• We are currently rolling out incremental alterations to the forum. Don't freak! You aren't going crazy.

NF banned crew


Active member
Top 5 favorite usenotes :naruramen?
Hard to say.

I spent a lot of time reading usernotes. It's interesting to see what people over a 15-year period thought of a person. Most notes (especially nowadays) are mundane, but there was a period where mods would say whatever the fuck they wanted and left some hilarious usernotes.

martyrn, for example, got absolutely roasted in his usernotes, even before the whole pedophile thing. There's probably a dozen usernotes of people calling him an asshole, shitbag, etc.

IIRC, Blue had the most usernotes ever, like, 200+ notes of random banter with him and the other mods.

Von Gos

Shut Up, Island
One usernote that sticks out as especially funny is that Whitebeard left this image in Potato-kun's usernotes:

Stop leaking.

And don't talk about Whitebeard without his consent.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Soo...you think inviting her here's a good idea or nah? If she even responds that is.

All I remember from those last three days was that Kitsune got caught red-handed for trying to prevent Gin from being made into advisor in a staff discussion thread, old PM convos that Kits had with her lackeys (cough Krory) and that managed to spill

The fact that she's a bit of a codependant, half asian, and her husband ran away from her and never came back once :mjgrin

Didnt help her case either
Leave her personal shit out of this, please.

And I’m fine with her joining here.

It’s expected that no one brings old age drama here and that this is a clean slate.
This excludes Mbxx, of course, because… well. You know.

Von Gos

Shut Up, Island
I, for one, think we should welcome Mbxx with open arms. This forum could have some use for his German engineering; there are a lot of disturbingly functional forum tools that remain unbroken, as well as a bloated user interface filled with superfluous features (why does anyone need to know my user name?), and so on. Maybe someone should send him an invite here.

Son Goku

i'll be honest, i have no beef with her

if she'd still like to even talk to me i'd be glad to talk to her as well, and maybe catch up on our lives a bit
holding grudges and being angry over stuff from years ago is a waste of time, i stopped doing it because it will fuck you up long term and it's really fucking lonely

so sure, why not, i personally don't mind at all
Upgrade me to permed.

(I wish my dick was as big as Mbxx's.)
Welcome to the club friend.


Not permed or anything. Decided to be a rat minus the diseases and ticks and jumped ship. That and free Name change w/o much hassle.