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  1. Vermiform

    What if...

    Regimes and dictatorships rely on boring people, it's the "exciting" people they dislike. There's a reason movies love that grey/monochrome filter over dystopian settings, gotta sell that feeling of monotony and death of individualism. Reminds me of the first act of the russian movie Stalker (nothing like the game btw) and how the director tried to express life in such a society.
  2. Vermiform

    I don't need to sell my soul

    So it'll just end up where you go it from then :son:
  3. Vermiform

    I have seen the face of God

    You wouldn't be alive if you did. I have more recollections of the old testament and if I remember correctly seeing Him would vaporise you :hm
  4. Vermiform

    I don't need to sell my soul

    Already made a soul selling joke wtf. Yo gothic boy did you eat uranium or something? I don't like clairvoyants.
  5. Vermiform

    Event What would your signature sandwich be?

    2 toasts 1 butter
  6. Vermiform

    What would you do if you won the lottery?

    Get the fuck out of town, change my name and wait out till the news of my "victory" fades away.
  7. Vermiform

    Last Item Bought?

    My soul. Well half of it for the price of the other half.
  8. Vermiform

    Are you Cool

    My buttocks crevice is almost always moist no matter if I am sitted or upright. It appears I am by nature above average warmly blooded.
  9. Vermiform

    The random photos you took thread a.k.a. selfies of other things

    Not my pic but for reference.
  10. Vermiform

    I turned your sister Lesbian

    I always thought this was rare but apparently it's rather common, mom almost died because the fetus remained for like a few weeks after the birth but hey.
  11. Vermiform

    Sun burn

    Great minds suffer the same mental issues.
  12. Vermiform

    I turned your sister Lesbian

    I had a twin who died in the womb.
  13. Vermiform

    Sun burn

    That's some 18th century slut problems right there.
  14. Vermiform

    I don't have a dick...

    Bigger than smallest is still smaller than biggest.
  15. Vermiform

    Origins of your username choices

    Things that go hump in the night. Sometimes they just flash you. Sometimes they might sniff you. And sometimes if the need demands it they jerk each other off when there's no one else around.
  16. Vermiform

    Reported for being lame.

    Reported for being lame.
  17. Vermiform

    Sum up the poster above you in three words or less

    No fucks taken. :LOS
  18. Vermiform


  19. Vermiform

    I turned myself on...

    I turned myself on...