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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

Dr. Watson

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[vote lynch T-pein]
well we gotta vote on someone
and the biggest heel i know is tpein

I do like a good heel
[change vote lynch flower]

Dr. Watson

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Vote lynch Xadlin

Not on Gad, either, just throwaway votes with zero traction. No reasons given, just freely handing out a vote. No specifics and no elaboration on his process.

If anyone has a way to decipher mechanically (somehow - very much doubt this) what he's doing precisely, speak now.

I can't spend anymore time trying to understand the cryptic meanings and the way he's articulating and approaching things. But his inconsistency is ringing alarm bells.

So, if anyone has enough patience to allow him to speak further, do so now.

He's going in the bin otherwise.


Gram just looks like scum tbh.
You haven't explained why, just harping on about it. Is this still based on his entry post?
Vote Gram.

We go back.

Also concerning that you jumped out at the chance to cheap confirm yourself, and I doubt you and Fuji pull this as aligned players. Town Flower I can work with. Hopefully it doesn't take us 9 days to confirm ourselves this time


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
@Flower what was with your weird entry btw? You tried acting hard on Gram and then gave up weakly. Interesting change up
Tried a new tactic to break my meta. Failed cuz I can't play differently for 2 minutes without somebody calling me out kek.

Back to old meta I go.


Okay confession time so we move past this embarassing moment and we stop thinking Im a dumbass.

I saw part of my characters name and glossed over the pic and saw that I was town so I assumed based on that characters name that Moriah was part of the scum team given how that characters shadow gets stolen. Turns out Im that characters zombie stolen shadow.


If he's legit here, then the wolves fucked up with their kill last night.

Dr. Watson

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Tried a new tactic to break my meta. Failed cuz I can't play differently for 2 minutes without somebody calling me out kek.

Back to old meta I go.
I get that, but it feels random, like

Why this game did you try break the consistency of your developed meta (which makes people easier to townhunt you)?


Based on the early interactions (page 7) I've got Flower, Pein and gram as town leans. Tempest doing a lot of reacts but no posts yet.

Dr. Watson

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Flower: Gram-Fuji-Yoho-Gram-TPein-Yoho-Gad-Xadlin-Gad
Polar Bear: Rugrat-Tpein
Luka: Polar Bear-Ripped Cal [Vote Invalid, please use proper names]-invalid -Xadlin
Yohoho1996 : Magic-Xadlin
Grammaton: Flower-Gad
Aurelian: Gram-Unvote
Fujishiro: Flower-Yoho-Flower-Watson
T-Pein: Rugrat-Flower-Fuji-Flower-Gad
Nibel: Fuji
HeWhoHasNoEqual: Fuji (Invalid Vote)-Gad
Rugrat: Gram (Invalid Vote)
Great Potato: T-Pein
Orca: No lynch-Tempest
Tweet: Polar Bear
Tempest: Gad
Magic: Dr. Watson-Orca
Gad: Orca

Gad: 5
Orca: 3
Xadlin: 2
T-Pein: 2
Tempest: 1
Fuji: 1
Polar Bear: 1
Dr. Watson: 1

1. @T-Pein™
2. @Great Potato
3. @Chairman Nibel
4. @Gadministraitor
5. @Flower
6. @Polar Bear
7. @Tempest
8. @RDK
9. @The Orca
10. @Fujishiro
11. @Aurelian
12. @Luka
13. @Grammaton
14. @yohoho1996
15. @HeWhoHasNoEqual
16. @Rugrat
17. @Magic
18. @Hans Tweetenberg
19. @Xadlin
20. @Dr. Watson

Less then 11 hours till EOD


Which is kinda standard practice and nai as any logical player would hold that card close to their chest given he looked close to swing at the stage anyway. And it's d1, you don;'t wanna be claiming cop unless wagon has formed on you for play and it's an escape, re: Alco at christmas

Dr. Watson

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Assignment to the class.

1. 3 people you feel should not be lynched today, period

1. 3 people you are comfortable lynching

Dr. Watson

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Which is kinda standard practice and nai as any logical player would hold that card close to their chest given he looked close to swing at the stage anyway. And it's d1, you don;'t wanna be claiming cop unless wagon has formed on you for play and it's an escape, re: Alco at christmas
No I absolutely agree

I'm asking whether he felt a sense of urgency to warn others of not role revealing

How many newbies are in this game?