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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Uryū finally has feats worth discussing.

Too bad it's mostly getting his ass beat... So I guess not much has changed. :thinkchuu
Cour 3 Uryu beats him
Can Uryu use Sanrei glove here? I know that he should be able to use VS, but so far it hasn't been shown. If he is allowed to use LS see no reason why this fight would end any different than their part 1 fight. Yes, they are stronger in TYBW but this is true for both.Possibly Uryu's growth is even bigger than Mayuri's growth.
Are these people seriously taking the fucking piss? :really

The idea that Uryu needs anymore feats than what he already has to prove he can EFFORTLESSLY destroy Mayuri is asinine, especially when The Antithesis basically presents the middle finger to any and all of Mayuri's shenanigans (weather or not it affects him on the rebound doesn't matter), and Uryu's feats against EoS Shikai Ichigo are more than enough to turn Mayuri into a fucking pin cushion.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Mayuri is gonna need some Batman level prep time to beat Uryu. :skully
What's he gonna do with prep time, replace his organs which would have no effect against Uryu since he's not targeting the organs specifically?

He has no prep feats to suggest he could defeat Uryu even with it, he and Kisuke are not Batman no matter how much people try to pretend they are. :mjpls

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Also, Aizen cutting down Komamaru's Bankai was not a casual thing. He emphasized his raw power and the gap between them, he was putting in effort to establish dominance - and still needed two hits.
So what you're telling me is a couple of simple swings of a guy's sword, while he's completely expressionless and visibly not exerting ANY effort somehow "isn't casual" just because he said he would show him real strength.

It also didn't "take two slashes" Koma's Bankai was fucked and he was all but defeated after the first strike, but you know we gotta pretend Aizen was a lot less impressive than he actually was so we can try and push Unohana (and therefore Kenpachi) > Aizen and Shikai Yama. :heston

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Santa Teresa scythe slashes should be able to damage Yamamoto in the forehead just like Koko Gonryo Rikyu did , if not more.
Santa Teresa couldn't even cut Kenpachi's head off with a direct strike to the neck, but it's gonna do ANY damage at all to Yamamoto.

Then again it's Xelios, moron probably actually believes Kenpachi even then is more durable than Yamamoto.
So yeah that overrated Bankai can't beat Nnoitra at all.
He most certainly can, your claim is based solely on pure denial.
Most importantly , Nnoitra has a far more durable iron body while Chojiro has a fragile body that even Shikai Ichigo could knock out with a simple physical strike. If he attempted that move on Nnoitra he would break his fingers
And if Ichigo attempted that move against Bankai Chojiro, he would have straight up DIED. :maybe
How I see the fight? Nnoitra takes head on a few thunder strikes , gets damaged , then runs and roar as the thunders strike the ground near Nnoitra who avoids them since he runs and then when he closes the gap , he slashes to pieces Chojiro and says ''you are pathetic , Shinigami''
If he takes even ONE of them, he's fucking dead, he's not taking several. :kobeha

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Both the same as when they fought Royd and Yhwach respectively in the first invasion.

I'll start: Yamamoto cleans his clock.


Bonus round: Royd vs Ichigo.
Yamamoto should stomp easily.
Shikai Yamamoto beating Fullbring Bankai Ichigo WITH Quincy powers? :really

Oh yeah this is because Kubo said Royd and Loyd both copy power AND memories (but only get 100% of their specialty, 70% of the other) and so Royd being 70% of Mustache must obviously mean Yamamoto did better than Ichigo did because Mustache "totally held back" right? :smh

The answer is no, he did not do better. Mustache had to use named attacks against Ichigo, Ichigo did more damage to Mustache than Shikai Yamamoto did Royd and even Mustache couldn't break Ichigo's blut without exerting himself.

Bankai Yamamoto and Mustache himself would win, Shikai Yamamoto and Royd get murked.
Nah. Ichigo FORCED Yhwach to use his full power right????
No one fucking said that you disingenuous halfwit, all anyone said was that Ichigo made him exert actual effort and that alone is beyond most of the cast even at that point.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
What's more retarded about that is again, Ichigo made Yhwach exert effort and do actual attacks WHILE HE WAS HEAVILY WEAKENED! Something the show itself comments on! Fuck off with this disingenuous shit FV.
All Kubo's statement about Royd and Loyd does, is show that Bankai Yamamoto > 70% Mustache's power at the start of the arc, while still being weaker than him.

So it simply reiterates that Yamamoto's > all the Nazis except Mustache and that Royd in Mustache form is legit one of the strongest Nazis, which we already knew.

Tatsumi doesn't scale at all to the charged, multi-mountain blast of Shikoutazer as it's used all of once and then the Emperor is never given the chance to fire it again. S4 Tatsumi does charge right through one of the mecha's beams which are no joke (though, to be clear, at that point the mecha is spamming the beams out so they could be weaker than his opening barrage, though the mech has also powered up by that point),

Honest to God, that does not give me any real confidence for the level of power Shikoutazer has to realistically matter for Tatsumi here because that's primarily something Servants in this gauntlet have done by accident(i.e. more sheer collateral than anything else).

S2 Tatsumi gets briefly stunned when hit by one of Shikoutazer's missiles, so he's able to survive them but they do something. Though then again he also survives a full-strength punch from the mech after he's stunned and then stabbed, regenerating into S3 so his healing is pretty good.

1. That missile doesn't look that impressive alone unless there's more context to how destructive those missiles are.
2. So he still had to go into an even further Incursio mode when he got punched and stabbed by the Mech? I don't see how that means he won't get wrecked by anyone's physical strength on this list then.

As for it's size, it varies considerably depending on how close Tatsumi is (presumably so that Tatsumi would be visible when punching it in the face) but it's clearly supposed to be utterly massive. When it first stands up it's visible (with human eyeballs, not telescopes or anything) from 250kms away, you have this page, where three+ story houses don't even reaching the top of it's toes and it's fingernails dwarf the indistinct houses below it, as well as this earlier shot where it seems even bigger. I'm not well versed enough to put a number on it, but it's gonna be some fairly absurd number for height (and weight- it's bulky and covered in armor), and even S2 Tatsumi is capable of knocking it reeling.

Not gonna lie, that's really impressive... problem though, Servants weaker than the ones on the list have done similar physical feats if not superior to what S2 Tatsumi has done:



A reminder that those are MOOKS that you fight in varying numbers and not a specialized Spriggan in any way(Which is similar to the actual size discrepancy of the Monsters you fight in FGO's 4th Anniversary Video)

My gut says that Tatsumi is gonna have the raw strength advantage

If you use actual scaling? Nah, Tatsumi is absolutely dead in raw strength advantage:


How far they actually are and the range of their destruction here:

They are fighting in the Grand Canyon, FYI so they are miles apart at bare minimum.

and the path of victory for Servants is gonna be to hit him with an anti-dragon super-effective beam that oneshots him (and he doesn't block like Shikoutazer's) rather than getting into melee and/or letting him boost up stages, but again I haven't done the maths on how much Shikoutazer weighs and how strong Tatsumi is.

Anyone wanna tell this man that a Servant doesn't need to actually activate their Noble Phantasm for the effects to work? If we are going by that, Sigurd would slice Tatsumi in half just by swiping him with Gram and so will Siegfried with Balmung. And Artoria Alter and Melusine are just too strong for him for that to matter in the slightest but again, that's only if we are going with this hypothesis which is just paradoxically wrong.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Alternate title: Ichigo is a fraud. I want to keep this mostly positive though.

The TL by our liege, @MShadows

Royd is 70-80% of everything about Yhwach aside memories, which are 100%. It's implied would be the inverse and could fully copy Yhwach's power but lack the full memories to use those powers to go along with it. So each brother is individually an imperfect recreation that could never 1 vs 1 the original. That's a design flaw, but it still means that Yhwach falls within the range of their schrift. These are non-elite, ordinary Stern Ritter. We know they're not the only ones who can reach above their station. Quilge's schrift trapped Ichigo. NaNaNa incapacitated Aizen. Candice being able to defeat Ichigo. Nianzol cockblocked TenjiGOAT (stronger than Haschwalth). Uryu's powers are somewhat relevant to Yhwach, etc etc. The Stern Ritter are simply the strongest faction. The shinigami only had a chance because the quincy were braindead.

Now back to Royd, 70-80% of everything is substantial. Some might argue that reiatsu is more important but reiatsu would directly affect other physical capabilities. And unlike the popular theory of reiatsu being some substantial multiplier, the manga says otherwise. Gentei Kaijo suppresses their spiritual powers (doesn't say reiatsu specifically iirc) by 5x, Renji says twice that this leads to combat ability by 5x. That's not speculation. That's just stated outright.



Is it consistent with Hitsugaya getting smoked by Shawlong? It could be, but it's arguing away from the details. Either way, it's clear that Royd is a huge percentage of Yhwach's strength in the first invasion...and he is not even top 5. The quincy at the palace are the strongest in overall power, which is all part of the presentation. Even Gremmy is stronger than Royd.


You can say it's Auschwalen or whatever but they are definitely shown as the strongest quincy, and their feats are not disagreeable. Hash struggles but he's also stated explicitly to be a fair candidate for emperor, so he should be competitive with any of the Stern Ritter. @Daio Post the scan, pls. No big gaps could exist.

In sum, the upper echelon of the SR must have been "close" to Yhwach in power even before their royal realm buffs, and may have surpassed this incarnation at their best. At least enough that he can't dogwalk them by the first invasion. Want to know who Yhwach did spank? This guy:



Ichigo's not even close to 70-80% of Yhwach's power, therefore not close to Royd. Royd would go down high-diff maybe. But even while holding back considerably, blut vene is all that saves Ichigo from a 2-shot blowout against Yhwach. Levels to this. Haschwalth proceeds to prove exactly why this is the case by taking His Majesty's sloppy seconds.

Now Yamamoto? A reasonably tough fight for Royd, so he should also get the benefit of the doubt over Ichigo too.
This goes double for everyone who fought the elites competitively.


- The Stern Ritter are strong
- The gap between the best SR and the top-tiers are not so great
- Shikai Yamamoto is within reach of other strongest shinigami.
- Bankai Yamamoto stocks way up
- Ichigo is a fraud
That's a whole lot of pure copium right there. :maybe

That's a whole lot of pure copium right there. :maybe

I never seen such horrible dosage of copium in my life...
Like none of this proves a goddamned thing whatsoever and is just delusions born from completely misunderstanding Kubo's question entirely.

Royd is 70-80% of everything about Yhwach aside memories, which are 100%. It's implied would be the inverse and could fully copy Yhwach's power but lack the full memories to use those powers to go along with it. So each brother is individually an imperfect recreation that could never 1 vs 1 the original. That's a design flaw, but it still means that Yhwach falls within the range of their schrift. These are non-elite, ordinary Stern Ritter. We know they're not the only ones who can reach above their station. Quilge's schrift trapped Ichigo. NaNaNa incapacitated Aizen. Candice being able to defeat Ichigo. Nianzol cockblocked TenjiGOAT (stronger than Haschwalth). Uryu's powers are somewhat relevant to Yhwach, etc etc. The Stern Ritter are simply the strongest faction. The shinigami only had a chance because the quincy were braindead.

1. Trying to compare Lloyd or Royd to any of the other Sternritters is absolutely retarded and only proves that they are as strong as we believed they was. Did people forget Lloyd only lost against Kenpachi due to how his limiter worked and Kenpachi got destroyed by Royd!Yhwach? Like we already knew that.

2. Quilge's Jail can trap anyone but Quincies, something we knew from Yhwach. NaNaNa incapacitated Aizen due to how his Schrift works. Candice was never able to defeat Ichigo(Seriously, we are taking her taunting and Ichigo using 2 Getsugas to mean anything?), Nianzol only cockblocked Tenjirou in the Manga dumbass. We always knew Uryu's powers was relevant to Yhwach, that's why he brought him on board in the first place...

Now back to Royd, 70-80% of everything is substantial. Some might argue that reiatsu is more important but reiatsu would directly affect other physical capabilities. And unlike the popular theory of reiatsu being some substantial multiplier, the manga says otherwise. Gentei Kaijo suppresses their spiritual powers (doesn't say reiatsu specifically iirc) by 5x, Renji says twice that this leads to combat ability by 5x. That's not speculation. That's just stated outright.

Is it consistent with Hitsugaya getting smoked by Shawlong? It could be, but it's arguing away from the details. Either way, it's clear that Royd is a huge percentage of Yhwach's strength in the first invasion...and he is not even top 5. The quincy at the palace are the strongest in overall power, which is all part of the presentation. Even Gremmy is stronger than Royd.

That's not even how that works! All it proves is the exact opposite in that Lloyd and Royd are no different than Asauchi. Again, this is the biggest of reaches I have ever seen.

Ichigo's not even close to 70-80% of Yhwach's power, therefore not close to Royd. Royd would go down high-diff maybe. But even while holding back considerably, blut vene is all that saves Ichigo from a 2-shot blowout against Yhwach. Levels to this. Haschwalth proceeds to prove exactly why this is the case by taking His Majesty's sloppy seconds.

Now Yamamoto? A reasonably tough fight for Royd, so he should also get the benefit of the doubt over Ichigo too.
This goes double for everyone who fought the elites competitively.

Yhwach having to exert genuine effort against a tired, battered and Bankai is chipped to shit Ichigo Kurosaki means he's somehow a fraud and weaker than the other Sternritter and Captains...

Someone need to lose their typing privileges...
"AH ICHIGO! We need your help even though you are pathetically weaker than the other Sternritters to save our asses, you are our only hope!" "Ichigo is coming to the Soul Society! We will have this in the bag!"
They do realize that everything else goes against this retarded interpretation right?
Like, no joke, this is the stupidest Sables has ever been in trying to STILL pretend the Bambiettes are somehow High Tier Sternritters and was a threat to True Shikai Ichigo, let alone Fullbring Bankai Ichigo.
The nigga needs to genuinely take the fucking L, real talk because this shit is fucking embarrassing.
@Astaro @Paxton @Thegoldenboy2188
It seems like on SB that niggas debating to aru shit have fallen into that same issue that nasuverse did where they spend like 5 pages arguing about who's stronger than what and how strong certain characters are

Well that's inevitable considering that tends to be the case when it comes to certain series, even their favorites when they pin them against each other...


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
@Astaro @Paxton @Thegoldenboy2188
It seems like on SB that niggas debating to aru shit have fallen into that same issue that nasuverse did where they spend like 5 pages arguing about who's stronger than what and how strong certain characters are

people comparing Goku's punches to Curtana Original's dimension severing is funny as fuck though:tupac
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