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  1. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I did better scum hunting than most of the town, if you listened to my advice then you might have won.
  2. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Always feels nice to bask in victory. Well done team. Aurelian MVP
  3. Great Potato

    21st Budokai form a Pirate Crew

    That said, much like God Enel, Bacterian does have one natural kryptonite that could end his whole run: This is the true sleeper team killer right here. Can eliminate the stench of Bacterian, has Roshi and Ranfan caught on sexual harassment charges, and early Yamcha still had Sanji syndrome. They'll have approach this arc with extreme caution if they want to make it Blackbeard down the line.
  4. Great Potato

    21st Budokai form a Pirate Crew

    Bacterian does look like Blackbeard's long lost brother, perhaps there is a connection and that becomes the final battle for the throne.
  5. Great Potato

    21st Budokai form a Pirate Crew

    The participants of the 21st Budokai form a Pirate crew and take the place of the Strawhat Pirates, that is: -Master Roshi (Captain) -Goku -Krillin -Yamcha -Nam -Giran -Ranfan -Bactrian Scenario 1: Goku and Roshi are restricted to base Scenario 2: Roshi can go Max Power and Goku can turn Great...
  6. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Nah, this is it. I'll be curious to find out who the scum are.
  7. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I'd go on Orca first.
  8. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I think that Orca or T-Pein are better options personally.
  9. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Also worthwhile to note that Rugrat is another with about no contributions to the thread outside of meek questioning and pushes that he instantly backs off from. Probably apply some pressure to him next phase to make sure he doesn't skirt another full round.
  10. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I'd read you Town.
  11. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I knew he wasn't my character, so Lola was the one remaining possibility with that story.
  12. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Lola He said he saw the name on his character sheet yet assumed he was a Strawhat ally. That didn't make sense to me until I realized the possibility of Lola who is the one zombie that would share a name with a Strawhat ally.
  13. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I've basically put my reads out and said what needed to be said. Unless the thread has anything more to ask then that's probably it.
  14. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    You're still there
  15. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Grammaton Flower Hans Tweetenberg Luka Those are my stronger town reads.
  16. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    I'll be rooting for @Flower to win, because that's Gecko Moria. Also get rid of Orca when I'm gone.
  17. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Risky Bros
  18. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    His posts come off as highly performative. We are this far in the game and he's been decently involved, but there's still no idea on what his reads are. He has only town cleared myself this entire game if you look through his post history, too early on in the game for it to have made much sense for him to feel strongly about me, yet not enough for him to have any resistance jumping on my wagon. Most of his Phase 1 day was built tunneling on Tempest where started building the argument to justify that after his vote was placed instead of beforehand, and now doesn't have an issue with Tempest at all. One moment he is enjoying the wagon that Grammaton is building on Magic and wants to push it through, but the next he thinks Magic's wagon on me also looks good and that's where his vote should land. We're nearing the end of Day 2 and the only semblance of reads I have for Orca's direction this game is that it basically fluctuates based on whatever is convenient for him at the time.
  19. Great Potato

    Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

    Vote Nibel to Win Duel Vote Lynch Orca