometer-and-a-half.

See this shit? Yeah, a few Magikarp did this. Contained in that ridge is the lake where they seasonally travel to evolve.

(1661/336)321=1587m for the height

(1661/336)69=341m for the larger base (2R),

(1661/336)35=173m for the smaller base (2r).

Gonna just calc the volume as a conic frustum.



Don't really feel like calcing rotational KE, so PE will have to do. I also don't feel like finding the center of mass for this, so I'll just use that of a cylinder (h/2).


or about 158 kilotons.

I have no idea exactly how many Magikarp there were, but there certainly weren't as many as 158 of them. You probably see what I'm getting at.

The feat is here, by the way. The Magikarp are preparing to evolve, but perform the feat well before doing so.


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